Then followed a scene, a hateful, idiotic scene, with unexpected reproaches, unsuitable recriminations, then tears.
Other private failings you ought to know, in order to avoid making a mistake some day by employing an assistant unsuitable for a particular duty: do not, however, take individuals to task.
Not even here did the matter rest, since some unsuitable persons were still enrolled.
If it becomes hungry twice a day, it is more liable to overload and derange the stomach, and if left too long hungry it is tempted to take in unsuitable and unwholesome feed, for which its stomach is as yet unprepared.
The words contain an unsuitable consolation, as Ahaz could not be benefitted by so late a destruction of his enemy.
Unless we mean to adopt the altogether unsuitable expedient of explaining it of a wild twig which shoots forth from the roots of a still standing tree, we cannot but think of a stem cut down to the very root.
Grapes which are unsuitable for raisins, dessert, wine-making or grape-juice can be used for vinegar-making.
Many mistakes are made in the great grape regions in planting on unsuitable soils, the planter going on the assumption that any soil in a grape region should be good enough for the grape.
Nor was the marriage unsuitable in point either of the age or of the rank of the contracting parties.
Footnote 21: Marriages, however, of persons of unsuitable ages were freely made in these old times.
And even if she did get such uncalled-for, such unsuitable dresses, the sum total from a country dressmaker would not amount to seventy pounds.
Her dress was, of course, very unsuitable for the time of triumph she hoped to have in the gay capital and during her time abroad with Lady Lushington and Mabel.
Most unsuitablefor a schoolgirl," said Lady Lushington.
Diarrhoea arising through the irritation of unsuitable food in the stomach and bowels must be treated as follows:-- 1.
A straight back is not desirable, this formation being unsuitable for uphill work, and very unsightly.
A variety of causes are capable of bringing this about, but the presence of worms, cold, feeding on liver and other unsuitable foods, are, in all probability the most frequent causes.
The errors frequent in the use of hyperboles, arise either from overstraining them, or from introducing them on unsuitable occasions.
But it were a great pity, that versification so faulty and unsuitable should ever be imitated.
The errors frequent in the use of hyperboles, arise either from overstraining, or introducing them on unsuitable occasions.
This manner of translating appears to me not less unsuitable in reference to the spirit and thread of the harangue, than awkward as regards the individual words.
The words really mean: “taking farther resolutions (after the expedition was gone) unsuitableor mischievous to the absent armament.
The character, too, gave scope for those jests and scurrilities, which seem to have been indispensable ingredients in a Roman comedy, but which would be unsuitable in the mouths of more dignified persons.
The stern republicans seem to have considered poetry as an art which captives and slaves might cultivate, for the amusement of their conquerors, or masters, but which it would be unsuitable for a grave and lofty patrician to practice.
When the lover in Plautus apologizes to his friend for having engaged him in an enterprize so unsuitable to his years, he replies-- "Quid ais tu?
Perhaps the spirit of free-thinking which pervaded his writings, rendered it unsuitable or unsafe to extol even his poetical talents.
It was an ornament which was quiteunsuitable to your sister's station in life.
It is a foolish community that can house whole classes, useful and helpful, honest and loyal classes, in such squalidly unsuitable dwellings.
The quality of the paper of which most marbled papers are made is so poor, that it is unsuitable for use as end papers.
Vellum is a durable material, and can be had of good quality, but it is so easily influenced by changes of temperature, that it is rather an unsuitable material for most bindings.
The Ordnance Department was confronted with the dilemma of approving and issuing a weapon pronounced unsuitable by its own experts and thus obtaining speedy production, or of delaying until interchangeability was established.
These became unsuitable as soon as new varieties of powerful poisons were brought out.
Is it the first time then, that an unhappy, unsuitable marriage has been dissolved in order to form a happier union?
Many spawning sites normally used by channel catfish were exposed, and others were rendered unsuitable because of the increased clarity of the water.
These species probably used the mainstream as a refugium during drought; with the resumption of flow, conditions became unsuitable for these populations in the mainstream.
That there should be some ultraists, who would not know where to stop in the extravagant andunsuitable claims they urge, was to be expected.
The size of this machine rendered it unsuitable for experiment in any but very calm weather, and it incurred such damage when experiments were made in a breeze that Pilcher found it necessary to build a fourth, which he named the 'Hawk.
To make unsuitable in quantity, form, or fitness to an end; to violate symmetry in; to mismatch; to join unfitly.
Having a tendency to dissolve social connections; unsuitable to society; unsociable.
Still, how often do we see a photographic portrait stuck against a sky as spotty, flickering, andunsuitable as the one just described!
How seriously are the importance and brilliancy of the head interfered with by the introduction of such an unsuitable background!
A tree, for instance, may be photographed, and its whole character changed by selecting a bad and unsuitable light, or by bad manipulation.
In addition to the unfitness of such scenes to the character and every-day life of the sitter, they are the most unsuitable for pictorial effect that can possibly be employed.
Blacks were numerous and very hostile, and, though cattle throve well, the country was found unsuitable for sheep, so that expansion from the Moreton district was very slow.