I heard he'd been sent on as an eastern agent of some big Kansas City packin' house.
He'd been sentup to Mr. Robert's club with the message for Oggie Kendall to come down and do his director stunt.
The fact that McLane and I had been closeted with the commodore for an hour, that orders for the boat and stores had been made, that the chaplain and clerk had been sent out of the cabin, etc.
Bragg said afterward that Beauregard had been sent for by Jefferson Davis, and that it was rumored that he had been made a brigadier-general, of which fact he seemed jealous, because in the old army Bragg was the senior.
During the siege General Sherman had been sent to Smithland, at the mouth of the Cumberland River, to forward reinforcements and supplies to me.
If you hadn't been sent to save me, I should ha' gone to the grave in my misery.
Have these flowers," she inquired eagerly, "been sent to me alone, or have all the other girls got some too?
They have this very day got the paper, and gone to paste it; and would they, for whatever they need, have still waited until they had been sent for?
Permit me to confide to you, also, under the same secrecy, my fears that orders have not yetbeen sent to all the ports.
Injustice to Major Mitchell and Captain Muir, who were taken at Petersburg, I have the honor to inform your Excellency that they had been sent to that place on public service.
Yes—and the poor old creature has been sent to quod by the beaks at Hicks's Hall, till she finds sureties for her good behaviour in future," was the reply.
When Bones reached the place whither he had bent his steps, he learnt to his satisfaction that Toby Bunce had been sent out by his wife on some errand which would keep him at least an hour away.
But as I read the account in the newspapers, it certainly looked so black against this Sheepshanks, that had he been sent to Newgate, he would have had no more than his due.
Unto this testifieth that which hath been sentdown by the Most Sublime Pen in this lucid Tablet.
Thus hath it been sent down by the Most Sublime Pen for the people of Bahá, on the part of Him Who is the Counsellor, the Omniscient.
But they'd been sent out to bother the British, you see, and try to hold them back by skirmishes and a few such gentle deeds.
On a ladder set up on the earth, with the top of it reaching to heaven, he beheld the two angels who had been sent to Sodom.
When Esau received the first drove, he would think he had the whole gift that had been sent to him, and suddenly he would be astonished by the appearance of the second portion, and again by the third.
You will perceive, by reading the enclosed letter which has been sent to us, that you are fighting against good and virtuous men, and trusting to wicked and treacherous ones.
Even then we could not discover whither you had been sent--not until yesterday.
In our Holy Russia many good men and women have, because of their love for their own land, been sent to drag out their lives in the dreariness of the Siberian prison camps.
My daughter, you have, I believe, been sentto me by our mutual friend," he said.
For this reason Pontius Cominius had been sent to Rome to obtain the sanction of the senate and the curies.
All the orders and proclamations have been sent express, as the telegraph communication between this and Agra is obstructed.
He asked if this was the form which had been sent to you, and if you had consulted people there upon it.
Fox is out of England, but has, as we understand, been sent for.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "been sent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.