For, had it not been for my jacket, doubtless, I had yet been a member of my old mess, and so have escaped making the luckless odd number among my present companions.
Of a damp day, my heartless shipmates even used to stand up against me, so powerful was the capillary attraction between this luckless jacket of mine and all drops of moisture.
No more of myluckless jacket for a while; let me speak of my hammock, and the tribulations I endured therefrom.
I execrated my luckless garment; how often I scoured the deck with it to give it a tawny hue; how often I supplicated the inexorable Brush, captain of the paint-room, for just one brushful of his invaluable pigment.
And suddenly he was nose to nose with the widow, who had slowly risen and now confronted him majestically, her foot upon the luckless Papa Gato.
Such was a legend that might not have escaped Columbus's attention even in his own country, associating with it the names of the luckless Tedisio Doria and Ugolino Vivaldi in their efforts to find a western way to India.
They have imagined that some editor, willful or careless, has thrown this luckless accompaniment upon them.
With a fearful, despairing yell the luckless fellow went past us and down, and as he did so I saw clinging to his shoulders a frightened animal and knew that we had seen the last of Pedro and his monkey.
Luckless venture that it was--no sooner did the canoe grate on the beach than a wakeful woman in a hut on the bank set up a squealing and squalling.
Willie, it seems, had been engaged in the praiseworthy occupation of spying on Neil Gleazen, and had one eye firmly fixed to the keyhole of the cabin door when the monkey calmly jabbed teeth and claws into the luckless boy's leg.
You know I have always upheld your cause; but this luckless work.
And with as gallant a humour as that of his own Luckless did he walk afoot, when those "nine ragged jades the muses" failed to bring him a competency.
Luckless next appeals to what should be his landlady's heart, assuring her that unless she be so kind as to invite him "I am afraid I shall scarce prevail on my Stomach to dine to-day.
Cheers, sometimes yells, greeted each arrival; and when presently there lumbered up some staid old four- wheeler with a luckless new boy on board, the demonstration became most imposing.
Railsford, after what had happened, was hardly likely to consider Bateson's lot a happy one, and kept a sharp look-out to prevent any mischief coming to the luckless Baby on account of his confessions.
Don't make all that noise," said Railsford quietly, for theluckless baronet was almost out of his wits.
Old Bailey counsel to his peers, well aware that the luckless author sat nervously within ear-shot.
But Vasily the Luckless lived with his wife and mother-in-law, and was happy and prosperous and kind to the poor, and gave them meat and drink and clothed them, and disposed of all the wealth of Marko the Rich.
So they deliberated, and agreed to send away Vasily theLuckless with Marko the Rich.
When she saw Vasily, she cried: "Is it Vasily theLuckless that has fallen into this accursed place?
As for the luckless idols, they received more hard knocks than supplications.
This incident opened my eyes to a new danger; and I now felt convinced that in some luckless hour I should be disfigured in such a manner as never more to have the FACE to return to my countrymen, even should an opportunity offer.
Who would believe that there could be any one so cruel as to long for the decapitation of the luckless Pedro; yet the sailors pray every minute, selfish fellows, that the miserable fowl may be brought to his end.
And then theluckless Elmendorf was seized with an inspiration.
The luckless husband rushes to her feet {181} and tries vainly to restrain the fast-ebbing life.
Scarcely have the luckless words escaped his lips, than a violent sound of thunder is heard.
Although her husband asks her to trust him, she fears that he may once leave her as mysteriously, as he came, and at last she cannot refrain from asking the luckless question.
It seems that the luckless Andrew was coming, so he averred, expressly to expostulate with the boys, to throw himself on their generosity for a subscription towards his ruined greenhouse, and to ask Messrs.
Or of the seemingly luckless accident killing off our intending benefactor just before that promised codicil?
How it has happened that our luckless crowned philosopher has been the common mark at which so many quivers have been emptied, should be quite obvious when so many causes were operating against him.
Such was the influence of the ideal presence; and barren will be his imagination, and luckless his fortune, who, claiming the honours of genius, has never been touched by such a temporary delirium.
Even the rawest of their numbers, the luckless waisters and after-guard, were apparently as confident of victory as those whose audacity might plead the apology of uniform and often repeated success.
By the time the luckless Marquis had a little recovered, Pepe had achieved the adornment of his person, which he proceeded to take out walking, very correctly and exquisitely dressed in a frock-coat.
What pangs these costumes must have cost her luckless husband!
The old man thanked her heartily for her advice, and turned back, for the third time, towards the Luckless River.
Just as the old man was going through a forest, which was between the river Luckless and his house, an old woman met him, and said, 'Stop a moment!
We had hardly time to draw a breath of relief before the other rock fell with a mighty crash right in the midst of our luckless vessel, smashing it into a thousand fragments, and crushing, or hurling into the sea, passengers and crew.
The collections made at the church door largely supplied the amounts necessary for effecting the ransom of those luckless sailors who fell into the clutches of the pirates.
As soon as public worship began, the elder started on his quest, and the luckless delinquents were hunted in home and alehouse.
KING [curtly] I am a luckless man; And muster strength to bear my lucklessness Without vain hope of consolations now.
Fifty impatient pairs of hands seized the luckless man, and allowing him no further utterance, hurried him away to the small platform ten yards distant, within full view of us.
Again I shouted to my luckless fellow-prisoner, but Tiamo remarked, "See!
James wanted greater changes, but deferred them till he visited Scotland in 1617, when he was attended by the luckless figure of Laud, who went to a funeral--in a surplice!