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Example sentences for "runs"

Lexicographically close words:
runnings; runny; runo; runoff; runoffs; runt; runts; runty; runway; runways
  1. Do you suppose that a woman who runs a farm dairy of fifty cows, while her husband banks and post-offices and groceries would be at all routed by a few yards of lace and muslin and a current copy of 'The Woman's Review'?

  2. It was no longer my barn--it was merely the entrance to a model poultry farm that spread out acres and acres of model houses and runs behind it.

  3. The still current runs

    deep, and the man who is actually accomplishing the most is frequently--perhaps always the man who is making the least display of his strength.

  4. The body, the machine, runs more smoothly, and fewer stops for repairs are made necessary.

  5. The Trans-Andean Railroad runs near it, and we soon were in the city of Buenos Aires.

  6. At least, so runs the tale; and now for the sequel.

  7. You cannot make beds or alleys of it: it all runs together like a place where hens have been scratching; and consequently it is the most difficult thing in the world to have ornamental grounds.

  8. A wide, cool hall runs through the centre; and wide verandas, both above and below, go around the whole four sides.

  9. If you puncture the blister the water runs out.

  10. A large branch from the brain, called the spinal cord, runs down through the middle of the backbone, so that the separate bones look as if they were strung on the spinal cord, like beads on a string.

  11. Sometimes, when a person runs very fast or takes any kind of violent exercise, the lungs become so filled with blood that a blood-vessel is broken.

  12. One of the branches which goes to the hand runs along the back side of the arm, passing over the elbow.

  13. The spinal cord runs down through a canal in the backbone, and all along gives off branches to the various parts of the body.

  14. Then the tears are carried off by means of a little tube which runs down into the nose from the inner corner of the eye.

  15. A difficult fugue to sing, yet it runs out as smoothly as the conventional tag of Shakespeare's own day, whose place, indeed, it takes.

  16. We brought water from the stream which runs among the trees under our windows.

  17. The walls are cracked and water runs upon them in thin threads without sound, black and glistening as blood.

  18. The Golden One were kneeling alone at the moat which runs through the field.

  19. The dorsal part of this web gives birth to seven pairs of filiform muscles, which traverse the liver, and are attached to a muscular riband which, passing above the lungs, runs the whole length of the ventral parietes.

  20. With regard to their circular distribution in the Crustacea, Mr. MacLeay thinks the series runs from the Branchiopods or Monoculus L.

  21. When a nervure, or a branch of it, after running towards the apex of the wing, turns back and runs towards the base.

  22. To catch Bruno with, when he runs away from his lessons!

  23. It often runs in families," she remarked: "just as a love for pastry does.

  24. A love story, simple and tender, runs through the book.

  25. I know what you fellows are--when you begin to draw plans your love of the ideal runs away with the other man's pocketbook.

  26. The head of the gulf runs up towards the province of Carniola, and approaches within forty miles (at the outside) of the lake of Czirknitz (see note above).

  27. It runs thus--'Suspiries whiche I effunde in silence.

  28. So runs the world away, south of the Potomac.

  29. The statute of limitations runs in his favor; and his old opinions are outlawed.

  30. A score of similar instances will readily occur to anyone who runs over in his memory the course of our municipal history for the last dozen years, but there is no time to repeat or even to refer to them here.

  31. It runs thus: "The first thing we do, let's kill the lawyers.

  32. He who fights and runs away, May live to fight another day; But he who is in battle slain Can never rise and fight again.

  33. Smooth runs the water where the brook is deep.

  34. Is it the result of its emptiness, of its torpid services, of the froth of runs and trills they send up there, of its being closed in a hurry in the evening and never open till so late in the morning, long after daybreak?

  35. This thought runs through the history of the Reformation till to-day.

  36. Sunday, who does not take the communion every four weeks, who runs in debt, who has disreputable associates, who shows no determination, etc.

  37. The clamor of the Liberals for freedom of the press runs counter to their own principle, their proper will.

  38. Then it runs thus: My power is my property.

  39. From the first page to the last a unique thought circulates, but it divides itself among an infinity of vessels and arteries in each of which runs a blood so rich in ferments that one is tempted to describe them all.

  40. Hate runs through whole races merely because the ancestors of the one belonged to the Guelphs, those of the other to the Ghibellines.

  41. He runs everything which he touches into extravagance.

  42. The river that runs through it makes of it, as it were, two regions with distinct physiognomies--all on the left is pasture land, all on the right arable.

  43. The principle of marriage runs through all creation, and flowers as well as animals are male and female.

  44. According to one of our Italian friends the story runs this way: Frederick wished some bread and his chef sent him in a loaf that was of unusual color and flavor.

  45. Stir for twenty minutes until a foam rises, then take out and wash thoroughly until the water runs clear.

  46. The young man says--I will be happy and do what I like; and runs after what he calls pleasure.

  47. In animals that live in perpetual darkness we should expect to find, in accordance with the principle of adaptation which runs through the whole of organic nature, that the eyes are wanting or imperfectly developed.

  48. The chief part of the nervous system is the ventral nerve-chain, which runs along the under-side of the body.

  49. The food-canal consists of a short gullet leading into a capacious stomach, from which the straight intestine runs to the vent on the under-side of the telson.

  50. It runs thus: 'Tell me not, sweet, I am unkind, That from the nunnery Of thy chaste breast and quiet mind To war and arms I fly.

  51. But it seems to me that everything runs to meat.

  52. This fish seems mighty heavy," said he, "and it runs around different from a cod.

  53. The land runs out there, and, granted any decent kind of luck, the boys probably made a landing--if they could keep afloat so far.

  54. Then start the blow-pipe to play on the tube just where it runs on to the asbestos cylinder, and at first right up to the lashing.

  55. In the diagram the bottom of the slider runs on to a brass spring between the girder and the base of the appliance, and so gets jammed; the spiral spring acts merely as an additional guard.

  56. And, to crown all these deeds of kindness, he runs away now, after stealing twelve millions, leaving us nothing but misery and a disgraced name.

  57. Whilst Maxence runs to the drug-store, let us go into the Fortins' office.

  58. How many of the debt-collecting cases in the County Court are concerned with the good lady who runs into debt with the tally-man or other tradesman to the husband unknown?

  59. And the Roman imprisonment for debt in some shape or other runs through the social systems of the Middle Ages, being harsh in one place and less cruel in another, and mitigated at one date and aggravated at another.

  60. It is commonly said of those who desire to abolish imprisonment for debt that they have a lower sense of honesty than their opponents, that their views tend to encourage the man who runs into debt and will not pay when he can.

  61. A wage earner to-day who runs up bills with tally-men and grocers obtains credit upon the security of his body.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "runs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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