And, after hearing this exposition of the nature and the elements and the rights and the muniments of marriage, it is for you to infer which is the system which God ordained in the beginning.
Are you to inferthat John Milton had these three wives simultaneously?
Would he have me infer that because some manuscripts are lost, therefore that book is not the authentic word of God and the revealed will of High Heaven?
Now faith acting thus on Christ, as a public person, dying and overcoming death and sin, the believer may not only infer the certainty of victory, knowing that our old man is crucified with Christ, Rom.
Certainly he had no right to leave Judge Duer to inferthat the discrepancies noted below had received his scrutiny and approval.
One might infer from the silence of all records and writers that it was the fanciful scheme of an individual which exercised no influence whatever on the Convention and did not contribute a single line or sentence to the Constitution.
For you are well again now, as good as entirely well--that I infer from all the reports, with the same confidence with which a few days ago I pronounced our death-sentence.
He appears to be a wealthy man; for he is wearing a pair of fine boots and as far as I can infer from his exterior he seems to be a hunter.
The Bollandists had thought themselves able to infer it from the account where Thomas of Celano (1 Cel.
All that we know of him, of his tendencies, his struggle for the strict observance, accords with what the known fragments of the Legenda Antiqua permit us to infer as to its author.
I infer that you are opposed to my taking a nomination for chief judge, and it is quite likely you are right about it; but I feel that there has been a great break in my life, and that it may be as well to start on a new track.
As I inferthat the drift of the meeting is to touch the Presidential question, it is proper to say, that in a contest practically between Gen.
We can infer what manner of man he was from the fact that through life, he was held in the highest esteem by the enlightened men of the day.
I did not intend that you should infer that I was opposed to your acquiring the languages.
The mere fact of the existence of such a relationship as naturally creates influence over the mind will lead the courts to infer the probability of undue influence having been exerted.
The bubbles occasioned by her descent were crimsoned with blood as they arose, leading the distracted Baron to infer that his ill-judged curiosity had occasioned the death of this interesting and mysterious being.
Some expressions in the record of the subsequent transactions would induce us toinfer that he had, after his condemnation, been at large and was again taken into custody (sub custodiâ carcerali iterum arrestatus).
Norfolk, which are probably only specimens of the returns from other counties, would lead us toinfer that most of his subjects, who were both willing and able to join his standard, had already been drained off.
Internal evidence would induce us to infer that it was composed before Henry's death, and just after his marriage with Katharine: "The fairest flower in all France, To the rose of England I give free.
Do not infer from this that I think Leonora would hesitate to make great sacrifices.
By this mode of argument, you may conclude that reason is totally useless to the whole human race; but you cannot, with any show of justice, infer that it ought to be monopolized by one-half of mankind.
You will infer that I don't care about Parliament, from the fact of my not being there?
I infer from what he told me that he is subject to such attacks.
I infer that it must be because I feel just as she felt about it.
You will also at once infer the nature and even the terms of the toast I am about to propose on the present occasion.
Bayle claims to inferthence that God is therefore not free.
For I have already observed that those who employ this axiom, that one does not fail to do what one wills when one can, and who thence infer that God therefore does not will the salvation of all, imply a decretory will.
Bayle fears that one might with Strato thence infer that the world also could have become regular through a blind necessity.
One knows that he takes care of the whole universe, whereof all the parts are connected; and one must thence infer that he has had innumerable considerations whose result made him deem it inadvisable to prevent certain evils.
To say that what has already happened was of no interest to the wisdom of God, and[236] thence to infer that it is therefore not necessary, is to make a false assumption and argue incorrectly to a true conclusion.
I had from time to time given Pepper slight but impressive hints of my admiration for Some One (this was in the early part of Miss Glentworth's visit); I had also led him to infer that my admiration was not altogether in vain.
The small amount of baggage which the lady brought with her would have led the superficial observer to infer that Miss Abigail's visit was limited to a few days.
Do you mean me to infer that you're humble and contrite?
I infer that Hunter's conference was to be confined to the southern Indians.
Aldhelm himself wrote ænigmas so much in the manner of Symposius, that one might reasonably enough infer there was no great difference in their respective ages.
She was worshipped under the same title in Britain, as we may infer from an Inscription at Sir Robert Cotton's, of Connington, in Cambridgeshire.
Hence the writings of Hermes were inscribed the works of the Shepherd Prince, as we may infer from the Greek transcript: for that was written in imitation of the former, and called [1255]Poimandras.
The Goddess [6]Isis was thus represented: and we may infer that Hermes had the like ornaments; which the Greeks mistook for feathers, and have in consequence of it added wings to his feet.
If Cadmus brought letters from Phenicia, how came he to bring but sixteen; when the people, from whom he imported them, had undoubtedly more, as we may infer from their neighbours?
Those styled Tritonian were oracular; as we mayinfer from the application made by the Argonauts.
We may also infer from the servitude, to which the people of Judah were reduced, that he imposed upon them some future contributions.
I would infer from this peculiarity, that Britain is the happy land, where the wisest use has been made of this propensity of the human heart.
We can only infer it from some historical circumstances.
I do not infer this from their having a more real connection with the nation, and a stronger interest in its fate--I prefer them on account of their general habits of thought.
We may infer from the processes and decisions in some of those municipal courts, that a master gave a word and token for each year's progress of his apprentice.
We may further infer with regard to his mastership at Eton, that he was himself influenced by the Eton custom of performing a play at Christmas.
As this woodcut does not occur in any other of Colwell's publications now extant, it seems reasonable to infer that Gammer Gurton was printed long before 1575.
We may infer that the revival of their literary association was connected with the 'canvazing' of the rope-maker's sons.
This was an inherited faculty, and I leave my readers to infer from the following pages whether I have not had my fair share of this inheritance.
This would lead us to infer that, as they are two to one, they more nearly represent the common original, which has been somewhat modified in the hands of St. Luke.
It is fair toinfer that the description of the Valentinian system which follows is drawn chiefly from these sources.
He can be proved to have done this in regard to the Epistles, and therefore it is fair to infer that he dealt in the same way with the Gospel.
He was generally esteemed a wise prince, a title that would seem to infer neither a generous nor a very just one.
The reader, however, is not to infer from this fact any niggardliness of spirit, or any want of faith, on the part of Isabella.
From all of which you infer that the world is round, wherein we are to find the certainty of our success?