He had also public duties, which he discharged with diligence and with success; but it was the thought of the wife's love which nerved him to the fulfilment of these duties, and which rewarded it.
And when, in his prose pamphlets, he has occasion to speak of himself, he does not omit the acknowledgment of "the ceaseless diligence and care of my father, whom God recompense.
In scientific research, also, diligence and accuracy are fundamental qualities.
Edward Gibbon has told us that diligence and accuracy are the only merits which an historical writer can ascribe to himself.
The roads through these districts are, as might be expected, execrable, intersected by large open ditches to carry off the water; and subsequently to each journey the diligence requires extensive repairs.
Rubens when he was in Rome studied the antiquities of the place with the utmost diligence and zeal, as is evidenced by a book published by his brother Philip in 1608.
Art and diligence have now done their best, and what shall be added will be the effort of tedious toil and needless curiosity".
This trait of character, added to his diligence and brilliant attainments, made him a great favorite with the professors.
The journey from Colombo to Ratnapoora may now be easily performed in one day: at that time it required a good nag and careful diligence to accomplish it in two.
And it was no more than need; for though we had used all thediligence possible to prevent any notice, yet somebody, more forward than ordinary, had escaped away, and carried news of it to the Imperial army.
The Duke of Saxony had already a good army which he had with infinite diligence recruited, and mustered them under the cannon of Leipsic.
This was certainly a very good resolution, and no measure could have been more exactly concerted, had not thediligence of the Saxons prevented it.
Such extraordinary diligencehad been used in printing the bill, that it was then ready.
Mr. Ramsay was a man of active habit, of diligence and perseverance in his undertakings, and of extraordinary application.
If it were possible to send ine a line by thediligence to Brighton, how grateful I should be for such an indulgence!
We were going bydiligence to Toledo, and Birch agreed to go with us.
When thou, O king, gavest me a charge concerning the collection of books that were wanting to fill your library, and concerning the care that ought to be taken about such as are imperfect, I have used the utmost diligence about those matters.
Wherefore Antiochus thought it but just to requite the Jews' diligence and zeal in his service.
Such was the diligence of Schlatter that the synod or coetus of the Reformed Church was instituted in 1747, a year from his arrival.
Nevin, as well as to the erudition and immense productive diligence of his associate, Dr.
This is so imperfect an account, and will be so late ere it reach you, that were it not to discharge my conscience I would not trouble you with it; but after all my diligence I could make it no sooner nor better.
Responsibility is left at home or at the worst packed away in the valise, relegated to quite another part of the diligence with the clean shirts and the writing-case.
The young man, I must note, was the most amiable of Ticinese; though he wore no buttons he was attached to the diligence in some amateurish capacity, and had an eye to the mail-bags and other valuables in the boot.
On the 20th I set out in the diligence for Douai, at six o'clock in the morning; and although its distance from Arras is not more than six leagues and a half, I was five hours on the road.
Converse with books, and natives of Spain, a steadfast purpose and unwearied diligence would efface all differences between me and a Castilian with respect to speech.
Scholars of a riper growth, both in Europe and America, have wondered at the precision and loving diligence with which, in his dictionary of the later and Bzyantine Greek, he assessed the corrupt literary coinage of his native land.
To a dozen generations of impressible college students he presented a type of an austere life directed to serene ends, a life sufficient for itself and filled with a never-hastening diligence which issued in vast mental stores.
It is his to enforce diligence and so to assist the vague little life to knit itself solidly together.
In that time God gave me diligence to learn well, in spite of the pains I had to suffer from the other young men.
To-morrow we are off for Paris, and go by diligence to Dijon; thence by railroad.
Then they said, "Do you not think that we are also Christians, who with all care and diligence would finish and end such causes?
Every other result of our "diligence in business" will soon be gone.
Am I not setting an example of diligence and sobriety?