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Example sentences for "obtain some"

  • From Borrow's own letters there is no question that Dr Bowring was acting towards him in a most friendly manner, and really endeavouring to assist him to obtain some sort of employment.

  • He was as usual eager to obtain some sort of work.

  • Borrow left Cornwall the second week in February and was in London on the 10th, where he was to break his journey home in order to obtain some data at the British Museum for the Appendix of The Romany Rye.

  • I directed the hunters to turn out early in the morning and indeavor to obtain some meat.

  • They prize their Canoes very highly; we have been anxious to obtain Some of them, for our journy up the river but have not been able to obtain one as yet from the nativs in this neighbourhood.

  • Before escaping from jail, I had been advised by the prisoners to obtain some onions, as these, rubbed on the soles of my boots, would destroy the scent.

  • It was merely an act of duplicity on their part, to obtain some concession, which might be used against me.

  • I must either perish, or obtain some fluid to slake my raging thirst; so I resolved to catch a little pig, cut its throat, and drink the blood.

  • Coming to a large pasture, in which a number of cows were grazing, I tried to obtain some milk, but none of them would allow me to approach near enough to effect my purpose.

  • The increasing violence of the gale, however, and density of the fog, rendering it absolutely necessary for us to obtain some shelter, we stood out to seaward, with the view of making fast to a large piece of ice.

  • Here the master, for his own purposes, at first behaved better to the natives than he was accustomed to do, as he wanted to obtain some pigs, cocoanuts, and other provisions.

  • We carried several articles for barter, hoping, as we observed a large grove of trees on the shore, to obtain some cocoanuts.

  • We tried to obtain some of their spears and clubs, but with these they would not part.

  • We shall probably be able to obtain some cocoanuts in addition to the water, so that we may keep at sea, without the necessity of landing again, for several days.

  • Adair had left the deck for a few minutes to obtain some refreshment, for he saw that the night was likely to prove a boisterous one, and he intended, as every good commander will do under such circumstances, to remain on deck.

  • Jack, hoping to obtain some news, accordingly waited for her arrival.

  • Robin, having a great wish to obtain some raspberries or bilberries, which were ripe at the time, or some other fruit, while his companion was engaged in cooking the supper, wandered away from the camp in search of them.

  • We had then to obtain some slabs of birch-bark.

  • On our arrival there the chief informed us that he had notice of a large herd of moose being in the neighbourhood; and Alick was very anxious to obtain some, as the flesh is excellent.

  • Kruger and Smit proceeded to Europe to endeavour to raise funds, which were badly needed, and also to obtain some modifications of the Convention.

  • It is from the presence of these heaps in valleys now abandoned by glaciers that we obtain some information as to the former greater extent of glacial action.

  • In entering on any field of inquiry, it is most desirable that the student should obtain some idea as to the ways in which men have been led to the knowledge which they possess concerning the world about them.

  • The night passed slowly, though I managed at intervals, as did Ned, to obtain some sleep.

  • When the monkeys had ceased howling, Pedro began his watch, and I tried to obtain some rest.

  • Towards the morning we pulled into a little sandy bay, where we landed, and threw ourselves down wrapped in our cloaks, to obtain some rest.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obtain some" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    adding pepper and salt; being forced; cannot consent; civilian rule; deserves notice; elephants teeth; five men; good hunting; good lass; local circle; nothing better; obtain food; obtain from; obtain possession; obtain redress; obtain the; obtain their; obtain them; obtain what; obtained leave; obtained mercy; particular case; seventy feet; spiritual guide; summer visitor; velvety black