If I had money," said the page, "I would ask senor ape what will happen me in the peregrination I am making.
Don Quixote explained his wish, and begged him to ask his ape at once to tell him whether certain things which had happened to him in the cave of Montesinos were dreams or realities, for to him they appeared to partake of both.
Here's the divining ape and the show of the Release of Melisendra just coming.
He gets two reals for every question if the ape answers; I mean if his master answers for him after he has whispered into his ear; and so it is believed that this same Master Pedro is very rich.
Had not the Great White Ape mastered and subdued him and, too, had he not fed him?
With the quickness of a cat Tarzan swung the king ape over one hip and sent him sprawling to the ground.
The king ape fell upon his head and lay very still.
The king ape wheeled in anger, growling loudly and beating upon his breast.
In a moment the polished English gentleman reverted to the naked ape man.
The flesh was coarse and tough and gave off an unpleasant odor and a worse taste; but it was food and the blood was drink and Tarzan only an ape at heart and a dying ape into the bargain--dying of starvation and thirst.
As Tarzan drew nearer he called aloud to the ape and the girl heard from the human lips the same sounds that had fallen from those of the anthropoid.
Already Go-lat saw in this young ape a possible contender for the laurels of his kingship and consequently the old bull looked upon Zu-tag with jealousy and disfavor.
By this time Peter had come back with his puppet-show and his ape in a cart.
The knight told him he had a question to put to his ape first, and desired he might tell him whether certain things that happened to him in Montesinos' cave were dreams or realities, for he doubted they had something of both in them.
Where you find the grounds of the braying adventures, that of the Puppet-player, and the memorable divining of the fortune-telling Ape 260 LVIII.
From this, I say, it is apparent this ape is but the organ through which the devil delivers his answers to those that ask it questions; and this same rogue should be put into the Inquisition, and have the truth pressed out of his bones.
Honest Master Peter, you are welcome with all my heart; but where is the ape and the show?
The clever orang had been marvelously trained by Neb, and any one would have said that the Negro and the ape understood each other when they talked together.
As to his name the sailor begged that in memory of another ape which he had known, he might be called Jupiter, and Jup for short.
It may readily be understood that this similarity of tastes of Jup and Pencroft served to tighten the bonds of friendship which already existed between the honest ape and the worthy sailor.
The ape took refuge on the roof, frightened out of his poor wits, and even Sancho Panza was more than ordinarily shaken with fear, for he admitted that he had never seen his master so wrought up.
The ape intimated that by next Friday he should be able to tell more about the adventure; his mind was tired now.
The ape jumped up on his master's shoulder, and began to chatter his teeth as if he were saying something, all the while keeping his mouth close to Master Pedro's ear.
The ape he had bought from some captives who had returned from Barbary; and he had soon taught him the tricks which made people think he was really divining things.
Don Quixote did so, and the ape answered that some of it was true, some of it was not; and immediately Sancho scornfully broke in and said that he had told him so already.
I took my daughter when she was seven years of age to witness the understanding of the ape “Sally.
If the germ of a man never develops into an ape, nor the germ of an ape into a man, why should the full-grown ape have developed into a man?
What seems to me simply irrational is to look for a fossil ape as the father of a fossil man.
I think he would be a bold man who would affirm that even if the orang-outang had been able to articulate, this ape would necessarily, or probably, have become the progenitor of another human race.
This ape has learnt from her keeper the meanings of so many words and phrases, that in this respect she resembles a child shortly before it begins to speak.
For the case of the ape in this connection see above, p.
Whether the denotative stage of language in the ape was first reached by articulation, or (as I think is very much more probable) by vocal sounds of other kinds assisted by gestures and grimace, is similarly immaterial.
The mimic Apebegan his chatter, How evil tongues his life bespatter; Much of the censuring world complain'd.
If such is the tie between women and men, The ninny who weds is a pitiful elf; For he takes to his tail, like an idiot, again, And makes a most damnable ape of himself!
No evolutionist would claim that any existing ape represents the ancestor of man.
The principal anatomical differences between man and the anthropoid apeare the following: Man is a strictly erect animal.
But it is interesting to note that no one ape most closely approaches man in all anatomical respects.
The foot of the ape is less fitted for walking on the ground, where he usually "goes on all fours.
If we take intelligence in a wide and general meaning, we may compare the intelligence shown by this ape with the intelligence shown by man in the highest processes of the mind.
We see the intellect of the ape making true by finding out what works.
He also mentions and delineates a curious Apewhich closely resembles the classical Satyr: "Under the Equinoctiall, toward the East and South, there is a kind of Ape called AEgopithecus, an Ape like a Goate.
Bru the Bear sat on his haunches before the King; Rango the Gray Ape stood with his muscular arms folded, and Loo the Unicorn reclined, much as a horse does, between his fellow-councillors.
The beasts were frightened, too, fearing they would share the fate of Gugu, so a stampede began when Rango the Gray Ape sprang into the forest, and Bru the Bear and Loo the Unicorn followed as quickly as they could.
But the Gray Ape soon hushed the babel of sounds, and the Wizard lost no time in breaking the enchantments.
Rango the Gray Ape turned at once and glided swiftly through the forest on his mission.
Rango darted into the Great Clearing just as the Wizard had restored all the enchanted ones around him to their proper shapes, and the Gray Ape was glad to hear that the wicked magician-beast had been conquered.
Gray Ape remarked: "You are certainly the most wonderful magician in all the Land of Oz!
In still older strata do the fossilized bones of an Ape more anthropoid, or a Man more pithecoid, than any yet known await the researches of some unborn paleontologist?
It is to the last mentioned writer, and his coadjutor Cowper, that we owe the first account of a man-like ape which has any pretensions to scientific accuracy and completeness.
But, it is not I who seek to base Man's dignity upon his great toe, or insinuate that we are lost if an Ape has a hippocampus minor.
There cannot be the slightest doubt in the world that the argument which applies to the improvement of the horse from an earlier stock, or of ape from ape, applies to the improvement of man from some simpler and lower stock than man.
And the error is the less excusable, as it must become apparent to every one who examines a section of the skull of any ape above a Lemur, without taking the trouble to make a cast of it.
Hence it is obvious that, greatly as the dentition of the highest Ape differs from that of Man, it differs far more widely from that of the lower and lowest Apes.
The ape had changed to the form of a woman, dressed in the pretty Gillikin costume, and when she turned around he saw that it was a young woman, whose face was quite attractive.
The old gray ape knitted on, not looking toward Ervic now, and the young Skeezer stolidly kept his seat.
She laughed, saying: "During the heat of the day I like to be an ape, for an ape doesn't wear any clothes to speak of.
The ape knitted for a long time before resuming the conversation.
The ape moved as naturally as an ordinary person might, and on Ervic's entrance stopped knitting and raised its head to look at him.
But the most startling thing was a huge gray apewhich sat upon a bench and knitted.