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Example sentences for "correspond"

Lexicographically close words:
correlations; correlative; correlatives; corren; correr; corresponde; corresponded; correspondence; correspondences; correspondency
  1. Of course he thought nothing of it; hardly any one would; but the impressions which his boots made on that sand were found to correspond exactly with those obtained from the clay at the scene of the railroad accident before mentioned!

  2. He gave the names of several persons as concerned in the scheme, and proposed to correspond with some of the leaders and draw from them disclosures which would cause their detection.

  3. As he describes the grant it would correspond fully with papal ideas current at the time, and it would be closely parallel with what we must suppose was the intention of an earlier pope in approving William's conquest of England.

  4. The characteristics of their style, so far as it can be considered as a common property, seem due to an effort to make dialogue correspond as nearly as possible to natural speech.

  5. His absorption with questions of sex, his searching for new sensation, his attempt to bestow on moral perversion the enticements of poetry correspond with what is most decadent in Fletcher and Shirley.

  6. No one should be deceived by the analogy into thinking that what we call environment and heredity in literary species correspond in fact with their namesakes in the physical world.

  7. Frightfully ugly in his exterior, his mind seemed to correspond with the harshness of his looks.

  8. These different kinds of caesura strictly correspond to their French models.

  9. Other unequal-membered varieties of the anisometrical tail-rhyme stanza correspond to a a3 b5 a a5 b6 (cf.

  10. Other stanzas correspond to the schemes a a5 .

  11. The orator, on the other hand, has in view an immediate end, and his voice must correspond with an immediate want of the public.

  12. All that we say here of the different forms of humanity may be applied equally to the two orders of poets who correspond to them.

  13. The paper is prepared with lines equidistant from each other, to correspond with the hours of the clock, crossed by others showing the number of feet of rise and fall.

  14. But the barometric column is the difference of height of the mercury in the two limbs; hence the rise or fall of the float through half-an-inch will correspond to a decrease or an increase of the barometric column of one inch.

  15. The divisions on this scale correspond exactly with those on the tube of the standard barometer.

  16. It was believed that a sympathetic alphabet could be made on the flesh, by means of which persons could correspond with each other, and communicate all their ideas with the rapidity of volition, although thousands of miles apart.

  17. Cagliostro would neither see nor correspond with them.

  18. Furthermore, clays suitable for certain commercial requirements may be formed in several different ways, and classification based on specific qualities may therefore not correspond at all to geologic classification based on origin.

  19. And it was voted that his age should be called the "Golden Age" and that entries to correspond with this should in every case be made in the records.

  20. For, to correspond with the duration of the festival, seven days, the number of animals was also seven times one hundred.

  21. The purpose of the committee was to correspond with the friends of the Colonies in Great Britain, Ireland, and other parts of the world, and communicate their correspondence to Congress when required.

  22. You will also endeavor to correspond with Mr Arthur Lee, agent of the Colonies in London.

  23. So far as I have observed, there is no prescription for "mesles," or for smallpox under its Latin name or under any English name that might correspond thereto.

  24. The maladies to which the English people were liable in these early times correspond on the whole to the everyday diseases of our own age.

  25. The heavy mortalities in the registers correspond exactly to the epidemic years as otherwise known, and may be said to bear witness to the extent or generality of the epidemic infection.

  26. These latter were regarded as safety-valves, expanding to hold superfluous blood when the chambers of the heart to which they correspond become overfilled.

  27. The degree of their sterility does not correspond with that of the parent-plants when first self-fertilised.

  28. The fertilisation of the flowers with their own pollen was superfluous, as this convolvulus is highly self-fertile; but I acted in this manner to make the experiments correspond in all respects.

  29. We thus have two grand classes of cases giving results which correspond in the most striking manner with those which follow from the crossing of so-called true and distinct species.

  30. The degree of sterility of various hybrids does not always strictly correspond with the degree of difficulty in uniting the parent forms.

  31. The Egyptian intercalary year, however, does not correspond to the Julian leap year, but is the year immediately preceding; and the intercalation takes place at the end of the year, or on the 29th of August.

  32. Chromic sulphate combines with the sulphates of the alkali metals to form double sulphates, which correspond to the alums.

  33. It is material to observe, that as the Olympic years and periods begin with the 1st of July, the first six months of a year of our era correspond to one Olympic year, and the last six months to another.

  34. My ideas of amusement do not correspond with those of the young people.

  35. It doesn't correspond with the particulars I have.

  36. This animal is certainly no other than the lesser Otter of Canada, as its colour, size, and manner of life entirely correspond with the description of that animal in Mr. Pennant's Arctic Zoology.

  37. CK] They exactly correspond with the bird described by Mr. Pennant, except that they are much longer.

  38. Similarly, the other soul-virtues will correspond to the superior types.

  39. Though it is true that the slopes of this great mountain-chain not infrequently correspond more or less closely to the slope or inclination of the underlying rocks, it must not be supposed that this correspondence is often complete.

  40. Another hilly belt, which at first sight appears to correspond roughly to an anticlinal axis, is that broad tract of igneous rocks which separates the Kilmarnock coal-field from the coal-fields of the Clyde basin.

  41. The mountains do not correspond to great swellings of the crust--the valleys neither lie in trough-shaped strata, nor do they coincide with gaping fractures.

  42. Pipe Rolls, and the slight indications of style which it displays, such as the nook-shafts at the angles, correspond to the Transition Norman period.

  43. Its nature, position, and size correspond to what we have already observed as characteristic of the first castles of the Conquest.

  44. We are therefore justified in concluding that they did not at all correspond to what we mean by a private castle.

  45. They were certainly not built (in the first instance at any rate) by the native inhabitants, for they do not correspond to what we know to have been the state of society in Wales during the Anglo-Saxon period.

  46. A jarola or garuillum is a stockade; apparently derived from a Gallic word for oak, and may thus correspond to an oak paling.

  47. The lines of the present castle banks, if produced, would not correspond with those of the Tilt-yard, which is proof that the Norman castle was not formed by cutting an older fortification in two.

  48. How often do you correspond with the Prefect?

  49. These crystals, except for a slight sweetness of taste, correspond in characters and tests to benzoic acid.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "correspond" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accommodate; accord; adapt; adjust; agree; align; answer; ape; approach; approximate; assent; assimilate; associate; balance; bear; belong; bend; check; chime; cohere; coincide; collaborate; combine; compare; complement; comply; comport; compose; concur; conform; connive; consist; consort; conspire; contact; cooperate; copy; correct; correspond; counterfeit; discipline; ditto; dovetail; draw; equal; equate; even; evoke; favor; fit; follow; gee; hang; harmonize; hit; imitate; interchange; interlock; interrogate; intersect; jibe; join; knot; lock; march; match; meet; mimic; mirror; mold; mould; moulder; mouldy; near; observe; overlap; parallel; quadrate; question; raise; reach; reciprocate; reconcile; rectify; register; relate; reply; resemble; rhyme; rival; seem; settle; shape; simulate; square; suggest; suit; synchronize; tally; tie; touch; unite; write; yield

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    correspondence with; correspondent writes; corresponding ages; corresponding degree; corresponding increase; corresponding member; corresponding periods; corresponding secretary