He contrives that Chremes should overhear a conversation between him and Mysis, Glycerium's attendant, concerning the child which her mistress bore to Pamphilus, and Chremes in consequence instantly breaks off from his engagement.
And sagaciously interpreting this to be the wife of Carausius, makes a new personage start up in history; he contrives even to give some theoretical Memoirs of the August Oriuna.
He has also introduced an echo in his verses which he contrives so as not to injure their sense.
And Archilochus is not praiseworthy either, who, in the midst of his mourning for his sister's husband drowned in the sea, contrives to dispel his grief by drinking and merriment.
No longer under "strong necessity's supreme command," he contrives to get out of bed betwixt nine and ten in the morning.
It must have been hatched in Æolus's cave, amongst a clutch of squalls and tempests, for whenever they get out upon the ocean it always contrives to be of the party.
A passenger remarks quite seriously-- "I will say this for Dandy Jack: he always contrives that you shall pitch into a soft place.
He has only those two garments, and how anyone contrives to look so inconceivably 'neat and respectable' (as Sally truly remarked) in that costume is a mystery.
For some time he contrives to hold his own; but when at last he is beaten he goes off and lives in the thickets by himself.
Thus, in the Ajax, he contrives to reverse the whole situation, by showing in the end Ajax sublime and Odysseus generous, though at first the one seemed sunk below humanity, and the other hateful in his vulgar scorn of a fallen rival.
He is thus led to suspect a theory which contrives to make the problem of mythology pass for a branch of philology.
Or contrawise he contrives spiteful turns for those who fail in their religious attentions.
But I wonder anybody ever contrivesto die at St. Andrews.
He does choose the strangest places to make love, and always contrives the minute the others go away, to bring the subject round to that.
Wonderful are the appliances by which ingenuity contrives to supply the evasions of idleness.
He is a married man, which fact, of course, makes him all the more dangerous to his victims, as he contrives to support at their expense not only himself, but his wife and children.
Another case that more often happens is where one is actively and even intentionally bad, and is seated next to an innocent, but perhaps thoughtless boy, and contrives to keep him always in difficulty.
When they come to the exchange of rings, Costantino contrives that his ring shall remain on the bride's finger.
Rother steals into the hall, and even under the table at which the royal party are sitting, and contrives to slip his ring into the hand of his distressed young queen, who, thus assured of his presence, immediately recovers her spirits.
Being so little comprehensible, it is very singular how she contrives to make her auditors so perfectly certain, as they are, that she is talking the best sense, and in the kindliest spirit.
Jasper slays his nephew, and contrives that the suspicion of his murder shall fall on his other guest, Neville Landless, who has to leave Cloisterham.
Obenreizer keeps planning a murder, and contrives to give Vendale an opium draught.
The sentimental poet, again, contrives to lighten their heart.
But Sir Clement, though he seeks occasion to give real offence, contrives to avoid all appearance of intentional evil.
He has to depend alone upon his bow and arrows, but with these poor weapons he contrives to make more havoc among a herd of deer than would a backwoods hunter with his redoubtable rifle.
Excellency,--and contrives to secrete portfolios, and tear or make away with papers.
Thus she contrives to intenerate the granite and felspar, takes the boar out and puts the lamb in and keeps her balance true.
The value of the universe contrives to throw itself into every point.
As soon as the shopkeeper's attention becomes engrossed in business, or otherwise, puss contrives to pilfer a small pie or tart from the shelves on which they are placed, speedily afterwards making the best of her way home with her booty.
She has a particular predilection for the destruction of parasols, umbrellas, muffs, and hats, which she frequently contrives to lay hold of before the unwary spectator can prevent it, and tears them to pieces in an instant.
All these frames rest upon those adjoining and, mixing up their threads, become a common edifice wherein each grub contrives a shelter for itself.
The egg does not open by means of a dehiscence similar to that of the vegetable-pods whose seeds have attained maturity; it is the new-born grub itself that contrives an exit-way by gnawing a hole in its enclosure.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contrives" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.