Macroglossa Croatica,[113] a species inhabiting Asia Minor and Eastern Europe, of which a specimen and notice were kindly forwarded to me by Dr.
But the omission thus caused is of quiteminor importance from a theoretical point of view.
It was only a minor affair, one of many which take place nightly in the firing-line.
It has gardens and museums fitter for scientific than practical instruction, admirable lecturers, a library most generously opened, a drawing-school of the largest purposes and of equivocal success, and various minor branches.
Examples: In the diocese of X a minor feast was made a holyday of obligation.
Minor Orders) may be given by a priest authorized by law, or by special indult of the Apostolic See.
Minor dispositions of this kind have no necessary relation to internal grace, being morally indifferent.
Minute fulfillment is not always necessary; for sometimes the minor details of the fulfillment of a law are expressly prescribed, sometimes they are not.
The good of a third party may justify cooperation, as when one assists in perpetrating a minor injury against him in order to stop a major injury.
But for the sake of those who might not perceive that the minor functions of charity are commanded and acts of uncharitableness forbidden in the two great commandments, special and explicit laws were given which enjoin peace, joy, etc.
Multiplicity of laws, excessive penalties forminor offenses, cruel and unusual sanctions, lead to lawlessness.
If all other things are equal, the love of the friend is essentially better, while the love of the enemy is better in some minor respects.
One cannot oblige oneself to a grave obligation under a vow whose matter is absolutely and relatively of minor importance (e.
From the character of the act, the matter is light when the good which is injured is finite and of minor importance.
I never could find out any minor details in dress, as to taking off veil, gloves, etc.
Rugby and Cambridge days; also some of the minor diplomats, as of course I have not yet seen all my colleagues.
As concerns the practical exercises of the squadron, these must, as far as possible, cut themselves free from the spirit of minor tactics, and work as directly as they can towards the requirements of War on a great scale.
It will not be necessary to assignminor flanking detachments for the duration of a whole march.
But they can be overcome, and their advantages thus secured--and these seem to me the essential points--enormously outweigh the minor troubles that follow in their train.
They lay down quite openly that only under especially favourable circumstances can Cavalry hope to obtain easy and minor results from their carbine, fire, and that they are not in a position to enter on and carry through obstinate encounters.
These chapters may be warmly recommended to every officer who wishes to prepare himself and his men for the most difficult and most important of those minor operations of war which form so great a part of its every-day reality.
Within the radius of action of his own Command each Officer is already in daily contact with all that it is necessary for him to understand, and in minor tactical situations he has abundant opportunities for training his faculties.
This I suppose you do not, as I know you to take a rational and conscientious view of the minor duties of life, and that you are anxious to fulfil those of exactly "that state of life unto which it has pleased God to call you.
For, as one atom of falsehood in first principles nullifies a whole theory, so one principle, fundamentally true, suffices to obviate many minor errors.
This, of course, was the death-blow to all the minor competition which had so long been disturbing the peace of mind of the mighty possessors of the great distilleries.
Having served for a long series of years in subordinate posts in [63] minor dependencies, the habit of being impressed and influenced by colonial magnates grew and gathered strength within him.
Thus there was nothing in the way of my making stereotype plates (which I did not know by this name at that time), except a few minor appliances and a small stock of types.
It has had minor changes made in it by many persons, but on the whole, nobody has succeeded in improving it notably, except for a considerable improvement made by Herr Mitterer himself.
We take all things in a minor key as we grow older.
After this, the idiotic hilarity of the spectators and the disreputable appearance of the hat when recovered appear but of minor importance.
There were various external indications of projectiles and minor injuries.
And Winn Hardy, though sophisticated in a minor degree, believed it, and true to his nature, leaped at once into the clouds, where sudden riches and all that follows seemed within his grasp.
And though Mona played at his bidding one and another of the lively airs she knew, a minor chord of sadness ran through them all.
Here the minorprisoners among the Scottish rebels captured by the Duke of Cumberland in the '45 were executed, those of greater consideration being beheaded on Tower Hill.
Ancient Hellas contained nothing analogous to Hamlet, or the tombs of the Medici to Faust or the C minor symphony.
The slight effusions of these minor poets are even nearer to our hearts than the masterpieces of the noblest Greek literature.
A minor consequence of the fixed nature of Attic tragedy was that the dramatists calculated on no surprise in order to enlist the interest of their audience.
The Pleiad and the host of minor Alexandrian stars have fared, however, worse than their Athenian models.
It would be easy enough to collect minor instances which prove that the laureate's mind is impregnated with the thoughts and feelings of the poems I have been discussing.
On another occasion, two suburban friends of the drama beheld a more explicit precursor of the coming burlesque at one of the minor theatres last summer.
These minor particulars, in fact, served greatly to assist you in identifying yourself, when the vast hive swarmed with humanity, and you became a mere sentient atom of the mass.
The major date of American citizens is the Revolution; their minor dates are elections, and new admissions into the Union.
It appears from fact, too, that much depends onminor circumstances,--even on whether it is damp or dry.
There is no avoiding the conclusion that the people who practice infanticide and polygamy are desperately wicked; and that minor differences of conduct are, abroad as at home, so many sins.
On this occasion, delighted that she had come upon a "minor poet," she insisted upon presenting him to Hartrath.
The minor Powers were addressed in a Circular dated the 24th January, and enclosing Lord Granville's despatch of the 3rd.
Not only had his emir Abd-el-Medjid with eighteen minor chiefs been killed, but the prestige which the Mahdi's successor enjoyed amongst his followers had also sustained a severe blow.
After accepting various minor posts under the Government, Nubar in 1865 became the chief of the Railway Administration.
Round Mex the Bedouins kept the troops well on the alert, and several minor skirmishes took place.
Meanwhile the export of mules, purchased in Asia Minor for the use of the British force, was stopped, and the drivers were imprisoned.
No longer did they consider disease and famine minor threats compared to those from the Indians and Spaniards.
Barbers held a unique position, but in performing phlebotomies, a minor operation, they retained associations with health and disease.
Six theatres of good class and other minor ones attest the play-going inclinations of the Mexicans, and a grand opera-house is in course of construction out of the national exchequer, which is designed to bear comparison with that of Paris.