This successful knocking out of the Japanese air strength in the Philippine Islands was an important factor in the decision to speed up the landing at Leyte by two months.
It must never be forgotten," said General Krueger, "that the individual soldier is the most important single factor in this war.
The flame thrower was considered "a very important factor in overcoming the enemy's inherent 'will to resist.
In Maryland general hostility to the Church of England and its impolitic attempt to suppress dissent, was an important factor in widening the breach.
Thus Pennsylvania was an uncertain factor in the revolt.
Beyond a doubt his long drawn out and abject devotion to the wife of his friend Max Löwenthal proved the most important single factor in his life.
Historically the fall of Jerusalem was a powerful factorin the deliverance of the Church from Jewish swaddling-bands which hampered its growing limbs.
I have said that our administration of worldly wealth is one chief factor in determining our character.
Unequal faithfulness, I say, because, of course, in both parables it is presupposed that the factor in producing the profit is not any accidental circumstance, but the earnestness and faithfulness of the servant.
He will come to inaugurate the great act of Judgment, which His great act of Redemption necessarily draws after it, and Himself be the Arbiter of the fates of men, the determining factor in whose fates has been their relation to Him.
Restrictions in Marriage and Eugenics as a Factor in Religion.
The difficulty of divorce is also a strong factor that upholds prostitution.
This last is, as I believe, a far more frequent and stronger factor in determining towards prostitution than actual want, and one, moreover, that is very deeply rooted in the feminine character.
Those of us who believe in passion as the supreme factor in race-building, must know that this view of its shamefulness is weakening the race.
Without question these causes are important, but, like the economic factor which drives women into prostitution, they are not fundamental; they are also remediable.
I am certain, however, that this vital factor of the home cannot safely be excluded from the State.
They were picked women, much above the average woman, and to a certain extent abnormal in so far as they denied the important factor of sex.
If we consider how large a factor physical sex is in the life of woman, it becomes clear that any atrophy of these instincts must be in the highest degree hurtful.
I must insist, against all the Feminists, on this factor of men's wishes being equally considered with woman's own.
For the same reason I have passed very lightly over the economic factor as a cause of prostitution.
Man not only loves, but he knows that he loves; a new factor is added, and sex itself is lifted to a plane of clear self-consciousness.
The insistence so often made on this factor as a cause of prostitution is due, in part, to ignorance as to the real feelings of these women, and also, in part, to its moral plausibility.
Defn: The ratio of one vector to another in length, no regard being had to the direction of the two vectors; -- so called because considered as a stretching factor in changing one vector into another.
My factor sends me word, a merchant's fled That owes me for a hundred tun of wine.
The doctrine of valence has been of fundamental importance in distinguishing the equivalence from the atomic weight, and is an essential factor in explaining the chemical structures of compounds.
Defn: Any theory which conceives will to be the dominant factor in experience or in the constitution of the world; -- contrasted with intellectualism.
The T cells bear the factor "tallness," the t cells are devoid of it.
Again, I find in the ideal of the continuous miracle of creation in which man is a factor the solution of many intellectual difficulties.
Is not mental energy the factor in mankind by which he is differentiated from the beast?
And so he came to know where the missing factor lay.
Wally was a factor in the situation which he had not considered.
At the back of her mind had been the feeling that sooner or later she would have to think of him, but for two weeks she had been too tired and too busy to re-examine him as a factor in her life.
No greater factor exists than the microscope in opening up and hunting out the secrets concealed in the very soil we are standing on.
I must admit," Cooper went on, "that the question of economy has been an important factor in the case.
There was, in conclusion, one factor in his success upon which Wallabout Smith would never fail to lay the most emphatic stress, and to which Herr Grundschnitt attached equal importance.
As we sat at our luncheon I felt how peculiarly a vital factor in out-of-town existence the railroad constitutes.
No one can divorce the two, which, as a factor in aesthetic progress, are really one and indivisible.
As soon as the force of the emission jet can be applied as a factor in giving motive power, the fact that no close-fitting parts are required for the places upon which the line of force impinges will alter the conditions of the whole problem.
One direction in which an important factorassisting in the solution of this problem is to be expected is in the removal of the causes which tend to make public officials so timid and unprogressive.
The real introduction of steam as a factor in man's daily work was effected later on, partly by Savery himself and partly by Newcomen, and above all by James Watt.
The turbine-engine will be the main factor in working the approaching revolution in mail steamer construction.
So in every matter we shall always find an essential or energising factor, and an incidental factor which derives its quality from the nature of the energy.
But I suppose the feature of the New Thought which is the greatest stumbling-block to those who view the movement from the outside is the claim it makes for Thought-power as an active factor in the affairs of daily life.
She had spoken so earnestly to him, as if his presence were somehow a factor in her wish.
Suddenly there appeared a new factor in the quarrel, which speedily gave it importance as a political question of the first magnitude.
His voice, however, was too potent a factor in Florentine affairs for his friends in power to consent to his silence.
But about 1887 a faction or school arose who criticized the main idea of Darwin and Wallace and fell back on the Lamarckian factor of the transmission of acquired characters as really the essential cause of the process of evolution.
Hence, it is firmly established that an untrained and uneducated daughter, on becoming a mother, will be the prime factor in the deprivation, ignorance, negligence and the lack of training of many children.
The conception of annihilation is a factor in human degradation, a cause of human debasement and lowliness, a source of human fear and abjection.
In all cycles and ages war has been a factor of derangement and discomfort whereas peace and brotherhood have brought security and consideration of human interests.
This implies, of course, the presence of a comprehensive object, one which coordinates, organizes and functions each factor of the situation which gave rise to conflict, suspense and deliberation.
It would make accounting and auditing a subordinate factor in discovering the meaning of present activity.
Thus a partially sound criticism is employed to conceal the one factor in utilitarianism from which we ought to learn something; is used to foster an obscurantist doctrine of trusting to impulse, instinct or intuition.
For then it becomes a factorin the system of activities.
A motive in short is simply an impulse viewed as a constituent in a habit, a factor in a disposition.
That is, it will become a contributory factor in some more inclusive and complex activity, in which it is reduced to a subordinate yet effectual place.
And this quality of action when noted and encouraged becomes a reinforcing stimulus of that factor which will induce similar acts in the future.
Curiously enough both parties rest their case upon just the factorwhich when it is analyzed weakens their respective conclusions.
These considerations give point to the third factorin love of freedom: the desire to have desire count as a factor, a force.
To know when to leave acts without distinctive moral judgment and when to subject them to it is itself a large factor in morality.
It may be sublimated--that is, become a factor coordinated intelligently with others in a continuing course of action.
This chief factor was the great manoeuvring mass behind the French line which had not yet come into play, and the advent of which, at a chosen moment, was the very soul of the French strategy.
It is a great error, into which most critics have fallen, to underestimate or to neglect the Austro-Hungarian factor in the enemy's alliance.
It will fall earlier with Germany, a good deal earlier with France; but from the middle of May at earliest to the end of June at latest may be said to mark the entry of the numerical factor into its third and final phase.
The first postulate in all military problems is that, other things being equal, numbers are the decisive factor in war.
So much, then, for the numerical factor in men which dominates the whole campaign.
That deciding factor was, in fact, the appearance upon the right flank of von Auffenberg of yet another Russian army (which we will call the third) under Brussilov.
If there were some common strategical factor binding these four areas together, so that the defence of one should involve and aid the defence of all, the difficulties thus imposed upon German strategy would be greatly lessened.
Don't you undertake to teach your grandmother how to suck eggs," responded the proprietor with a huge laugh, in which the factor joined.
The factor and his gracious lady were in fine spirits, and full of their congratulations over the safe removal of the family to their splendid mansion.
Even the steady prosperity which attended his regular business became a factor in his growing incapacity for the affairs of the street.
People talked about what "the General" was doing, and proposed to do, as if he were a well-recognized factor in the financial situation.
Another serious contributing factor in poor establishment was the severe general droughts that occurred over most of the eastern half of the United States in the early thirties.
This factor does not show up in figures in a financial statement for the simple reason that the figures are modestly withheld from the treasurer.
In any event, increased membership was a factor in keeping us from cashing our reserves.
Another important factor was the very generous response of the membership to a plea for Sustaining and Contributing dues.
While dealing with this question of social outlook, it will not be out of place to refer to an aspect which, though mentioned by only a few witnesses, is known to all social workers as a factor of increasing importance.
Lack of help in the home even by those who can afford it is a factor of very great importance.
One factor of great importance we believe to be the widespread use of contraceptives amongst the unmarried.
A recognition of these remoter dangers has undoubtedly been an important factor in bringing about the complete reversal of the previous policy in Russia, where abortion for social and economic reasons is now illegal.
From the nature of this additional factor at work in the formation of species, Mr. Romanes called his theory 'physiological selection.
From the first he has been consistent in holding natural selection the sole factor of organic evolution--leaving no room for sexual selection, inheritance of acquired characters, &c.
The question then arises, do species differ from species solely in points of a useful character, as they undoubtedly should do if natural selection has been the sole factor in their formation?
Joseph was born in an epoch when reading was not considered an indispensable factor in a gentleman's education.