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Example sentences for "rudiment"

Lexicographically close words:
rudely; rudeness; rudenesse; ruder; rudest; rudimental; rudimentary; rudiments; rudis; rudraksha
  1. Yet it is not quite wanting, its rudiment is there, and this rudiment is capable of development.

  2. The cæcum is extremely long in some of the lower vegetable-eating animals, and the vermiform appendix seems to be a rudiment of the formerly extended portion of this organ.

  3. Such an organ could never have been evolved as an aid in swimming, since its shrinkage to a useless rudiment in some cases and its complete extinction in others show that this function is in no sense a necessary one.

  4. There is every reason to believe that this is the rudiment of a membrane which is fully developed in many animals, and is especially useful to birds, the nictitating membrane, or third eyelid.

  5. For Lady Ellington had applauded as clever what was to her the very rudiment of honour, and she had supposed that her mother would say "How very stupid of you.

  6. No; what struck me was that never have I seen in you the smallest rudiment or embryo of a conscience or of any moral sense.

  7. In the majority of the Coelomata the coelomic rudiment does not arise by the simple differentiation of a pre-existing organ, and there is considerable variation in its method of formation.

  8. Rudiment further advanced, showing the foundations of the head, tail, and vertebral column.

  9. The state of the young rudiment is the outcome of previous influences of the external world communicated through other organs.

  10. If the rudiment has reached a certain stage in development before it is exposed to these influences, extraordinary intermediate forms are obtained, bearing the characters of both organs.

  11. Now no one supposes that Darwin originated this idea, which in rudiment at least is as old as Aristotle.

  12. But of the importance of the ringed body, or "scolecite," there was no room for doubt, as being the certain and habitual rudiment of the fertile cup.

  13. No rudiment of such an organ is found in the Teleostei, the Amphibia, or the higher Vertebrata.

  14. In the region of the throat the rudiment of a second visceral cleft has appeared behind the first; neither of them is as yet open to the exterior.

  15. Even before hatching, a small rudiment of the anterior pair of limbs is formed, but the hind-limbs are not developed till a later stage, and the limbs do not attain to any size till the larva is well advanced.

  16. Such a thickening would obviously be the rudiment of a central nervous system, and is in fact very similar to the rudimentary ganglia of the Acraspeda mentioned above.

  17. In the neighbourhood of the lens it seems to be continuous as at cl with the tissue a, which appears to be the rudiment of the capsule of the lens and suspensory ligament.

  18. In advanced embryos of Galeus, Mustelus and Acanthias, Miklucho-Maclay detected a small diverticulum opening on the dorsal side of the oesophagus, which he regards as a rudiment of a swimming bladder.

  19. It is perhaps a larval rudiment of the test which would seem to be absent in the adult.

  20. From the above description it may be concluded that the rudiment of the cerebral hemispheres is contained in the original fore-brain.

  21. Its uppermost end does not at first become markedly constricted off from the remainder, but is nevertheless the rudiment of the pituitary body.

  22. For a considerable period this rudiment remains perfectly simple, and exhibits no signs, either externally or internally, of a longitudinal constriction dividing it into two lobes.

  23. In the Teleostei the vesicles of the cerebral hemispheres appear at first to have a wide lumen, but it subsequently becomes almost or quite obliterated, and the cerebral rudiment forms a small bilobed nearly solid body.

  24. They involve a rudiment of the feeling of uneasiness at what is unexpected and disturbing, and so may be said to be the beginning of true childish fears.

  25. Yet even in the case of this child one could observe now and again a rudiment of the tendency to bring in what is hidden.

  26. Yet one may commonly detect in graceful children the rudiment of an aesthetic feeling for what is nice, and also of the instinct to please.

  27. Even a small child playing with its coloured petals or its shells will show a rudiment of this artistic feeling for beautiful arrangement.

  28. The facts here briefly illustrated seem to me to show that there is in the child from the first a rudiment of true law-abidingness, which exists side by side and struggles with the childish love of liberty and rebelliousness.

  29. Many adults, it is said, hardly have a rudiment of this feeling, pairing the most fiercely antagonistic tints.

  30. Although a decided bent towards some special form of our art may be rare among children, most of them betray some rudiment of a feeling for beauty and of an impulse to produce it.

  31. A complex mass which suffers decomposition or decay is dead, but if this mass has the power of attracting to itself, from the surrounding medium, matter like that of which it is composed, we have the first rudiment of vegetative life.

  32. How is it, then, that in some cases the result is a sanctity which overrides all considerations of personal advantage, while in others there is hardly a rudiment of such a feeling?

  33. The merest rudiment of sensation or self-consciousness is infinitely removed from absolutely non-sentient or unconscious matter.

  34. The Twelve formed a centre round which the disciples might cluster, and this rudiment of organisation was enough for the time.

  35. In numberless cases, such as that of the fore-limbs of serpents, no vestige of a rudiment is present.

  36. The symplectic is usually absent, and in some the air-bladder is reduced to a rudiment inclosed in a bony capsule.

  37. The ventral fins are replaced by a single movable or immovable spine, which is often absent, and the first dorsal fin is reduced to a single spine with sometimes a rudiment behind it.

  38. This typical structure of the larva is often departed from, and the molluscan trochosphere can be distinguished from the annelidan by the possession of a rudiment at least of the shell-gland and foot (figs.

  39. For the same reason the lung rudiment of one side only is shown.

  40. The stomach, which is irregularly conical in shape, lies in a place slightly nearer the observer than the end of the lung rudiment mentioned above.

  41. Just anterior to these openings the cloaca opens ventrally into a small, anteriorly-projecting pouch, the rudiment of the allantois.

  42. Lying to one side of the stomach and duodenum, and extending cephalad beyond the end of the lung rudiment is the liver, li, whose outline is only roughly shown here by the broken line.

  43. Thus, man has still the rudiment of the third eyelid of his shark-ancestor.

  44. Complemental Male, with a notched crest on the dorsal surface, forming a rudiment of a capitulum: maxillae well furnished with spines.

  45. There is a single triradiate bone with an acetabular cavity for the rudiment of the femur in the centre; it suggests that here the three normal elements of the pelvis have become fused into a single bone.

  46. The hind-limb has the rudiment of a tibia.

  47. While other Dogs have but a cartilaginous rudiment of the clavicle, Lycaon has a considerably larger representative of this bone.

  48. Eohippus, belonging to the same sub-family, is slightly more primitive; for the hind-feet have a rudiment of digit I.

  49. The metacarpals and metatarsals have coalesced to form the cannon bones, though a rudiment of one metacarpal seems to remain.

  50. An older Miocene form, termed Mesohippus, has three toes in front, with a large splint-like rudiment representing the little finger; and three toes behind.

  51. It presents three complete toes--one large median and two smaller lateral ones; and there is a rudiment of that digit, which answers to the little finger of the human hand.

  52. Sometimes a rudiment of a fifth toe appears to be traceable.

  53. When the male is furnished with leg-spurs the female almost always exhibits rudiments of them,--the rudiment sometimes consisting of a mere scale, as in Gallus.

  54. Although the males have not even a trace of a horn on the upper surface of the body, yet the females plainly exhibit a rudiment of a single horn on the head (Fig.

  55. The female does not possess even a rudiment of this appendage.

  56. The tooth on the opposite side of the head in the male consists of a rudiment about ten inches in length, which is embedded in the jaw; but sometimes, though rarely, both are equally developed on the two sides.

  57. In the male of Phyllodromia the rudiment of a vestigial ovary becomes separated from the developing testis, indicating perhaps an originally hermaphrodite condition.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rudiment" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    base; basement; basic; basis; bed; bedding; bedrock; beginning; bud; egg; essential; floor; flooring; footing; foundation; fundament; fundamental; germ; ground; grounds; groundwork; larva; nucleus; nymph; pavement; principle; radical; rudiment; seat; seed; sill; spermatozoon; substratum; substructure; underpinning

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    rudimentary condition; rudimentary organs