As a further illustration of the divergence of Sophocles from the AEschylean dogma of Nemesis, it is worth while to mention the Antigone.
It was by such masterly delineation of character that Sophocles threw the old AEschylean dogma of Nemesis into the background, and moralized his tragedy without sacrificing an iota of its religious force.
She exposed to him the dogma of impersonality in such fine terms, that more than one bourgeois poet might profit by what she said.
The dogma of absolute equality seemed an absurdity to her.
But being in a civilization which does believe in this dogma of fact for facts' sake, we do not see the full frenzy of those who kill themselves to find the North Pole.
It is not the dogma of the reality of the other world that troubles him, but the dogma of the reality of this world.
Some hold the undemonstrable dogmaof the existence of God; some the equally undemonstrable dogma of the existence of the man next door.
It is a reasonable position to deny the stones in the street; it will be a religious dogma to assert them.
Progress happens to be one of our dogmas, and a dogma means a thing which is not thought dogmatic.
It is said that the Pope might any day make a dogma of any absurdities that might happen to occur to him; and that the Catholic would be bound to accept these, however strongly his reason might repudiate them.
That its methods can discover no trace of either of them, of itself proves nothing, unless we first lay down as a dogma that its methods of discovery are the only methods.
But directly over it is written the first dogmaof Islam, "There is no God but God.
At that time it was held as a dogma that all the upper classes were immoral and only the common people were good and moral.
In the two old capitals of the world, Rome and Constantinople, the same means have been employed to the same ends, the unity of the dogma to obtain unrestricted power.
But even now it is doubtful how far the separate existence of the individual soul after it has finally left the world is a religious dogma of the Hindus.
There is practically no dogma which is essential to Hinduism, nor is the veneration of any deity or sacred object either necessary or heretical.
The reverence for the cow is thus not an absolutely essential dogma of Hinduism, though it is the nearest approach to one.
Until every soul is freely permitted to investigate every book, and creed, and dogma for itself, the world cannot be free.
He changed his views on Transubstantiation; but to surrender an abstruse dogma is not a crime.
Indeed, the successor of St. Peter is but human--the sacred college at Rome is but mortal; and faith and dogma cannot forever resist the influence of light and knowledge.
The inventors of the dogma of eternal torments in hell, have made of the God whom they call so good, the most detestable of beings.
We are constantly told of the usefulness of the dogma of life hereafter.
The fear of ceasing to be is but an evil for the imagination, which alone brought forth the dogma of another life.
It could have been but the most cruel barbarity, the most notorious imposition, but the blindest ambition which could have created the dogma of eternal damnation.
The dogma of the immortality of the soul assumes that the soul is a simple substance, a spirit; but I will always ask, what is a spirit?
Such are the ideas which the dogma of gratuitous predestination gives of Divinity!
We are assured that the dogma of another life is of the greatest importance to the peace of society; it is imagined that without it men would have no motives for doing good.
But, it will be said, is not the dogma of the immortality of the soul consoling for beings who often find themselves very unhappy here below?
We have shown that dogma was the base of primal pantheism; of real logic there is not a whit.
For if one must have dogma it is something to have system, and while precedent theosophy was based on the former it knew nothing of the latter.
In 1879 he recognized (in a proclamation) God's Motherhood--the old dogma of the female divine.
Long before there was any formal recognition of the dogma that all gods are one, various gods had been identified by the Vedic poets.
Gradually labor became a habit, and then a quasi dogma of religion.
It became with her an article of dogma that on that particular morning, of all mornings, the very reliable alarm-clock had failed in its duty.
But as soon as Louis and Rachel began to look on the house with the eye of inhabitants, the axiom fell to a dogma, and the dogma was exploded.
The dogma of his future life would be that the bank-notes had never existed.
But thedogma had long been stated even in its absolute form when Homer said: “The gods know everything.
But its central idea was felicity, not virtue; its starting-point was the popular dogma of the felicity of the gods, not their justice.
This view was corroborated by the dogmaof the fallen angels, which was altogether alien to paganism.
Epicurus was the Greek philosopher who most consistently took the course of emphasising the popular dogma of the perfection of the gods in order to preserve the popular notions about them.
It is therefore no wonder that, from the days of the Ionian school onwards, the view that the universe was the result of such a process should have maintained itself as a leading dogma of philosophy.
There is a further difficulty that we feel more acutely than he in the protestant dogma "the Bible and the Bible only.
About and around him we call up no dissentient and discordant and dissatisfied elements, no sectional prejudice nor bias, no party, no creed, no dogma of politics.
It was after the Rebellion, and not before, that the dogma of divine right became completely current orthodoxy in England.
The special malignity of dogma in these cases is itself of course a matter for analysis and explanation.
Before such a phenomenon the dogma of race-character instantly collapses, whereas in terms of the reaction of conditions the explanation is entirely adequate.
Any formula avails to support the dogma that "the German was loyal as the Celt was dissolute" (id.
This dogma animates and impersonates his philosophy.
This shows that even those who theoretically hold the dogma under consideration do not practically believe it themselves.
The last dogma that I notice is the position, that the Moral law demands of us, as sinners, not what is now possible to us on the ground of natural powers and proffered grace, but what would be possible, had we never sinned.
It may be questioned whether the whole range of error presents a dogma of more pernicious tendency than the doctrine of Mixed Moral Actions.
All such declarations are without meaning, if this dogma is true.
This dogma is opposed to the intuitive convictions of the race.
If mankind, as this dogma affirms, have a nature from which voluntary acts of a given character necessarily result, to talk of real growth or confirmation in holiness or sin, is to use words without meaning.
This dogma is opposed to the express and positive teachings of Inspiration.
This could not be true, if the dogmaunder consideration is true.
This dogma is opposed not only to the spirit, but to the letter of the law.
Muensterberg's dogmathat will-attitudes are not describable.
Let the Church take it on authority, even my authority (as a professional legend maker) if it cannot see the truth by its own light: no dogma can be a legend.
A legend can pass an ethnical frontier as a legend, but not as a truth; whilst the only frontier to the currency of a sounddogma as such is the frontier of capacity for understanding it.
As a matter of historical fact, theology only suggested the dogma of man's utter vileness, and all genuine theologians are marked by their readiness to believe in deterioration instead of progress.
His real intention, I should suppose, would be to say that every dogma includes some truth, or is inseparably associated with true statements, and that I ought to be careful not to destroy the wheat with the tares.
He also betrays the influence of the Perso-Shiite dogma of the hidden spiritual Imams, of whom only one is believed to be on earth at any given time, and he is the highest spiritual and religious authority among his contemporaries.
The Mussalman hierarchy, which in its own interests desired to maintain the prestige of dogma and of the revealed law, combatted this tendency to mysticism, but, as we have seen, without success.