The new government elected in the fall of 1996 has sent mixed signals about commitmentto these reforms.
Continued recovery depends on Macedonia's ability to redevelop trade ties with Greece and Serbia and Montenegro; as well as on Skopje's continuedcommitment to economic liberalization.
Growth has been held back by antigovernment strikes and demonstrations, a decline in world coffee demand, and the erratic commitment of the government to economic reform.
However, the leadership's commitment to economic reform, free trade, and regional integration was undermined by the ethnic Albanian insurgency of 2001.
South Korea has also maintained its commitmentto democratize its political processes.
Growth has been held back by antigovernment strikes and demonstrations, a decline in world coffee prices, and the erratic commitmentof the government to economic reform.
In December 2000, President KIM Dae-jung won the Noble Peace Prize for his lifelong commitmentto democracy and human rights in Asia.
Switzerland is active in many UN and international organizations, but retains a strongcommitment to neutrality.
Suriname's economic prospects for the medium term will depend on renewed commitment to responsible monetary and fiscal policies and to the introduction of structural reforms to liberalize markets and promote competition.
But the concept does warrant, in our view, a commitment to explore and an opportunity that could lead to dramatically better capabilities.
We believe that through Rapid Dominance and the commitment to examine the entire range of defense across all components and aspects, a revolution is possible.
Support of Congress and People is a necessary prerequisite - Avoid commitment of ground forces - Offer instead U.
We have unambiguously demonstrated our commitment to defend Western interests in Southwest Asia, and we have significantly increased our ability to do so.
But our commitment to national safety is not a commitment to expand our military establishment indefinitely.
Together we made a commitment to balance the budget.
If there is any issue on which we can reach across party lines it is in our common commitment to reward work and strengthen families.
My commitment to veterans, as evidenced by my record, is characterized by a conscientious and consistent emphasis in these general areas: First, we have worked to honor the Vietnam veteran.
But as our communities grow, our commitment to conservation must grow as well.
We have assured the world that America's full gold stock stands behind our commitment to maintain the price of gold at $35 an ounce.
The mighty commitment set out with a blunder; the warrant directed the printer, and all concerned (unnamed) to be taken up.
The first division came on the commitment of the whole bill.
Or she may desire a temporary commitment in order to give her husband a severe lesson.
Explained that he would more nearly meet his responsibilities were he to have her examined and send her where she could procure the treatment required, even if it meant commitment to an institution.
Commitment may have to be planned, and the mother's consent won, to save the children from the return of a brutal father, against whom she cannot protect them.
They were at last glad to compound for his barecommitment to the Tower.
The British consul asked the judge who had made the commitment to order his delivery to him.
He produced his prisoner and submitted a copy of the warrant of commitment from the District Court.
Living a commitment to nursing as caring can be a tremendous challenge when nurses are asked to care for someone who makes it difficult to care.
Such time allocation communicates the commitment of the nurse administrator to enhance the growth of the nurse in the discipline of nursing.
To the many scholars in the discipline whose works reflect a commitment to the development of nursing knowledge related to caring in nursing, and especially to the members of the International Association of Human Caring, we thank you.
Commitment of the dean to securing resources necessary to accomplish the program goals drives the budget rather than the budget driving the commitment.
This belief that all persons are caring, however, entails a commitment to know self and other as caring person.
This commitmentremains binding and choices are made based on devotion to this commitment.
So how to sustain and actualize this fundamental commitment must be a point of serious study for the nurse who desires to practice nursing as caring.
We extend a special thanks to Marilyn Parker and Terri Touhy for their unending devotion and commitment to nursing and for the blessing of their friendship.
We reiterate that our approach is grounded in the fundamental assumption that all persons are caring and the commitment which arises from this basic value position.
Resisting the temptation to abandon the journey, we each persevered in a commitment to nursing as something which mattered, something involving intimate, personal, caring relationships.
The quality of the moral commitment is a measure of being "in place" in the world.
Recognizing unique personal ways of living caring also requires an ethical commitment and knowledge of caring.
We also share our commitment to the ongoing development of nursing as caring and directions we wish to take in living that commitment.
If his hand be trickless, or practically so, he must bid one Royal, as that reduces the commitmentfrom two tricks to one, and increases the possible gain per trick from 2 points to 9.
The Trump bid only increases the commitment by one, so it is obviously a saving and advantageous play.
The bid of three Clubs does not increase the No-trump commitment which the partner is obliged to make, and is much safer than for the Third Hand to bid two No-trumps without the adverse suit stopped.
He was certain the commitmentwould sound in alarm, and blow the trumpet of sedition in the Southern States.
I flatter myself gentlemen will not press the point of commitment to-day, it being contrary to our usual mode of procedure.
If there was the slightest tendency by the commitment to break in upon the constitution, he would object to it; but he did not see upon what ground such an event was to be apprehended.
The petrochemical sector has spurred growth in other related sectors, reinforcing the government's commitment to economic diversification.
A new economic team was put in place in 1999 to revitalize the reform effort, strengthen the civil service, and curb corruption, but wary donors continue to question the government's commitment to sound economic policy.
M^r Randolph favored the commitmentthough he did not expect much benefit from the expedient.
M^r Butler agreed to the Commitment if the Committee were to be left at liberty.
He favored thecommitment and thought that Representation ought to be in the Combined ratio of numbers of Inhabitants and of wealth, and not of either singly.
Hitherto his commitment had been by the civil magistrates; but now, that he might experience the severity of each, he fell into the military hands.
From hence he was sent again to Aylesbury gaol; but this commitment being in order to banishment, was but for a month, or thereabouts.
I told him I would be at a word with him, for, as I had told him before that if he denied me I would ask him no more, so he should find I would keep to it.
He, to enhance the kindness, made it a matter of some difficulty, and would have me stay till another night.
Some in a tavern spend the longest day, While others hawk and hunt the time away.
For, if your fickle minds should alter, we Should be to seek a new conformity.
This dotes on running-horses; t'other fool Is never well but in the fencing-school.
Yet they were treated with utter neglect, or, after having been permitted to pass through the forms of commitment and report, were suffered to lie unnoticed on the tables of both houses, or to be lost by indefinite postponement.
The petition was received, its commitment refused by the house, and it was laid on the table.
Resolution of the dispute with Greece and an internal commitment to economic reform would encourage foreign investment over the long run.
It is certain, that heretofore, they have been much divided in opinion, as to the distance from their sea-coast to which they might reasonably claim a right of prohibiting the commitment of hostilities.
You will have seen the disgusting proceedings in the case of Lyon: if they would have accepted even of a commitmentto the Serjeant it might have been had.
Here the commitment of a bill for reform in law to “two lawyers†was condemned, because they were a nurse that did not care for it; and the casual remark of the author of the bill has become historical.
When he takes his commitment papers he is no longer at war with society and the keepers of the law.
The boys go of their own accord, carrying their own commitment papers.
The following is an authentic copy of Younger's commitment papers.