The Moabite stone gives us the Moabite alphabet of King Mesha's time, which proves to be identical with that of old Phoenicia.
The policy of both Powers is one in act, identical in principle, substance, and complexion.
The Petrine doctrine is not identical either with Pauline or Johannine theology.
Because, you know, we agreed that a man's estate was identical with his possessions?
I had been struck with amazement, I remember, to observe on some occasion that where a set of people are engaged in identical operations, half of them are in absolute indigence and the other half roll in wealth.
Indeed, the appearances may be identical with those observed in true Asiatic {722} cholera.
The alterations in the joints are identical with those found in the general variety of rheumatoid arthritis, and exist without {92} deposits of urate of soda (Charcot).
The opinion has been expressed by certain observers that cholera {745} infantum is identical with thermic fever or sunstroke.
It is milder yet more enduring than the acute form, but their symptoms are identicalin kind.
Its predisposing causes, in all probability, are identical with those of acute tuberculosis.
Whatever attempts are to be made to cure the disease, they must be through the general system, and are identical with those directed toward the cure of lardaceous disease generally.
Second: Rheumatic: in this the symptoms are almost identical with those of subacute articular rheumatism or the more active forms of polyarticular rheumatoid arthritis.
It is certainly not identical with the specific Asiatic disease, although in some cases the symptoms and morbid anatomy are exactly similar, and any differentiation is impossible.
The causes are identical with those of catarrh of the large intestine, if we except the follicular disease produced by dysenteric infection.
The Russian and Italian consuls address an identical telegram to St. Petersburg and Florence.
Caja, which is so similar to the last species, is so generally variable that two perfectly identical specimens can scarcely be found together.
Such a restriction of the word, however, appears to me but little desirable, since the process is identical in both cases, i.
It is, indeed, one of the recognised principles in savage magic and medicine that things like each other, however superficially, affect each other in a mystic way, and possessidentical properties.
Secondly that some of the rules of Sabbath observance are identical with the rules of strict taboo; such are the prohibitions to do any work, to kindle a fire in the house, to cook food and to go out of doors.
Camaralzaman and (though not in the same order) of four of the tales supposed to have been contained in the latter, to show that Dom Chavis made his copy from a text identical with that used by the French savant.
The fisherman Peter does not think with the mind of the theologically trained Paul, nor does the unspeculative James phrase his beliefs in terms identical with those of the writer to the Hebrews.
The same legend in Babylonia and in Israel has such unlike spiritual content; the identicalrite among the Hebrews and among their neighbors developed such different religious meaning.
As I heard you talk about an Indian, with whom you had become acquainted while hunting, I thought this new comer might be the identical one.
Fortune, or rather destiny, smiled upon the oppressors, and the identical rock in question was the spot that witnessed the extinction of an aboriginal race.
The second game described is almost identical with "King Caesar," played at Barnes.
A version played at Barnes is almost identical with the Southampton version, and another collected by Miss Thoyts in Berkshire (Antiquary, vol.
The bats in this drawing are nearly identical with modern golf-sticks, and "Golf" seems to be derived from this game.
Slater Sykes from Settle, Yorkshire, is almost identical with the Earls Heaton version.
It is at some time during this period that houses are first built in terraces and squares on an identical plan for letting purposes.
Suppose we have two identical thermometers, and hang them on adjacent walls, one of which is an outside wall, which of the two readings shall we take as that of the temperature of the room?
So it is natural to admit that here we have to deal with identical molecules, but that only the internal arrangement differs from case to case as identical balls may be grouped in different ways.
It is practically identical with the term "Arabia" as used by the Assyrians.
This case of difference in properties combined with identical composition is therefore called polymorphism.
President Edwards himself has frequently reduced the fundamental doctrine of the Inquiry to anidentical proposition.
It is an identical proposition, which experience can neither shake nor confirm.
He was always deeply interested in the prosperity of the village of Chapel Hill, believing, and justly, that its welfare was identicalwith that of the college.
The first of these is identical in character with the seventy weeks, which are a period of the restored polity of Jerusalem; and hence the most natural of the cutting off is that which refers it to the whole period of the former vision.
Probably identical with the ‘Cohors Afrorum in Dacia’ mentioned in vi.
Footnotes: [507] Seems to be identical with the regiment mentioned in Tac.
The latter would be identical with the regiment mentioned by Tacitus as forming part of the garrison of the province in the reign of Tiberius.
This regiment has no early inscriptions, and is probably identical with one of the other British alae, possibly the Ala Petriana, which renounced its original title in favour of this honorific appellation.
Arrian, Ectaxis, 18, mentions an Ituraean cohort which may beidentical with one of these.
Epigraphical evidence suggests that the Cohors I Frixagorum of the Notitia is identical with this regiment.
The statement of Cichorius that the Dalmatian Cohors I Campanorum is identical with the Pannonian Cohors I Campestris is misleading.
The second inscription mentions a Spanish cohort in Cappadocia, which is probably identical with the Cohors II Hispanorum E.
The first is probably identical with the regiment mentioned by Tacitus as being in Moesia in A.
Nor has there been any lack of writers on ethics who have asserted that pleasure and the good were strictly identical conceptions.
Ich friere†is, for instance, not fully identical with “mich friert.
The circumstances which had led to his imprisonment were almost identical with those to which Danry owed his confinement.
I looked at it attentively, and thought that there was just a possibility of its being the identical tree.
The Welsh, without possessing any word for a hill at all like codadh, has the primary or radical word; that word is codi, to rise or raise, almost identical in sound and sense with the Sanscrit kuda.
This word is almost identical with the Sanscrit kuta, which also signifies a mountain; but kuta and codadh are only secondary words.
Another fragment of this pot, or one identical to it, was found to the southeast of the existing house.
The association of the Challis mug with the Rogers factory is based on the fact that there is an identical stamp among the Park Service's artifacts from Yorktown (fig.
This extremely unusual item was, by a remarkable coincidence, paralleled by an identicalfragment found by the writer on the foreshore of the River Thames at Queenhithe in London.
Figure 19 illustrates two bottle-shaped vessels of Virginia earthenware coated with lead glazes identical in color to examples found on a creampan and other presumably Rogers products excavated in Yorktown.
Such, at any rate, is the form of the tenso; a poet propounds a theme in the first stanza and his interlocutor replies in a stanza of identical metrical form; the dispute usually continues for some half dozen stanzas.
The door was opened by the identical footman who had so insolently offered me money, and I think he recognized me, for he backed away as he told me the ladies were not at home.
You may quarter me if wasn't knocked off my feet when I recognized the identical peacock of a sea-captain we had pulled out of Castle Yard along with you, and offered a commission in the Royal Navy.
I wish you could see the ticks and burdock leaves that I have picked off from this identical dress since harvest.
Suppose, now, that we have another identical aeroplane and we raise the front edge 2 inches above the horizontal.
As the action of a wide aeroplane is identical with that of numerous narrow ones placed in close proximity to each other, it is very evident that a wide aeroplane cannot be as efficient in proportion to its width as a narrow one.
With a piece of tracing linen very tightly drawn, results were obtained identical with those of a sheet of tin, and with Spencer's balloon fabric the coefficient was about .
The distance that the front edge was raised above the horizontal, as compared with the width of the aeroplane, was always identical with the drift as compared with the lift.
It is interesting to note in this connection that the great Peter Cooper of New York thought out an identical machine about the same time, and actually commenced experiments.
I made some sheet metal screws; also a screw which consisted of a steel frame covered with woven fabric, and which was identical with screws that I had seen described in various works relating to aerial navigation.
By replacing the screw, and applying engine power sufficient to give the ship the same speed of 20 miles an hour, identical results would be produced.
My father, who was a profound thinker and a clever mechanician, seems to have given the subject a great deal of thought, and to have matured a plan identical with what has been proposed by hundreds since that time.