The next thing," continued Mr. Driscold, "will be the election of a secretary.
They had held an election and chosen a new member and had been drinking beer at his expense for several hours.
Perhaps the Concord Free Trade Club had some idea of making amends to Mark Twain for the slight put upon his book by their librarians, for immediately after the Huck Finn incident they notified him of his election to honorary membership.
His defeat in 1847 in the parliamentaryelection for Edinburgh contributed to wean him still more from public life.
In the election of 1868 however he was defeated, and the constituency never had an opportunity of redeeming its error.
It was hardly to be expected that the political excitement of Willoughby would altogether disappear until the result of the election was made known.
Small election meetings were held by the more enthusiastic politicians of the school, for the purpose of giving vent to their anti-radical sympathies.
It had always been taken for granted that the captain of Willoughby was also the Speaker of the House, and a contested election for that office was without precedent.
During the week preceding the election they had worked with unabated enthusiasm.
The election altogether," said he, laughing, "is rather a sore point in the school.
Two days before the election a mass meeting of juniors and Limpets of all houses and ages, summoned by proclamation, was held in a corner of the playground, "to hear addresses by the candidates, and elect a member for Shellport.
The exploits of the school at the recent election may have had something to do with the number of townsfolk who flocked up to see the game, but apart from that the Rockshire match was always one of the great events of the season.
The nomination and election of candidates and the procedure at the election are the same as have already been described in the case of the election of county councillors.
The first business at that meeting is the election of the chairman, whose office corresponds to that of the mayor in a borough.
The provisions with reference to election petitions, the grounds upon which they may be presented and the procedure upon them, are the same in every respect as have already been mentioned when dealing with county councils.
The ordinary day of election is the 8th March, or some day between the 1st and 8th March fixed by the council.
The election of the mayor and aldermen is again the same as has already been described in connexion with the election of the chairman and aldermen of a county council.
The law as to corrupt and illegal practices at the election is also similar, and the election may be questioned by petition in exactly the same way.
Any person may be elected who is either a parochial elector of some parish within the district or has during the whole of the twelve months preceding his election resided in the district, and no person is disqualified by sex or marriage.
At an election for the whole borough the returning officer is the mayor; at a ward election he is an alderman assigned for that purpose by the council.
When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies.
The machinery of the State Government was captured by the paper-money party in the spring election of 1786.
The grand cross of the Legion of Honor, a seat in the French Senate at a time when it depended on the will of Napoleon and not on an election of the people, and the post of minister to the United States were refused in turn.
Election Day was three months off, politics could wait; but nobody could wait to see this man who had come to them out of the past from the days of the Revolution, whose memory was their country's most glorious heritage.
The election went against him two to one in favor of Pétion, a Jacobin, and from that time the clubs held undisputed sway.
It was customary for the States of Italy to congratulate a new Pope on his election by their ambassadors; and this ceremony had now to be performed for Roderigo Borgia.
But at this juncture Gregory died; and while the conclave was sitting for the election of the new Pope, he resolved to take the law into his own hands, and to ratify his union with Vittoria by a third and public marriage in Rome.
These factions contrived to exclude the names of all but their adherents from the bags, or borse, in which the burghers eligible for election had to be inscribed.
New Mexico The first press of New Mexico was imported overland from the United States in 1834 to print El Crepúsculo de la libertad, a short-lived newspaper supporting the election of its editor, Antonio Barreiro, to the Mexican congress.
The issue of August 18 supports the candidacy of Sylvester Mowry for delegate to Congress, in an election scheduled for September 1.
The work is an election sermon, of a type delivered annually at the opening of certain New England legislatures.
Joseph Pulaski Kennedy wrote this pamphlet after an election in which he ran unsuccessfully against William Crawford of Alabama to represent Jackson County in the Territorial legislature.
Nor did the vicar hesitate to express his regret that Mutimer should be seeking election at all.
Of course his polling at the election had been ridiculously small compared with that of the other candidates.
You know there'll be a general electionsome time next year, and he advises me to stand for Belwick.
As theelection day approached she suffered from a sinking of the heart, almost a bodily fear; a fear the same in kind as that of the wretched woman who anticipates the return of a brute-husband late on Saturday night.
After Cary's election he left the university and would have accepted the great church of Colchester, but the bishop of London refused to grant institution and induction.
He had taken part in the double election of 1130, had been one of the most determined opponents of Anacletus II.
Auger did not live to see the election of Lamartine in 1829, and it needed ten more years for Victor Hugo after many vain assaults to enter by the breach.
He studied law at Bologna, and after his uncle's election he was created successively bishop, cardinal and vice-chancellor of the church, an act of nepotism characteristic of the age.
The last procured his election as an associate of the Royal Academy (1825).
No man may vote in any election who has not by the 1st of February next preceding that election paid all poll taxes due from him to the state.
He is subject to yearly election and the post has often been an undesirable one in Spain.
Since 1378 Western Christendom, in consequence of the election of the two popes Urban VI.
He introduced the Benedictine rule, and secured the right of the election of the abbot to the monks themselves.
The day of election will come some time or other, says I to myself, and all will be over; and so it did, and a glorious day it was as any I ever had the happiness to see.
There was anelection some time ago in this county, and a man rode up to me in this garden as you do now, and asked me for my vote, but I refused him, for I was steady to my landlord.
Nine hundred and forty; the number is changing from year to year; the exact number can be found by consulting the almanacs that give the election returns.
There are no other prohibitions in regard to age or re- election of county officers.
In case of a vacancy in the office of sheriff, and there being no under sheriff, one of the coroners designated by the county judge, performs the duties of sheriff until said vacancy be filled by election or appointment.
Should any person after his election to the Legislature be elected or appointed to any of the offices just named, his acceptance thereof will vacate his seat in the Legislature.
The election goes to the House of Representatives.
In case of the re-election of the county clerk, before whom can he qualify?
To which are appended the Constitution of the State of New York as amended at the election of 1880, the Constitution of the United States, and the Declaration of Independence.
He must hand to the inspectors of election a ballot upon, which is printed the names of the thirty-five Electors.
He is the keeper of the record books and papers belonging to the State, receives and records all pardons, and other executive and legislative acts, election returns, etc.
The Governor and Lieutenant Governor must be thirty years of age, and shall have been for the five years next preceding their election residents of the State.
How frequently, and when is a Presidential election held?
He must be at the time of hiselection thirty-five years of age.
A new election and a hostile House of Representatives can cut off the funds for any project no matter what its merits may be in the eyes of the top-secret planners.
You were duly elected member for Northampton at the General Election of 1880.
There are three cases: one of expulsion, two of election annulled, and then ultimate reversal of the whole of that and expungment by the House?
But you presume too much on the indifference of the age when, in this free England, you so recklessly exhibit as weapons in an election contest the outward signs of the authority the Vatican claims, but shall never again exercise, in Britain.
There is one other question that I should like to ask, and that is whether your attention has been called to any case in which the House has discussed and dealt with the election of a Member, before that Committee was sworn?
Between the date of his election and the date of his refusal the law had changed, but it had not changed (so the House interpreted the Statute, or so the Statute ran, I do not know which) at the date of his election.
Is it for a disqualification or ineligibility existing prior to myelection and continuing down to the time of my election--I mean a disqualification or ineligibility created by Statute or existing at common law?
The Greeks are the only people in Turkey who understand election trickery, and they were assisted in their recent campaign by clever and, of course, absolutely unscrupulous electioneering experts from Athens.
I was in Constantinople during theelection operations, and very interesting and picturesque they were.
The Turkish election law—which is now being revised—defines so vaguely the qualifications for a voter that a good deal of misunderstanding arose.
Certain foolish agitators who were infected with some of the socialistic doctrines of Western Europe unwittingly helped the cause of the reactionaries by raising the election cry of “No more taxes for the people” and “Down with all monopolies.
The two men apparently thought alike in political matters; and, in theelection of 1872, they campaigned for General Grant.
In the War for Independence, he served as a captain and afterward took an active part in organizing the new government--in particular, serving on a commission to supervise the Presidential election of 1788.
Following Hayes' election as President, Mosby received an appointment as Consul in Hong Kong where he served until 1885.
In the crowded days of his middle life he gave a proof of his interest in his native town by being its Mayor, and on his election presented the town with his own portrait painted by himself.
After his election as King of the Gipsies, or King of the Beggars, as he is more often called, Carew was soon involved in fresh adventures.
The life of a Parliament in Canada is limited to five years, and, unless it has been dissolved in the interval, must return for re-election at the end of that term.
All the members return for re-election by their constituencies, and the question at issue is quickly submitted for decision by the ballots of the electors.
His appointment as chief of the nation having been the result of an election contest, the President represents not the whole people, but only the political party which happened to be in the majority at the time of his election.
No election ever fought would keep them out of bed after eleven o'clock.
Three days before the election every voter in the town received, not merely their usual election literature, but an anonymous circular.
It is true that the election seemed months away, but the ground seemed slipping from under his feet, and his chances, in spite of what his supporters told him, appeared to grow less each day.
Never since the day after the election had he seen her in Brunford, and he often wondered what this might mean.
We'll leave no stone unturned, Wilson, and I'm inclined to think at the end of this election that your man Stepaside will be no longer regarded as a hero.
And there's bound to be a general election in a few months, and he has declared definitely that he'll not stand again.
In a few days the excitement of the election had calmed down at Brunford.
There were fifteen thousand voters on the lists, and Mr. Carcliffe, whom Mr. Bolitho sought to succeed, had at the last election obtained over a thousand majority.
Thus, when one day the news flashed along a thousand wires that the Government had resigned and that a General Election was upon them, he was glad he had given himself heart and soul to this political struggle.
And then all the joy of his winning the election would be as nothing.
Rumours were in the air that the Government was about to resign and that an election was imminent.
But as he remembered after events, when he called to mind the fact that he fought Paul at the election and failed to condemn those who made use of slanderous gossip, then he was more than a spectator.
I am glad to meet you, Mr. Stepaside, and I hope, whatever the result of the election is, we shall part good friends.
It seems that we may have another election on us," replied the man.
She determined, too, that she would go away on a long visit to a friend, giving as an excuse to her father that she was overwrought by the election and needed a rest.
His unsuccessful opponent, Mr. Offley, petitioned against the return, and the election was determined to be void by the Committee of Privileges.
When the election for Harwich came on, the electors refused to return him, and the streets echoed to the cry of "No Tower men, no men out of the Tower!
After his election and before his inauguration there was a general disposition to depreciate him.
In the end he owed his election to timely aid from Southern Whigs.
William Pitt Fessenden, who always spoke with precision and never with passion, asserted in the Senate that the Court, after hearing the argument, had reserved its judgment until the Presidential election was decided.
The House was promptly organized by the election of Schuyler Colfax to the Speakership.
With this suppression, if not indeed re-action, of the popular feeling in the North, on the subject of slavery, the two great parties approached the Presidential election of 1848.
Mr. Lincoln found much encouragement in the fact that in the national election "no candidate for any office whatever, high or low, ventured to seek votes on the avowal that he was in favor of giving up the Union.
Modern political designations had their origin in the Presidential electionof 1824.
Free-trade Principles triumph with the Election of President Polk.
Perhaps in no other National election did three men so completely control the result.
The election of Mr. Polk was an unquestionable verdict from the people in favor of the annexation of Texas.
The distinct and avowed marshalling of a solid North against a solid South had begun, and the result of the Presidential election of 1856 settled nothing except that a mightier struggle was in the future.
The crisis of the national campaign was therefore reached in the triumph of Governor Curtin in the State election which preceded by four weeks the direct choice of President.