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Example sentences for "escape from"

  • Grauble, on whom I staked my hopes of escape from Berlin, had departed to the Arctic and would not return for many months.

  • My talk with the men ended as had the last one, without arriving at any particular plan of action, and when Hellar arose first to go, I took the opportunity to escape from what to me was an intolerable situation.

  • I was tempted to divulge at once my long cherished plan of escape from Berlin.

  • I saw that my knowledge discreetly used, might enable me to become a great man among them and so learn secrets that would be of immense value to the outer world, should I later contrive to escape from Berlin.

  • He thought himself very cunning in this, as he meant to escape from Rochester to France.

  • The Archbishop tried to escape from England.

  • Hutchinson, assisted Count Lavallette to escape from Paris in January, 1816.

  • You must excuse my flippancy, for I am writing I know not what, to escape from myself.

  • Every feeling of hardship is inseparable from the desire to escape from it; every idea of pleasure from the desire to enjoy it.

  • The quickest way for a mother to escape from it without deceiving her son is to tell him to hold his tongue.

  • Imitation has its roots in our desire to escape from ourselves.

  • I set out on my travels to escape from shams, and begin to discover that I am a sham par excellence.

  • In a day or two, perhaps the day after you receive this, I shall be able to escape from London, and most likely shall come on foot as usual.

  • But before I go on to speak further, I will tell one more experience, which came at a time when I was very unhappy, longing to escape from life, looking forward mournfully to death.

  • What the mind instinctively dislikes is stationariness; and an existence in which there was nothing to escape from, nothing more to hope for, to learn, to desire, would be frankly unendurable.

  • Much of our civilised life is an attempt, not deliberate but instinctive, to escape from this.

  • Even so they were still planning to escape from something--from some boredom or anxiety or dread.

  • But his persevering ardor in this two-fold enterprise kept him out of war with France; he did all he could to avoid it, and when the pressure of circumstances involved him in it for a time, he was anxious to escape from it.

  • The Tribunal might well send him to hell who had endeavoured to escape from purgatory.

  • We want to organize ourselves and see if we can't escape from slavery.

  • Well, well, if it's so easy to escape from slavery!

  • Then he would try to shelve the whole subject, in order to escape from it; but it always returned to him.

  • Since my stars had sentenced me to die, I thought it no bad bargain to escape from life so easily.

  • He collected the remnants of the Bandle Nere, and gave them over to Orazio Baglioni, who contrived to escape from S.

  • Making off, I took refuge in the house of Messer Giovanni Gaddi, clerk of the Camera, with the intention of preparing as soon as possible to escape from Rome.

  • How can I escape from you, when every new occasion, even your cruelty and scorn, brings out some new charm.

  • Was it not plain from this that she even then meditated an escape from me to some less sentimental lover?

  • The treacherous sand slope allowed no escape from a spot which I had visited most involuntarily, and a promenade on the river frontage was the signal for a bombardment from some insane native in a boat.

  • You belong to a Service that ought to be able to command the Channel Fleet, or set a leg at twenty minutes' notice, and yet you hesitate over asking to escape from a squashy green district where you admit you are not master.

  • So far as I could gather, it had been in existence from time immemorial--whence I concluded that it was at least a century old-- and during that time no one had ever been known to escape from it.

  • He would insist that the law should take its course, and that the "death" which was the doom of all who were caught in the act of escape from a penal settlement should be enforced.

  • The discipline at the place was so severe, and the life so terrible, that prisoners would risk all to escape from it.

  • Surely the punishment of "penal servitude" must have been made very terrible for men to dare such hideous perils to escape from it.

  • The first settlers who came across the ocean were animated solely by the desire to escape from oppression in their native land; they had as yet no purpose to set up an independent empire.

  • A noisy and troublesome Indian, who imagined that bullets could not kill him, fell into a quarrel with a settler, and slew him; and was himself shot while attempting to escape from arrest.

  • I returned to London when I had put my affairs in order at Osbaldistone Hall, and felt happy to escape from a place which suggested so many painful recollections.

  • Upon the whole, therefore, I was glad to escape from London, from Newgate, and from the scenes which both exhibited, to breathe the free air of Northumberland.

  • The man who tries to escape from it is like a plant being pulled up by the roots.

  • To escape from this we may suppose that Hawthorne surrounded himself with an invisible network of reserve, behind which his pure and lofty spirit could develop itself in a harmonious manner.

  • Accidents too happen to nervous invalids which other people seem generally to escape from.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "escape from" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    after crossing; aid the; boat could; escape from; escape the; escaped alone; escaped convict; escaped from; foreign assistance; full page; general assessment; good family; good sister; immediate abolition; immense number; little weary; love itself; must remark; obtain them; other things being equal; pointed instrument; said coolly; screw propeller; single hour; stop short; universal deluge