The considerations which determined Holland's choice of a profession I have not sought to enquire.
On the screened porches of the officers' quarters, at the mess, and at the huts men in uniform talked and laughed as though their profession was the simplest and safest in the world.
Flying is getting to be such a widespread sport as well as profession that every device possible is being developed for the safety and welfare of airmen and women.
If there were cut from the programme of the rest everything useless--everything inapplicable to life or to some profession or trade--scarcely enough would be left for eighteen months' schooling.
He realized what John Grier had said concerning politics--that, given other characteristics, the making of laws meant success or failure for every profession or trade, for every interest in the country.
The profession of crime to-day has in its ranks men whose manners are those of the diplomatist, whose get-up is faultless, and whose fertility of resource would enable them to make a good living by honest means.
The theatrical profession is the most generous in the world.
There, by certain old letters found upon her, her identity was revealed, and presently it became known to the profession that one whom they had all regarded with affection and esteem was homeless, penniless, starving.
A man well-known in the theatrical profession some years ago--the touring manager of a popular London lessee--once disappeared mysteriously.
His profession being one that must necessarily take him from home pretty frequently to various parts of the country, he had been able to carry on the deception without arousing suspicion on either side.
As for Henry Catsrider, he was driven from his profession three days later for putting to shame the dignity of his office, the reputation of the city, and the majesty of the law by his bungling.
Even if he had worn no hangman's weeds, all the world might have read his frightful profession from his face.
All are philosophers, in their way, and all seem to have caught the tang of the profession and to be, subconsciously, of the mummer persuasion.
Yet that is what these people have done; they have labelled a house with the device of The Midnight Crusade for the Reclamation of our Fallen Sisters; and they expect self-respecting girls of that profession to enter it.
The state of business in all trades and professions may be heartbreakingly bad, but there is one profession in which there are no bad seasons--one that will survive and flourish until the world ceases to play the quaint comedy of love.
I may say that if myprofession kept me from knowing anybody I really wanted to know I should relinquish that profession without hesitation.
The young man conceived the highest idea of the profession of a dervish, from its inspiring sentiments so humane.
Thy name is Hirvan the Kurd, and by profession thou art a thief.
You seem not to have been born for the criminal profession you follow.
I do not bring you payment, but I am charged by her to tell you that you became her merchant in preference to every other of the same profession at Bagdad, only because her heart granted you a preference of another kind.
I am by profession a gardener, and have come hither to seek for certain rare trees and flowers.
To the best of my knowledge no member of the law professionhas protested.
That is possibly one of the reasons that the teaching profession is such a low-class one, for a teacher is merely a specialist in a world of specialists.
He suffered from an arduous profession and from lack of food.
The Lord grant that the writer and the reader may prove the deep blessedness of this, in this day of hollow profession and empty talk.
The moral antipodes of this is presented to our view in the person of a man who, without gift or grace or spiritual life, enters what is called the ministry, as a mere profession or means of living.
He had determined to leave a profession which offered no outlet for his energies.
The intendant of marines listened to the tale with open ears, and recommended his subordinate to make an open profession of his adhesion to the Romish Church as a first step towards the restitution of his rights.
The gentleman in your profession who does for us, wants, I know, to sell the business.
Such was the prevalent immorality, that a great number of priests maintained concubines, who were vain of the holy profession of their lovers, and claimed particular distinctions.
Merimee's profession of faith in matters of ancient and mediaeval history.
Were we only to look back upon our history, we should find perhaps that the profession of the law would include almost two-thirds of our very greatest men.
The pet profession of England is the bar, and I see many reasons why this should be the case.
Mr. Smithers offered to take the boy back and "do well by him," averring that the father wished his son to remain where he left him, and follow the profession to which he was trained.
There is still a good deal of law, to which profession most of the male characters belong, but there are plentiful compensations.
Of course, as one would expect from the time, and the profession of the author, the meal of the morality is a little above the malt of the tale; but the very titles are "germinal.
Also the man's professionbeing of a kind that is flavoured with romance it was possible that M.
The fact that he dreamed such dreams shows us how very kindly he had taken to the profession into which Chance and M.
I thought gentlemen of your profession invariably conducted these affairs with decency, decorum, and a certain grace.
I am by profession a man of the robe, though I realize that the motto here is cedat toga armis.
This profession might--although in fact it did not--have brought him to consider himself at last as a man of action.
He touched his cap, and climbing up out of the well, made his way forward, as though to signalize the fact that he was adopting the profession of our paid hand.
There were labourers in tight trousers and tabard jackets, inscribed with the name and profession of their employer.
Brigandage is the original profession of the gypsy, though to-day the only stealing which they do is done stealthily, and not in the plain hold-up fashion.
Shall I imagine that I am nearer to God because my profession advances the cause of learning and his does not?
What profession did you fix upon as the field for your life work?
An artist should study for his profession just as a man should prepare for the law or medicine, and should never consider that natural ability is all that he requires for success.
This course has become imperatively necessary in the United States, where each great business has become a profession in itself.
It is said,” I went on, “that any field or profession carefully followed, will bring material success.
He was educated as a doctor, but gave up this profession for journalism, and he was for some time editor of the Morning Herald.
In Guernsey the age limit is from sixteen to thirty-three, and the obligation is extended to all who are British subjects, and draw income from a profession practised in the island.
His father died when he was eight years of age; and his mother having married again, his profession was left to be chosen by his friends.
Finding, however, that his Protestant profession cut him off from all hope of honours or advancement in his native country, he set out again for Persia in August 1671.
A man will perhaps tolerate an offensive word applied to himself, but will be infuriated if his nation, his rank, or his profession is insulted.
The young man determined to follow the profession for which he felt his talents suited, and which would afford him the widest scope.