When cold or wet, take ten drops of Daffy's elixir in a small glass of strong waters.
Daffy's elixir possesses extraordinary powers in purifying the blood and working off all phlegms, humours, vapours, or rheums.
My dear mother packed a bottle of Daffy's elixir in the barrel of my pistol.
Any man who thought he'd had enough at the end of a thousand years could stop taking the Elixir and shuffle off the mortal coil.
It's theElixir of Life that I bank on most, however.
The Poet having accepted this sally in the spirit in which it was intended, the Idiot resumed: "But of course the Elixir and the Electrical Pills are as yet all in the air.
I'm not old enough or cross-grained enough as yet to be a pessimist, and it's because I don't want to be a pessimist that I want this Elixir of Electricity to hurry up and have itself patented.
Not less singular were his opinions in regard to the elixir vitae.
In one sense it is," replied Aylmer; "or rather, the elixirof immortality.
He is soon at his old tricks again, stealing the peaches of immortality from a legendary being known as the Royal Mother in the West, and also some elixir of life, both of which he consumes.
From which it is but a step to immortality and theelixir of life.
Also that, in his excitement, he dropped the vessel which had contained this elixir into his courtyard, and that his dogs and poultry sipped up the dregs, and immediately sailed up to heaven after him!
Tradition, however, says that he positively discovered the elixir of immortality, and that after drinking of it he rose up to heaven in broad daylight.
He wrote a treatise on the elixir of life, and was generally inclined to Taoist notions.
I have given fowls even twenty drops of the elixir in a glass of the infusion.
Some drops of pectoral elixir in the infusion of speedwell, which the sick birds must be made to take, appears to me to be the most efficacious remedy.
I understood that such pity is the last of the precious essences which make up the elixir of immortality, and when it is poured into the cup it is ready for drinking.
Your Elixirof Immortality is not yet perfected And, remembering Ko Hung, you are ashamed.
Under the guidance of my new preceptors I entered with the greatest diligence into the search of the philosopher's stone and the elixir of life; but the latter soon obtained my undivided attention.
I gave him the precious elixir which my mother alone on earth could draw from roots such as no eye of man has ever seen.
Be that as it may, the real elixir will, in one instant, cause the substance of copper to attain the state of gold, and will traverse the seventy-year stages in a single moment.
All who came seemed to imagine that they were coming to one who possessed a maxim, a fixed principle concerning conduct in relation to the war, a wonder-working moral elixirwhich he could dispense in suitable doses.
An elixir was spoken of, discovered by a certain Garus, which made much stir just then, and the secret of which the King has since bought.
From this moment to that in which the patient fell into a state worse than that from which the elixir had drawn her, there was scarcely an interval.
Probably he imagined that if he confessed himself guilty, he would be pardoned, and sent back to his cell.
Great hopes and auguries were drawn from this marriage, and wonderful futures to them and their descendants were promised them by the astrologers.
The death of Arthur was a shock to the political arrangements, as well as to the affections of the royal parties on both sides.
So Alva went on leisurely reducing Pampeluna, Ferdinand still calling on Dorset to accelerate the business by marching to Alva's support.
Cardinal John de Medici, though he prosecuted the same object of clearing Italy of the foreigner, did not possess the same belligerent temperament as his predecessor.
This, of course, was tantamount to a declaration of war, and the formal declaration only awaited the sanction of Henry by Parliament.
In this the King of France was said to be concerned.
The reputed prince, by his noble appearance, the simple dignity of his manners, and the romance of his story and supposed misfortunes, everywhere excited the highest admiration.
The Duke soon made himself master of the smaller towns and the open country, and then summoned, to their profound astonishment, the English to march into Navarre, and assist him in reducing Pampeluna.
The Elixir was accustomed to testimonials from the suffering millions.
Astonished by its own success the Elixir resolved to make a big spurt and kill off all its rivals.
The Captain's was the best name the Elixir had ever had, and he had enjoyed more diseases than it had hitherto professed to cure.
It also received testimonials which were useless, such as: "I took only one bottle of your Elixir and I got fourteen days.
To me he justified himself on the ground that he had scrupulously described himself as having his tongue in his cheek, and that he really suffered from love-sickness, which was worse than all the ills the Elixir cured.
Howells tells how he found him looking wonderfully well, and when he asked the name of his elixir he learned that it was plasmon.
One of these sent an advertisement of a certainElixir of Life, which was guaranteed to cure everything--to "wash and cleanse the human molecules, and so restore youth and preserve life everlasting.
We have already compared the great elixirwith soma.
Ten or fifteen drops of elixir vitriol may be given in a wineglassful of water every two or three hours.
A teaspoonful of Epsom salts dissolved in half a pint of water, either cold or slightly warmed, to which add fifteen drops of elixir vitriol, forms a most excellent and mild purgative, which should be taken before breakfast.
Coming to breathe "the Elixir of Life," while they inspected that portion of the desert which was "blooming like the rose!
Elixir of Life while you look over our unequalled proposition.
These he was commanded to take to the summit of the highest mountain in Suruga, and, standing upon the highest peak, to burn the scroll and the Elixir of Life.
Fuji, the Abode of the Elixir of Life It is not surprising to find that legend has grown round this venerable and venerated mountain.
Now the Moonfolk had brought with them, in a coffer, a Celestial Feather Robe and a few drops of the Elixir of Life.
Like so many mountains in Japan, and, indeed, in other Eastern countries, it was associated with theElixir of Life.
The Taoists went so far as to claim that tea was one of the ingredients of the Elixir of Life, while the Buddhist priests drank it whenever it was necessary for them to meditate during the long hours of the night.
Tears of grief overwhelm me, and as for me, with the Elixir of Life what have I to do?
Scroll of the Elixir of Life sent in charge of, to highest mountain in Suruga, 79 Tusna.
When Rosei had lived and reigned for fifty years in this glorious country a minister came to him one day and bade him drink of the Elixir of Life, in order that he might, like his subjects, live for ever.
Such perfect beauty suggested to the woodman the eternal, an idea which no doubt gave rise to the Elixir of Life so frequently associated with this mountain.
When he was told that this mountain had come into being in a single night[2] he conjectured that Mount Fuji must needs yield the Elixir of Life itself.
Nearing the journey's end, the old Emperor ran forward joyously, for he wanted to be the first to drink of the Elixir of Life.
He has succeeded in preserving some of the strong elixir of his life in the words which survive him, and we know him as a valiant soldier in that great army of soldier-saints who have fought with spiritual weapons.
Air navigation, the elixir of life, perpetual motion, are some of them.
He is a revolter, however, against the magical and alchemistic methods of his age, which seek for the welfare of men through the elixir of youth or the philosopher's stone.
The air service still flourishes; its health depends on a secret elixirof immortality, which enables a body to repair its severest losses.
The name of this elixir is tradition, and the greatest of all the achievements of the air service is that in a very few years, under the hammer of war, it has fashioned and welded its tradition, and has made it sure.