We also found, in the second book, that matter is the common substratum of all particular phenomena of the Ideas, and consequently is the connecting link between the Idea and the phenomenon, or the particular thing.
This norm is therefore necessarily related to the identity of the aggregate of existing matter, which is the common substratum of all those different phenomena.
He will be fortified, I think, in the sound conclusion that all far-sounding legend has a solid substratum of fact.
If so, how got it into the canonical Book of Judges, which, with all its mythical and legendary material, seems yet to contain a large substratum of unquestionable history?
The first crash of the orchestra launches us into "La Carmagnole," whose melody provides the thematic orchestral substratum for nearly the entire first scene.
There is always a substratum of matter of fact, which is the outcome of an habitual imputation of causal sequence, or, perhaps better, an imputation of mechanical continuity, if a new term be permitted.
The substratum of "Jerusalem" seemed ever in his thoughts and dreams.
We have already stated the opinion, in part sanctioned by the observations of Maclure, that the old red sandstone is the great substratum of the part of the secondary formation south of Lake Ontario.
We cannot agree in opinion with some who have considered the graywacke as the substratum of the great secondary formation of the valley of the Mississippi.
True nationalism in literature is largely a product of the writer’s unconscious mind; it is a spontaneous manifestation, and no intensity of set purpose can create it unless the psychological substratum is there.
But there is little new in his admonitions to cull the flower ere it fade, and his love poetry would insult a sensitive maiden with its self-understanding substratum of commentary.
By this procedure a shellac coating is given to the surface only of the print; there is no gelatine substratum to soften through atmospheric influences, and so crack and destroy the layer of varnish.
If more fluid the adhesive power of the substratum will not realise expectations, and the plates will require very careful handling if even a few hundred impressions are required.
In collotype a bichromated albumen substratum is still used by many operators, this coating when dry being exposed through the glass plate, the latter placed coated side downwards upon a flat black support, preferably of velvet.
If the substratum be thin, it is not necessary to wash the plate after drying, but after standing aside two days to harden, with dusting and warming, they may be coated with the chromated solution of gelatine.
Plates coated with Husnik’s silicate of sodasubstratum are dried rapidly in a box heated to 65° C.
Silicate of Soda= is almost indispensable as a substratum in the preparation of collotype plates, although many practical workers still adhere to the method originally proposed and practised by J.
This substratum is filtered, and the plates afterwards coated and placed upon the levelling screws in the drying box, which is heated to a regular temperature of 40° C.
Albert, of Munich, who used as a substratum a chromated solution of gelatine and albumen, rendered either partially or wholly insoluble by exposure to light.
This is the very substratum of all intelligence; and the monkeys, possessing it more profoundly than any other animals, have accordingly taken the top of the form in the competitive examination perpetually conducted by survival of the fittest.
There must be a substratum for the affections of consciousness.
To ignore either factor in the problem of life, the material substratum or the dynamic agent, is mere narrowness and blindness.
The admission of the gray nerve cells of the brain, as the material substratum through which sensations are received and volitions returned, does not exclude the necessity of a dynamical cause for the metamorphosing phenomenon.
Our conscious acts are the outcome of an unconscious substratumcreated in the mind in the main by heredity.
To this sinister substratum are due the massacres which stain all revolutions.
This substratum of the population does at the moment of revolution become a dangerous mob.
This substratum consists of innumerable characteristics handed down from generation to generation which constitute the genius of the race.
It must be remembered that the indriyas being material had a permanent substratum, and their aggregate had therefore also a substratumformed of them.
The unit possessing this fourfold substratum is known as paramâ.nu, which is the minutest form of rûpa.
Matter is regarded as the collective organism or collocation, consisting of the fourfold substratum of colour, smell, taste and contact.
The substratum of the principal senses consists of a combination of paramâ.nus, which are extremely pure and minute, while the substratum of the latter is the flesh, made of grosser materials.
It requires a great strain to admit the existence of a new constituent of the universe, a vast spiritual substratum to the domain of matter.
Moller--serves as the substratum for a special fungus (Rozites gongylophora), the staple food of the ants.
In a tropical country leaves supply a substratum to a little flora of their own, consisting of organisms partly algal, partly fungal, in their affinity.
There is just this substratum of truth in a very mischievous error, that St. Paul does tell us[100] that he began to teach the Corinthians by giving them in the simplest possible form the story of "Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
The later German mystics taught that the Divine essence is the material substratum of the world, the creative will of God having, so to speak, alienated for the purpose a portion of His own essence.
If we answer them in the affirmative, then states of consciousness become undistinguishable from material things; for it is the essential nature of matter to be the vehicle or substratum of mechanical energy.
The filaments in and on the substratum are the first existing members of the fungus; they continue so long as it vegetates.
From the seed which is sown, these spores, for which the substratum was most suitable, will more easily germinate, and their development will follow the more quickly.