The development is insidious, and the etiology is not known.
To diagnose the etiology of pernicious vomiting is not always easy.
A brief mention of renal disease in the general etiology of mental disease is made by Ballet.
Mott; On the Etiologyof Pellagra and its Relation to Psychiatry by O.
Ballet states that Griesinger's opinion that renal disease had little importance in the etiology of mental disease and that no one would count the cerebral symptoms of Bright's disease as mental is no longer held.
You also understand, I trust, that this statement is not supposed to reveal the entire secret of the etiology of neurosis, but only emphasizes an important and indispensable condition.
We may abbreviate schematically and say that libido fixation represents the internal disposing factor, abstinence the accidental external factor of the etiology of neurosis.
This will give you a secure hold upon the question of the cause of neuroses--of the etiology of neuroses--which we shall soon consider.
In this way we reach the conclusion that the third factor of the etiology of neuroses is the tendency to conflict, upon which the development both of the ego and libido are dependent.
You will most readily reconcile yourself with these elucidations of fixation and regression, when you consider them as a preface to the investigation of the etiology of neuroses.
The etiology of injuries and diseases of the hip is one and the same with that of the shoulder.
Besides having the same etiology with most of the fractures, those of the forearm are, nevertheless, more commonly due to kicks from other animals, especially when crowded together in large numbers in insufficient space.
One of the mooted questions relative to the etiology of scurvy is the role of heated milk, and more particularly of pasteurized milk.
Note on theEtiology of Scurvy in Guinea-pigs, Biochem.
It is evident, therefore, that the retention of faeces is not the essential factor in the etiology of scurvy.
In addition to the quantity, there are other factors which play a greater or less role in the relation of raw milk to the etiology of scurvy.
Up to the present time dried milk has played an insignificant role in the etiology of infantile scurvy.
Sex seems to play no part in the etiologyof scurvy.
Hayem found fatty infiltration of the walls of the small veins and capillaries, and believed this to play an important role in the etiology of these bleedings.
Let us turn to some of the current theories of the etiology of scurvy.
The enclosures are a single sheet circular signed Thomas Joseph Glover and entitled “Etiology of Cancer,†a “Directions†slip and a card quoting prices.
My paper was entitled--Senility, its etiology and treatment by gland implantation.
The reprint was a translation of a brief article by Rahtjen “On the Etiology of Idiopathic Anemia,†translated from the Centralblatt für Bakteriologie Parasitenkunde und Infektionskrankheiten.
They play a very important part in the etiology of irritable ulcers.
No progress was possible in combating the disease until these root questions of the etiology of cholera are decided.
Hitherto the advances in knowledge upon the etiology of other infective diseases have done little toward the etiology of cholera.
They, as well as many other intestinal parasites, are probably an important factor in etiology of appendicitis, typhoid fever, and other intestinal infections.
Although the great majority of blood changes are secondary, there are a few blood conditions in which the changes are so prominent, or the etiology so obscure, that they are commonly regarded as blood diseases.
The nature of this disturbance and its etiology are imperfectly known.
The etiology of tumours is imperfectly understood.
Bronchoscopy for diagnosis is to be done unless the etiologycan be definitely proven by other means.
Schema illustrative of theetiology of pressure diverticula.
An ulcer surrounded by an inflammatory areola and the granulation tissue together illustrates the etiology of cicatricial tissue.
Here also, as in the Lombrosian doctrines, etiology fulfils the lofty task of throwing light upon the causal links between the biosociologic causes and the congenital anomalies of the physiological personality.
It is well known that this disease, whose pathological etiology is still obscure, has some connection with a diet of mouldy grain.
Hence we perceive, in the etiology of crime, the importance of the organic factor, connected directly with the lack of harmony in the viscera and their functions, and consequently accompanied by special morbid predispositions.
Such is our view of the etiology of manic-depressive insanity as a whole.
The problem is wider than that of the mere etiology of the stupors we are considering.
With the etiology mainly exogenous 20% recovered and 14.
The author, therefore, thinks it advisable to state somewhat dogmatically his view, as to the etiology of these affective reactions, merely as a starting point for the argument concerning stupors specifically.
It also postulates a broad culture, inclusive of the specific bearing of genetic parallels and the reverse; and, as a matter of course, close study of such as the etiology of crime, and of individual and race psychology.
However, as regards the etiologyof the maladies in which these organisms are found, it is perhaps too early to speak with absolute confidence.
Our researches of last year, left the etiology of the putrid disease, or septicemia, in a much less advanced condition than that of anthrax.
In the etiology of the condition severe infection seems to play a prominent role.
The etiology of the second type is in most cases rheumatic fever or some other infectious disease, and the prognosis is far better than in the first type.
Etiology not certain but almost always associated with arteriosclerosis of the coronary arteries and also aortic regurgitation.
The total of all work has not been to add very much to our knowledge of theetiology of arterial degeneration.
Hypertension= Hypertension must still be reckoned with in the etiology of arteriosclerosis although the role that it was thought to play does not seem so important.
The etiology of the former is sclerosis and the prognosis is grave because of the liability, nay the probability, that the orifices of the coronary arteries will become narrowed.
The etiology of this condition requires no comment.
Where we can establish the etiology of a given case, we cannot of course be in doubt as to the remedy; and in many instances of this kind we find in electricity our most potent curative agent.
In the older times, when the knowledge of the etiology and pathology of dropsies was obscure, we find the records of the most extraordinary cases.
The etiology and pathology of this disease are quite obscure.
Buchanan describes a case illustrative of the etiology of spontaneous amputation of limbs in utero Nebinger reports a case of abortion, showing commencing amputation of the left thigh from being encircled by the funis.
As to the etiology of albinism, there is no known cause of the complete form.
As we know little of the influences and sources governing nutrition, the pathology and etiology of acromegaly are obscure.
Since etiology or the causation of diseases has been made a special study in connection with this subject, some startling discoveries have been made in regard to the origin of pelvic peritonitis.
The etiology or causation of uterine catarrh resolves itself into predisposing and exciting causes.
Medieval therapeutics in insanity adapted itself to the etiology indicated.
The present writer, as a member of the Havana Yellow Fever Commission, in 1879, made the first systematic attempt to solve the unsettled questions relating to yellow fever etiology by modern methods of research.
And now,' concluded Pasteur, when laying before the Academy a rapid survey of the etiology of splenic fever, 'is not the remedy naturally indicated?
The opposite doctrines of Liebig and Pasteur are here brought into clear juxtaposition; and thus was their mutual and reciprocal influence established in dealing with the etiology of one of the most serious diseases of the bladder.
But though these results were as new as they were unexpected, and though one cause of confusion in the study of this terrible problem was removed, yet these first researches were not marked by any progress in the etiology of hydrophobia.
Pasteur, in obedience to the necessity he felt to get at the fundamental truth of things, and also in his eager desire to discover some decisive proofs as to the etiology of this terrible disease, resolved in his turn to attack the subject.
Besides the attraction which an obscure problem had for him, he felt that if he succeeded in discovering the probably microbean etiology of such a disease, he would carry all minds with him into the current of these new ideas.
At all times, medical theories, more particularly those which concern the etiology of virulent diseases, have had to encounter the opposition of explanations invented to account for the phenomena of fermentation.
The etiology of contagious diseases,' he wrote with a scientific certainty of conviction, 'is on the eve of having unexpected light shed upon it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "etiology" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.