There is not a quarter of the globe where we have not our representative.
It is now, and not in the future only, that I may venture to say that there is no part of this globewhere men are to be found, where, here and there, Borth has not been heard of this year.
Certainly the American name never was more honored throughout the four quarters of the globe than in this very moment.
When the brown man reached the old manor, the quietude of the library, with its blackened mahogany table, its faded green Axminster, the meridional globe with its dusty twinkle, banished the incident from his mind.
While Rose was fulminating, the old gentleman recalled his bent globe and decided the moment had come for a lecture on that point.
Before he left the room he stooped, and tried to set up again the globe that the passing of the girl had caused him to throw down; but its pivot was out of plumb, and he had to lean it against the window-seat.
The mirrors appeared to have been cut from hollow blown glass globes, and it is possible that before the globe was cut the molten lead had been poured into the interior, and had adhered to the previously warmed glass.
Every region, every corner of the globe seems to vie in hastening to forward hither the tribute of its productions.
While he turned over the pages of his books by the light of the glass globe and from time to time looked over at the sick woman's bed he thought of how his mother was now again preparing to go away and leave him alone in the dark.
She thought of the games she played as a child and of all her girl friends, and the light of the globe was like moonlight, sunrise and sunset, or like high noon.
What a light Master Anton's glass globe cast across the table and through the room in the evening and at night!
If only the glass globe of Master Anton Unwirrsch could have reflected the figure of Moses Freudenstein as, during his father's short absence he stood with folded arms in front of the richly burdened table!
The radiance of the shining globe falls also upon the child's head; he looks up at it with great wondering eyes; he is wondering about the light!
Uncle Ernst; "and I do not believe another man on the globe hates him as I do.
Once more only did she open them wonderingly and look at the glass globe over the table; it seemed to her as if it had suddenly given forth a clear tone and as if she had been awakened by the sound.
It was no wonder that the glass globe shone; it was too intimate with the sun not to sparkle on such a day as if it were a little sun itself.
May the great globe whirl round before long some such holiday for you as will convert--for me--the pursuit I so inadequately allude to into something in the nature of an encounter.
I congratulate you on the decision you so speedily took and, with your usual Napoleonic celerity when the surface of the globe is in question, so energetically acted upon.
The Emperor's sceptre had been made by Odiot; it was of solid silver, enlaced by a gold serpent, and surmounted by a globe on which was a miniature figure of Charlemagne seated.
The crown was formed of eight branches meeting under a gold globe surmounted by a cross.
Hence a body as large as our earth, which was known to be a globe from the time that the ancient Phoenicians navigated the Mediterranean, if placed in the heavens at a sufficient distance, would look like a star.
And from this it follows that the limit to the population of the globe can only be the limit of space.
Scherzer (Karl), Narrative of the Circumnavigation of the Globe by the Austrian Frigate Novara.
Patti, of course, was smothered with bouquets, and the Italian residents of the city sent a huge globe of violets, supported on two ladders, with the Italian and American flags hanging over each side.
In the continual circling of moderns around this little globe the friends were sure to meet again, "early and often," Posey prayed.
The staring white light of the electric globe immediately above them showed the bloom forsaking her young face, the lips trembling violently.
At this time the landlord was John Lowin, of the Globe Theatre, said to have been the original creator of Falstaff in the "Merry Wives of Windsor," and of the part of Henry VIII.
By the time these lines are in print the famous "Globe Room" at the Reindeer at Banbury will have been exported to America, but a replica in all respects is to be erected in its place.
For me the balm shall bleed, and amber flow, The coral redden, and the ruby glow, The pearly shell its lucid globe infold, And Phoebus warm the ripening ore to gold.
He proved to be an engaging old fellow, had circled the globe three or four times, and had had an adventure or two worth recounting.
For twelve years now she had gone from one end of the globe to the other, upon the shortest notice.
Fosterdyke produced a small globe from a corner of the room in order to confirm his statement.
Today, only 20 percent of the globe is covered by any regular observational and reporting systems.
Such facilities should be possible through a system of carefully placed satellites so that radio signals can be relayed to any part of the globe at any time.
It is honourable to England, that this new impulse to a knowledge of the globe began with her spirit of enterprise, and it is still more honourable to her that that spirit was originally prompted by benevolence.
There, new powers will be awakened, new vigour will take place of old stagnation, and those matchless portions of the globe will give their treasures to the full use of man.
I shall read it with the utmost interest; for I think that the most interesting quarter of the whole globe in respect to distribution, and I have long been very imperfectly trying to collect data for the Malay Archipelago.
The Globe within this period must have had a quite different aspect.
At the Cape of Good Hope we all on board suffered a bitter disappointment in missing nine months' letters, which are chasing us from one side of the globe to the other.
I have attempted, by Hooker's help, to ascertain in a similar way whether the different species of the same genera in distant quarters of the globe are variable or present varieties.
It is he that sitteth upon the globe of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as locusts: he that stretcheth out the heavens as nothing, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in.
This is the destiny of this globe of ours; it will eventually attain a state of organization that will no more be destroyed.
The terrestrial globe being from that time recognized as isolated, to move it was no longer difficult.
Spero watched his instruments, and by the help of a little crystal globe filled with glow-worms, wrote down the indications corresponding to the heights attained.
Speedily the terrestrial globe was reduced to the dimensions of the moon in its last quarter; then to a little full moon.
In the highest center is Christ, leaning on the globe of the earth, which is of dark crystal.