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Example sentences for "intersect"

Lexicographically close words:
interrupting; interruption; interruptions; interrupts; interscholastic; intersected; intersecting; intersection; intersections; intersects
  1. It is insisted by the British ministers that a due north line from the monument at the source of the St. Croix will intersect no highlands described in the treaty of 1783.

  2. Now the assumption that the north line from this monument will intersect or meet no such highlands is entirely gratuitous.

  3. Act of April 1st requires supervisors of highways to make paved valleys or stone culverts where other roads intersect the Cumberland Road and this act also signifies the State's acceptance of the road from the General Government.

  4. Here one sees the innumerable wind-mills, and the labyrinthic net-work of canals which intersect Holland.

  5. When the principal streets intersect each other, the bustle and tumult of trade is so great, that it becomes a dangerous undertaking to attempt to effect a crossing at such a square.

  6. Movable partitions sliding in grooves intersect it and, when closed, form compartments of various sizes.

  7. On one of the largest of the canals which intersect Osaka in every direction stands the theatre, with its broad facade, capped by two roofs.

  8. S and radius SU describe a circular arc, which will intersect the parallel in the required point Q.

  9. Another inference is that the angle in which two lines on the sphere intersect is represented by the same angle in the projection.

  10. The advantages of this method are that with a remarkably simple and convenient mode of construction we have a map in which the parallels and meridians intersect at right angles.

  11. Let us suppose a model of the earth to be enveloped by a cylinder in such a way that the cylinder touches the equator, and let the plane of each parallel such as PR be prolonged to intersect the cylinder in the circle pr.

  12. These contours intersect the ground at a given distance above or below the level of the sea, and thus bound a series of horizontal planes (see fig.

  13. It is that of fairy rings, which are believed to spread from a centre, and when they intersect the intersecting portion dies out, as the mycelium cannot grow where it has grown during previous years.

  14. Even now numerous clumps of bamboo may be seen here, especially along the many water courses which intersect the delightful valley in which the town is located.

  15. Our trail was one of the numerous cattle paths that intersect the llanos in every direction.

  16. Several very striking ravines intersect this Forest range, particularly at Lydbrook, Blackpool Brook, and Ruspedge, such as would afford the artist many beautiful and interesting subjects for delineation.

  17. The streets of Floriana intersect each other at right angles.

  18. How closely the lines of civilization and of barbarism intersect each other in all populous centres!

  19. On October 14 we passed a series of large river-beds which intersect the ridge to the south along flattish valleys.

  20. The Tagus and Guadiana intersect it east to west.

  21. Deep fissures intersect the various quarters of the town, over which broad roads connect the higher portions by bridges and embankments.

  22. In this case there will be an infinite number of lines, such as k for instance, containing A and lying in [alpha], which do not intersect l.

  23. Hence two circles described on AA' and BB' as diameters will intersect in two points E and E'.

  24. Similarly in the antipodal form two diameters always determine a plane, but two points on a sphere do not determine a great circle when they are antipodes, and two great circles always intersect in two points.

  25. The point where these circles intersect--that they intersect Euclid quietly assumes--is the vertex of the required triangle.

  26. The cubics intersect in 9 points, being the 6 vertices of the hexagon, and the 3 Pascalian points, or intersections of the pairs of opposite sides of the hexagon.

  27. The planes t1 and t2 are imaginary for an elliptic group, and also for an hyperbolic group when the planes p1 and p2 intersect at points within the region enclosed by the absolute.

  28. Then it can be proved that r does not intersect l1.

  29. SS' and the four lines determined for the correspondence; therefore these two cones intersect in the original cubic.

  30. In the same way geometry in a linear complex is equivalent to geometry on a quadric in four dimensions; when two lines intersect the representative points are on the same generator of this quadric.

  31. Connect up the points where the arcs intersect to B and D; this is the face of the inclined prism, and contains the true shape of rail.

  32. What has just been done is that the plane in which the rail lies has been projected to intersect the horizontal plane which contains the plan of the wreath.

  33. Then the great railway lines are beginning to intersect this country in all directions, and thus furnish the farmer with a cheap and immediate outlet for his produce.

  34. The horizontal rudder is also made of cloth stretched over a light wooden frame, and arranged to intersect the vertical rudder at its center.

  35. Also see that every point where the sticks intersect is firmly tacked and bound.

  36. Minor chains, some parallel, some branching from the great northern chain, and some branches of those branches, intersect every region of the globe.

  37. In arid regions the ground-water surface lies so low that for the most part stream ways do not intersect it.

  38. Had our destination been the Grand Harbor on the other side of Valletta, Fort Ricasoli and Fort St. Angelo would have been equally in evidence, built on two of the various projections which intersect the left side of that haven.

  39. Lastly, intersect the loop stitches with straight threads and pass the needle each time through the knot of the netting.

  40. Begin by making a very regular netted foundation, but without knots, where the two layers of threads intersect each other.

  41. There are two distinct sets of these joints which intersect each other at right angles.

  42. It is much more noticeable in the shales, however, for it is typically seen in narrow veins which criss-cross the surface of the outcrop and intersect the bedding planes at various angles.

  43. These planes will intersect the asteroidal orbits, each in four points, and "the mean intersection at each solstice and equinox may be considered a point in the average orbit.

  44. Professor Harrington supposes two planes to intersect the ecliptic at right angles; one passing through the equinoxes and the other through the solstices.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "intersect" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accord; agree; answer; approach; assent; bar; center; centralize; check; chime; close; cohere; coincide; concentrate; concur; conform; converge; cooperate; correspond; crisscross; cross; dovetail; funnel; harmonize; hit; interlock; intersect; jibe; lock; match; meet; nip; overlap; parallel; pinch; register; square; tally; taper; transverse; traverse; unite