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Example sentences for "attractive"

Lexicographically close words:
attractable; attracted; attracting; attraction; attractions; attractively; attractiveness; attractor; attracts; attribuer
  1. On her side, while having much to gain materially by marriage, unless she is unusually attractive she has but little range of choice.

  2. It is, doubtless, amusing and flattering to masculine employers to be surrounded by attractive youth of the opposite sex.

  3. The tinder-box with its endless varieties has not escaped studious attention but it has not come into the forefront of collecting as has the ornate and bejewelled snuff-box with its more highly attractive appearance.

  4. V Of the two camps, the vast majority of masculines will always seek their loves and wives among the Ultra-Feminines; frail and erratic, but attractive and more or less womanly.

  5. This splendid estate descended to three brothers, who equally divided it; the eldest keeping the homestead, and the others building attractive homes on their separate plantations.

  6. Deborah caught her breath at that, and an eager excited expression swept over her attractive face.

  7. She was up again on one elbow, and there was an eager expression on her bright attractive face.

  8. The influence she exerted was the polished, refined, attractive influence of an accomplished woman, who moved in her own appropriate sphere.

  9. Even the most commonplace duties of life were rendered attractive to her by investing them with a mysterious connection with her own limitless being.

  10. The Assembly, unused to such a scene, were fascinated by her attractive eloquence.

  11. There were more light and stir towards the Elephant and Castle than there was in the Kennington Road, and light and stir were attractive to him, but to-night he ought to be in quiet places and in shadows.

  12. Tunnels and attractive seaboards were extraneous things that might bring fortune, but could not bring merit, to those lucky enough to possess them; but Ballyards had character .

  13. The different arches and columns of Rome constitute one of the most attractive features to almost every traveller.

  14. The theory of two imponderable fluids or electricities having strong attractive and repellant forces, is adopted because probable, and it helps make the discussion intelligible.

  15. He was to be married to-morrow to the widow of his late partner, and the marriage, besides being an attractive one, would settle many business difficulties.

  16. There were marks of his pick in some attractive quartz seams of the wall, and farther on, a more ambitious attempt, evidently by a party of miners, to begin a tunnel, shown in an abandoned excavation and the heap of debris before it.

  17. But there are other toils in which men become involved, other evils or misfortunes which exist, and which threaten all men who are young and free and attractive in many ways to women, as well as men.

  18. Hence, then, the attractive power of Sirius must bear to the attractive power of the sun the proportion which the square of ninety-nine has to the square of fifty-two.

  19. We can calculate how much it is deflected towards the earth in each second, and thus obtain a measure of the earth's attractive power.

  20. It is from the observations of the satellites of Jupiter that we are enabled to measure his attractive power, and thence to calculate the mass of the mighty planet.

  21. It can be shown from the principles of dynamics that the attractive power is inversely proportional to the square of the periodic time.

  22. The quicker the body is moving the greater must be the centrifugal force, and the greater must be the attractive power of the central body.

  23. Before passing from the attractive subject of the satellites, we may just mention two points of a literary character.

  24. If we imagine the ring to rotate, the centrifugal force at all points acts in an opposite direction to the attractive force, and hence the enormous stress on the ring can be abated and one difficulty can be overcome.

  25. If we fail to see in Uranus any of those features which make Mars or Venus, Jupiter or Saturn, such attractive telescopic objects, what can we expect to find in Neptune, which is half as far again as Uranus?

  26. In the first place, it shows that the attractive power of the earth, by which it draws all bodies earthwards, becomes weaker at a distance.

  27. He was then under thirty years of age, of splendid physique, magnetic in the fullest significance of the word, and one of the most attractive and agreeable of men.

  28. He had a highly attractive appearance, and as was said by a contemporary, "to crown all, a massive Websterian forehead, needing no seal to give the world assurance of a man.

  29. These garnered gems reveal a genuine poetic faculty, and are worthy their attractive setting.

  30. Lovers of good poetry will herald with pleasure this new and attractive volume by the well-known authoress of Hartford.

  31. But the first stage on the way to Cythera lasted for several bottles, and at the commencement of the next Gérard met a provisional goddess in the shape of an attractive grisette.

  32. Kioto is the genuine old Japan with attractive bazaars and bright streets.

  33. But all children are attractive and lovable before life and mankind have hardened them.

  34. He intends to let his dollars fly in railway fares, and, after he has seen enough of the great cities of America, to settle down in the most attractive district.

  35. In one place the spring deposits cover several acres and present a most attractive picture.

  36. When the water settles into these depressions, or flows away toward the river in numerous small channels, the wonderful variety of coloring which is so attractive to the eye is produced.

  37. From this point the valley of Firehole River could be overlooked for a distance of twenty miles; but nothing new was discovered except an attractive fall plunging over a precipice a short distance to the south.

  38. Hayden, "of no more wonderful and attractive region for the explorer.

  39. Warren lit another cigarette, and studied her attractive face with the gallant interest of a Southerner, who is always prone to admire beauty.

  40. With a bow, and a significant glance at the attractive maid, the steward finally dragged himself out of the attractive cabin.

  41. Equally attractive in her way is the young Duchess of Sutherland, whose husband is the largest landowner in Scotland and the United Kingdom.

  42. Womanly intuition and womanly guile exercised by these attractive "spy trappers," on many social occasions, have led many Germans to make admissions they would never have made to a man.

  43. While he was viewing the romantic scenery in the vicinity of Edinburgh, an attractive member of the ladies' committee made his acquaintance.

  44. She's a very attractive woman," she said.

  45. She's a very attractive cat," Peggy said.

  46. She was just beginning her condottiére life then, and was very attractive even to those on whom she had no designs--believed in balls, and had an ingenious talent for original composition.

  47. Of the comparatively few attempts which have been made to dissect the Odyssey, the most moderate and attractive is that of Professor A.

  48. His most attractive pieces are those in which he cultivates the style of Caravaggio, those, namely, which represent taverns, with players, singers and eaters.

  49. Mr Hawkins's attractive and cultured style and command of plot give him a high place among the modern writers of English fiction.

  50. These mountain solitudes," I remarked, "are very attractive in fine weather.

  51. Taking one consideration with another, Dresden, perhaps, is the most attractive town in Germany; but it is a place to be lived in for a while rather than visited.

  52. But the voyager who relies implicitly on this attractive theory will often suffer disappointment.

  53. Taken in the light of such a contrast, Toledo, Avila, Burgos, and the rest of the northern places will seem less attractive than when grouped together in an introductory glimpse, as a prelude to the more poetic South.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "attractive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absorbing; acceptable; adorable; aesthetic; agreeable; alluring; appealing; appetizing; arresting; attraction; attractive; beauteous; beautiful; becoming; beguiling; bewitching; bonny; buxom; captivating; catching; charismatic; charming; comely; consuming; coquettish; cute; darling; delightful; desirable; drawing; elegant; enchanting; engaging; engrossing; enthralling; enticing; entrancing; enviable; exciting; exotic; exquisite; fair; fascinating; fetching; fine; flirtatious; foxy; glamorous; good; graceful; gripping; handsome; heavy; holding; hypnotic; interesting; intriguing; inviting; irresistible; likable; lovable; lovely; luxurious; magnetic; mesmeric; nice; obsessive; picturesque; piquant; pleasant; pleasing; prepossessing; pretty; provocative; pulling; seductive; sensuous; siren; stunning; sweet; sympathetic; taking; tantalizing; teasing; tempting; thrilling; tickling; titillating; toothsome; unobjectionable; voluptuous; winning; winsome; witching