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Example sentences for "obverse"

Lexicographically close words:
obturator; obtuse; obtusely; obtuseness; obus; obvia; obviate; obviated; obviates; obviating
  1. The world of ether is thus regarded by our authors as in some sort the obverse or complement of the world of sensible matter, so that whatever energy is dissipated in the one is by the same act accumulated in the other.

  2. This being granted, it remains only to state and illustrate the obverse fact.

  3. Now this lady and her husband were in obverse relative positions.

  4. I don't think nature intended to have them the obverse of men.

  5. Obverse and reverse of silver penny of Stephen.

  6. Obverse and reverse of a silver penny of William I.

  7. The obverse of Royal Seals bears a picture of the King seated on the throne in robes of peace, and the reverse the King on horseback armed for war.

  8. At the same time an important step could be taken toward popularizing the postal order, by printing on the obverse side of it in red the whole of the first verse of "It's a long way to Tipperary.

  9. Although these might be objected to on the ground of size and weight, they would be interesting as a memento of the great war, especially if the obverse side bore, say, a representation of the British Fleet in action.

  10. The Obverse represents Providence protecting the King from the attempt upon his life, figuratively displayed by a shield and shivered arrows, portraying the Sovereign’s safety; and encircled are the words “GOD SAVE THE KING.

  11. Its Obverse was the King, in Roman costume, with flying mantle, on horseback, facing left hand.

  12. Apollo was occasionally represented in a skirt; Venus was sometimes represented with a beard; the beard on the obverse of No.

  13. In the opinion of Sir John Evans "there can be little doubt" of the head upon the obverse of Fig.

  14. The knob figured not only on our Hobby Horse, but also as a symbol on the head-dress of Tyrian kings, and there is very little doubt that the charming small figure on the obverse of CUNOB ELINI is intended for King Ob, or Ep.

  15. The coins of King Janus of Sicily bore on their obverse the figure of god Janus; on the reverse a dove, and it is evident that the dove was as much a symbol of Father Janus as it was of Mother Jane or Mother Juno.

  16. Five columns of the obverse have been erased and the stone repolished, probably to make room for an inscription of the conquering Elamite king who carried the stone away from Babylon to Susa.

  17. The obverse of the stone contains a representation in bas-relief of Khammurabi receiving the laws inscribed beneath, from Shamash, the sun-god and god of right, who is pictured seated on a throne.

  18. The Tyrian Coins have the muralled crown on the head of the obverse profile, which represents Astartē, the tutelary Goddess of the Tyrians and Sidonians.

  19. It contains on the obverse a very interesting representation of the King Hammurabi, receiving his laws from the seated sun-god Samas, 'the judge of heaven and earth.

  20. It begins apparently with the last line on the obverse side of the tablet, in which the second person of the direct address to deity is used: Thy word is a lofty net Which stretches out over heaven and earth.

  21. The first two lines of the obverse and reverse sides of the tablet are missing.

  22. Obverse and Reverse of a Ticket used in 1838 on the New York & Harlem Railroad.

  23. He may also perceive a resemblance in the wine to the studious mind, which is the obverse of our mortality, and throws off acids and crusty particles in the piling of the years, until it is fulgent by clarity.

  24. The Christian is like the politician in supposing the original obverse of him everlastingly the same, after the pattern of the monster he was originally taught to hate.

  25. Although this medal has the same obverse type as the following one, it seems somewhat doubtful whether it was executed by T.

  26. Tho Obverse represents the religious toleration of Britain; the Mitre of the Church of England, the chalice, wafer, and rosary of Rome, and the dove of the Nonconformists having the free Bible in their centre.

  27. The battle represented on the obverse may be that of Edgehill, when victory was claimed by both sides.

  28. The obverse satirizes the confederation formed against Elizabeth by the Pope, the King of Spain, the Emperor, and others; the reverse represents the defeat of the Armada.

  29. On the obverse are symbolized peace and plenty, the reward of goodness, with St. Paul removing the venomous scourge of the plague by fire; and on the reverse are seen pestilence and fire, the punishment of the wicked.

  30. The obverse of this medal is engraved, and the reverse is struck, each on a thin plate.

  31. The obverse alludes to the appointment at a very early age of William as Commander-in-Chief of the army of the United Provinces and Stadtholder, and also to the capture of Naerden in 1674.

  32. Britannia welcoming Belgia; same as obverse type of No.

  33. The obverse refers to the legend of the appearance of the Dioscuri at the battle of the Lake Regillus.

  34. The text on the obverse contains a letter, perhaps not an original document, but an exercise.

  35. At the left side of the obverse is a hole for a string.

  36. The reference to the creation of mankind in line 29 of the obverse (p.

  37. Delitzsch has therefore done a service in bringing more prominently to the notice of students and scholars the text of which the obverse is printed on p.

  38. Of the obverse of the first tablet very little, unfortunately, remains, but what there is extant is of the highest interest.

  39. Lower part of the obverse of a terra-cotta tablet from Nineveh, inscribed with the names of Babylonian kings in Sumerian and Semitic Babylonian.

  40. The Lesser Seal is one and nine-sixteenths inches in diameter and it consists of the figures and inscriptions found on the obverse side of the Great Seal.

  41. On the front or obverse side of the Great Seal is engraved the figure of Virtus, goddess of courage, garbed as an Amazon representing the "genius of the Commonwealth.

  42. It is the common law of the spirit—as the obverse is the common law of womanhood.

  43. Always beware of the devilish in wit: it has the obverse of an intellectual meaning, and it shows at the best interpretation, a smallness of range.

  44. Thus the obvertend being--Some philosophers are consistent reasoners, the obverse will be--Some philosophers are not inconsistent reasoners.

  45. The best known secondary form of Immediate Inference is the Contrapositive, and this is the converse of the obverse of a given proposition.

  46. But take the obverse of the contrapositive of both premises: All m is p; All m is s: ∴ Some s is p.

  47. And it is just the obverse of the Postulate implied in the Method of Abstractions, namely, that 'What is true of the Abstraction is true of concrete cases the more nearly they approach the Abstraction.

  48. On the obverse may be traced the design of a hood, which has led Don Leocadio Salazar to conclude that the shield was the property of the Conde de Bureba, four hoods being on his coat of arms.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obverse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adverse; ally; analogue; antagonistic; anti; antipathetic; antipodal; antipodes; antithesis; antithetical; associate; balancing; brother; clashing; cognate; companion; compensating; complement; conflicting; confronting; contra; contradictory; contrary; converse; coordinate; correlate; correspondent; counter; counterbalance; counterpart; counterpoint; discordant; discrepant; display; equivalent; facade; face; facet; facing; fellow; foil; fore; forefront; foreground; front; frontage; frontal; frontier; frontispiece; head; heading; hostile; image; inconsistent; inimical; inverse; lap; like; likeness; mate; obverse; offset; opposed; opposing; opposite; oppositional; parallel; pendant; perverse; picture; polar; preface; prefix; priority; proscenium; reciprocal; repugnant; reverse; similitude; simulacrum; sister; such; suchlike; tally; twin