The tradition, which is repeated by Aristotle, is probably due solely to the similarity of the names (see J.
Yes; this is the only one that has any similarity I can recall.
I was struck also by its great similarity to drawings which I had seen of Ætna from the Catanian coast, as well its outline, as the manner in which it rises from a cluster of satellite hills into the borders of the snowy region.
I withdraw the word cheerfully," said mamma, in just that tone and manner which made the strange similarity between her and Hugo.
A strange thought this, that there was a point of similarity between Hen Cooney and Mrs. Berkeley Page.
He presents not only long lists of words, but he calls attention to the still more curious fact, that the grammatical forms in Sanskrit show the most startling similarity with Greek and Latin.
If any triliteral root in Hebrew were to agree with a triliteral word in Sanskrit, we should feel certain, at once, that they are not the same, or that their similarity is purely accidental.
Sir William Jones was fully aware of the startling similarity between Sanskrit, Latin, and Greek.
There are scholars, and very eminent scholars, who deny all similarity between the two, while others have collected materials that would seem to make it difficult to assign such numerous coincidences to mere chance.
However striking the similarity may seem to one unaccustomed to deal with ancient legends, I doubt whether any comparative mythologist has postulated a common Aryan origin for these two stories.
There is no similarity between the action of hydrozone, which is a hydrogen peroxid preparation, and glycozone, which consists of a mixture of glycerin and glyceric acid.
It is entitled “A Similarity in the Etiologic Factors of Rheumatism and Malaria,” and was written by J.
Incidentally it should be mentioned that this physician also noted the general similarityof Sinkina and Pam-ala.
As a further proof of identity and similarity the melting-points of the different specimens were taken and found to be: Acetphenetidin (Farbenfabriken), 134.
Many more statements and claims could be quoted to show a similarity between, amounting almost to an identity of, oxychlorine and zyme-oid.
Their similarity of character in this respect could hardly be traced to their common ancestor.
Relations with the continent, however, did exist, as is shown by the occurrence of an Irish type of gold ornament in France and Scandinavia, and by the similarity of ornamental motives in the British Isles and elsewhere.
This similarityof burial custom, though it may conceivably indicate intercourse, certainly does not prove identity of race, as has been sometimes claimed.
A still more remarkable evidence of similarity has been pointed out between the church of St Sernin, Toulouse, and the cathedral of Santiago.
This development is largely due to the fact that all these countries in north-east Germany were connected and very much influenced by the confederation of the Hanse towns, and hence the similarity in the design of all their buildings.
Here the similarity ends, and the vast differences which begin seem to have exceedingly deep roots.
But in tongues which are pretty nearly related we have often no difficulty in seeing the similarity of corresponding words just as they stand to-day.
It was called New Bermuda or Bermuda Hundred because of its similarityto the British Island of Bermuda.
Other houses built about this time reveal the similarity of designs of private estates to the Governor's Palace.
This feast of God may have absorbed some of the ancient midsummer practices, but the Feast of St. John's Day, which is held upon the 24th June, has in its customs a greater similarity to the ancient sun feast.
The similarity to the instruction of the Abbot Simeon is evident.
They are like the Titans [On this similarity rests the psychologic term “titanic,” used frequently by me in what follows.
That the assertion of the complete similarity of the symbolism is not mere fancy, the following considerations (and not those only in this section), will satisfactorily demonstrate.
The similarity in the latter case is particularly marked by his putting them in his hat.
Relying on my apparent similarity to the average undergrad, I plunged into the sancta of Houston Hall and bought a copy of the Punch Bowl.
Yet, as Holliday affirms, the similarity is due as much to an affinity of mind with these Englishmen as to any eagerness to imitate.
In some points a similarity may be said to exist between them, both being destructive forces, of an evil and self-seeking character.
For between a despotic state and a hand-mill there is, to be sure, no similarity; but there is a similarity in the rules according to which we reflect upon these two things and their causality.
For it has this similarity to a logical judgement that we can presuppose its validity for every one.
Whatever similarity is apparent between jealousy and emulation, they differ as much as vice and virtue.
Linguistic resemblances to the Aztec, even so far north as Nootka, have been traced, but later philologists deny the inferences of relationship drawn from such similarity (Bancroft, iii.
Morgan (Systems of Consanguinity, 257) finds correspondence to the roving Indian in physical and cranial character, in linguistic traits, and in the similarity of arts and social habits.
The supposed similarity of the flora of the two shores of the Pacific has been used to support this theory, but botanists say that the language of Hooker and Gray has been given a meaning they did not intend.
With Transcendentalism he must have had large sympathy, owing to the similarity of its principles to those of Quakerism.
Footnote 123: Wilson has remarked the striking similarity of the pottery of these people to American fictile wares.
The gift of speech is one of his sole prerogatives, and identity in its mode of exercise is not only the strongest proof of similarity of psychical constitution, but more than any other character marks identity of origin.
This similarityapplies also to the early Cyprian art.
Thus the similarity of the situations of Hamlet and of Orestes in the 'Eumenides' is given by similarity of legend, Danish and Greek.
The marked similarity of all topographic profiles further supported the view that the escarpment was formed by the outcrop of an orderly sequence of horizontal sedimentary rock layers.
This procedure seems justified by the close similarity of the continental-margin physiographic provinces of the two areas.
The similarity of profiles W-5 and W-23 suggests that the Southeast Newfoundland Ridge is an outer ridge of the same kind as the one east of the Blake-Bahama region.
The angle of the photo was a bit different than that from which he'd seen the other structure back on Tentar XI, but the similarity was unmistakable.
Finally, the Manichaean doctrines exhibit points of similarity to those of the Christian Elkesaites.
The similarity of the megalithic temples of Malta and of Stonehenge connect along the shores of western Europe the earliest evidence of Phoenician civilization.
In reading his works, one is struck with their modern air, as well as by their happy similarity to the songs of the charming owner of the Sabine farm.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "similarity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.