The conception of the unity of nature is directly in the line of a purely scientific development, but naturalism takes the bold and radical step of regarding nature so unified as coextensive with the real, or at any rate knowable, universe.
These demands are unquestionably valid and fundamental, but they are not coextensive with the demand for truth.
Two broadly contrasting theories thus appear: that which defines matter as a continuous substance coextensive with space; and that which defines it as a discrete substance divided by empty space.
But a general importance attaches to the analysis because these two types of knowledge (together with the æsthetic judgment, which is similarly analyzed) are regarded by Kant as coextensive with experience itself.
The highest perfection, or God, is not itself coextensive with being, but the final cause of being--that on account of which the whole progression of events takes place.
Knowledge is coextensive with actual and possible human experience.
At least coextensive with pine timber in eastern Washington; found to summit of Cascades but westerly range imperfectly made out.
The range of Audubon's Warbler is about coextensive with that of evergreen timber in Washington.
In summer coextensive with evergreen timber, but especially common in mountains just below limit of trees; in winter more localized, or irregularly absent.
And friendly he is, beyond question, for there are few dooryards in the eastern part of the State where this bird is not a trustful visitor; and his presence in western Washington is nearly coextensive with that of man.
But it is not thinking in a particular way, but thinking in general that is coextensive with my existence.
Exchange is coextensive with the whole process of associated industry; for wherever there is a price, there is exchange.
It has been answered to this obvious requirement, that we enjoy the results of an experience constant and uniform, "coextensive not with the life of the single individual who employs them, but with the entire history of the human race.
An expansion coextensive with the completed destinies of mankind.
Successor to the Eastern emperor in central Italy, why should he not also become his successor as representative of the Empire--all the more, since he was the head of the Church, which was coextensive with the Empire?
As a result, Augustus enjoyed an imperium coextensive indeed with the whole of the Roman world, but concurrent, in part of that world, with the imperium of the senatorial proconsuls; and the early Empire may thus be described as a dyarchy.
Aralû is situated under the earth, and Mashu, reaching down to Aralû, must be again coextensive with the earth in this direction.
The mountain seems to be coextensive with the earth.
It is true that even these are coextensive with all nature: the properties of the number four are true of all objects that are divisible into four equal parts, and all objects are either actually or ideally so divisible.
The term is not strictly accurate, or rather, not accurately coextensive with the class of fallacies which I propose to designate by it.
To this end, the judicial power, under the Constitution of the United States, was made coextensive with the legislative power.
Why, Sir, has it become a settled axiom in politics that every government must have a judicial power coextensive with its legislative power?
Such preliminary trouble is, however, well repaid, the amount of information given on any particular subject being practically coextensive with what is known about that subject.
Tegmentum coextensive with articulamentum, or the latter projecting in smooth unslit plates.
In the lower forms the two layers are coextensive and have smooth edges, but in the higher forms the articulamentum projects laterally beyond and beneath the tegmentum into the substance of the mantle.
I felt coextensive with the vast majestic universe.
The only actuality I did not envisage in that dark moment which was coextensive with eternity, was that I was the anemic ghost stalking at noonday and the others were the reality.
For consciousness corresponds exactly to the living being's power of choice; it is coextensive with the fringe of possible action that surrounds the real action: consciousness is synonymous with invention and with freedom.
He would not, because, while assigning to knowledge an extra-intellectual matter, he believed this matter to be either coextensive with intellect or less extensive than intellect.
The faculty of knowing being supposed coextensive with the whole of experience, there can no longer be any question of engendering it.
We suppose consciousness to be coextensive with a certain part of nature and not with all of it.
That mutual intolerance of differences in religious belief which, in the seventeenth century, was, throughout Christendom, coextensive with religious earnestness had its important part to play in the colonization of America.
Their symbolism, like that of every other Deity, wascoextensive with nature, and with the mind of man.
Can we stop now and make it coextensive with sentiency?
Shall we stop here and make immortal spirit coextensivewith life?
Many imagine that progress is the one law of evolution; in fact, that evolution and progress are coextensive and convertible terms.
It is sufficient for present purposes that the term Hamite, using it ascoextensive with Sergi's Eastern Hamite, has a definite connotation.
At first only the most obvious resemblances are noticed, but as experience progresses, wider and wider classes ever tend to be formed, till at last we arrive at those highest ideas which are coextensive with experience.
Virtue, as contrasted with duty in the legal sense, seems to be coextensive with merit.
It must, however, "be observed that health is not a further specification or a limitation of continued life, but is coextensive with it.
It effectually broke up the primeval clan-system, with its narrow ethical ideas, and arrived at the broad conception of rights and duties coextensive with Humanity.
But this is very far from being coextensive with right.
It is for each individual what no one individual ever can be--namely, a challenge to faculties or acquirements which are coextensive with life.
Without doubt so acute a writer has a clear and sensible meaning; so we conclude that he regards brutes as automata, and was thinking of design as coextensive merely with general conceptions.
And our knowledge of God must fall unspeakably farther short of being coextensive with its object.
The finite mind can never stretch itself out in any direction until it is coextensive with the Infinite Mind.