We are forgetful of all these worthy people while joy at our meeting is so strong, and it is time that we thought of others.
Forgetful of his assumed character, he had joined in the hue and cry against a dog whose character and service should have been sufficiently known to him, at least, to prove his protection, and had given; the crudest blow of all.
Forgetful of the past, and regardless of the future, they abused the present hour of prosperity and peace.
Encompassed on all sides by the enemies of their religion, the Æthiopians slept near a thousand years, forgetful of the world, by whom they were forgotten.
At the meridian hour he withdrew to his chamber, intoxicated with flattery and wine, and forgetful that his example had made every subject ambitious, and that every ambitious subject was his secret enemy.
But Waife could not be long forgetful of his darling--nor his anxiety on her account.
The nurse had spoken, forgetful of Honor's presence or imagining that she had left the room.
Alice,'" and he laughed huskily, forgetful that he was again in possession of Honor's hand which he held in a vice.
The savage woodland is penetrated only by this forgetful path, that passes now and then aver the bridge of a ravine, and offers to the eye on either hand the mystery deepening into wilder and weirder tracts of solitude.
Mrs. Brinkley saw them there together, and a little later she saw old Corey wander off; forgetful of Miss Wrayne.
Wearied with thinking, and halfforgetful of my weakness, I tottered along the corridor, descended the grand stair, and passed out into the court.
Forgetful of the man sitting at the table Fritz stretched out his hand in an agony of supplication.
Forgetful of everything he was on the point of going over to him and telling him to stick it out, when his eyes rested on the entrance.
We must not be forgetful of God, for he is not forgetful of us.
And I notice, Mr. Ganz, that you seem to be of a forgetful as well as of an inquiring disposition.
He could not help being happy in her presence; forgetful of the past, reckless of the future.
She says in her postcript, 'Be sure you answer my question about Mr. Audley and his friend, you volatile, forgetful Alicia!
Thus you see, my little friends, what are the sad consequences of inattention, giddiness, and too great a fondness for pleasure, which always make us forgetful of what we ought carefully to attend to.
While they are thus acting the parental part, they seem to be forgetful of themselves, and attentive only to their little family.
Brother Richards, I am not forgetful of your kindness to me and the brethren while with us; but I have a godly jealousy over you for your welfare and prosperity in the cause of Christ.
Neither was Richard Savage forgetful in his poems of the Injured Africans: he warns their oppressors of a day of retribution for their barbarous conduct.
But even here, though he was far removed from the sight of those whose interests he had so warmly espoused, he was not forgetful of their wretched condition.
Nothing could exceed the wrath of Cymbeline when he heard that his daughter had been so forgetful of her high dignity as to marry a subject.
And now this virtuous prince did in moving terms represent to the queen the heinousness of her offense in being so forgetful of the dead king, his father, as in so short a space of time to marry with his brother and reputed murderer.
Saying these words in great anger, she ran away; and Lysander followed her, quite forgetful of his own Hermia, who was still asleep.
She looked wonderingly, wistfully, at the solemnity of my face, gave me her hand with hardly a word of greeting, and stood by the table waiting for me to tell my errand, forgetful of the civility of asking me to be seated.
There doth thy lover dwell, Singing, and seeking still to find thy face In that forgetful place: Thou shalt not meet him here, Not till thy singing clear Through all the murmur of the streams of hell Wins to the Maiden's ear!
He is too modest and self-forgetful to wish for the honor," his friends commented now; "but he is too conscientious not to put aside his personal preferences for the good of the church.
He slowly placed basket and trowel upon the grass as the carriage stopped, and forgetful of the state of his hands, helped the ladies to alight, leaving the imprint of his earthy fingers upon Helen's delicate gloves.
In her excitement Helen cried again and again for help, forgetful of the fact that she was more likely to summon enemies than friends.
Sir Charles, forgetful of the family at home, was flirting with a young girl whose mother was probably formulating the details of a new emigration scheme.
Sentimentality, fired by the glorious contagion of self-forgetful admiration and loyalty, is raised into sentiment, or even divinized into enthusiasm.
Pessimism is natural to a mind soured by disappointment andforgetful of God: Eccl.