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Example sentences for "parasitic"

Lexicographically close words:
parasangs; parasceve; paraschites; parasite; parasites; parasitical; parasitically; parasitism; parasitized; parasol
  1. For it was necessary to go back and disentangle it from the knot of parasitic plants.

  2. If the new trees are even a hundred years old, the general aspect still differs from what it was originally, for the lianas and other parasitic plants alter, and signs remain which no native can misunderstand.

  3. All parasitic trades, such as these, lower wages in the open market.

  4. The latter has never heard of parasitic trades, and yet in her heart she knows there is something not quite right here, something that she blindly feels she would like to put an end to.

  5. Now and again large trees are seen on the line of the road withering in the cruel coils of a parasitic vine, which winds itself about the trunk like a two-inch hawser, and slowly strangles the stout, columnar tree.

  6. It was, in a word, one of those polite, parasitic occupations for women, provided by the rich for helpless friends, and it was satisfying to neither party.

  7. Milly went with humbled pride, but with a misgiving due to her previous experiences in the parasitic field of woman's work.

  8. Her ideas revolved about the parasitic occupations because they seemed to promise large, immediate returns.

  9. Agchylostoma, generic name of one genus of the parasitic nematodes.

  10. Of, pertaining to, or caused by, filariæ and allied parasitic worms.

  11. The parasitic habits of another species of Molothrus, the M.

  12. That the small size of the egg is a real case of adaptation we may infer from the fact of the mon-parasitic American cuckoo laying full-sized eggs.

  13. A plant of this kind is not the less dominant because some conferva inhabiting the water or some parasitic fungus is infinitely more numerous in individuals, and more widely diffused.

  14. But if the conferva or parasitic fungus exceeds its allies in the above respects, it will then be dominant within its own class.

  15. Some species of Molothrus, a widely distinct genus of American birds, allied to our starlings, have parasitic habits like those of the cuckoo; and the species present an interesting gradation in the perfection of their instincts.

  16. The increase of these flies, numerous as they are, must be habitually checked by some means, probably by other parasitic insects.

  17. Or they may even be connected with some external organization, of a vegetable or animal kind, as Porrigo and Favus are traceable to a parasitic fungus, and Scabies is accompanied by the development of a species of Acarus.

  18. What is the nature of the "life" in the parasitic sarcomatous tissue which has been seen to proliferate for a short time in vitro?

  19. This fact is used as a reason to exclude a fortuitous growing together of dissimilar areas of cell-masses, at least in non-parasitic cases.

  20. A point of general interest is what is called the specific polyembryony of certain parasitic insects (hymenoptera of the genus Encyrtus).

  21. The least modified type is shown by Acanthobdella, a leech, parasitic upon fishes, in which transverse sections (see figs.

  22. Rank parasitic plants trail from stem to stem, and garlands of climbers grow in a luxuriant tangle round the branches.

  23. I may, also, here allude to the remarkable effects which parasitic fungi sometimes produce on plants.

  24. I quote this remark to show how profoundly, yet in how natural a manner, this plant must have been modified by the parasitic fungus.

  25. Analogous facts have been observed with plants: a new and beautiful white onion, imported from France, though planted close to other kinds, was alone attacked by a parasitic fungus.

  26. White chickens are certainly more subject than dark-coloured chickens to the "gapes," which is caused by a parasitic worm in the trachea.

  27. The discoloration and decay are not caused by parasitic cryptograms, which were observed by Fritz Muller in only a single instance.

  28. Mostly parasitic in the intestine or Malpighian tubules of insects.

  29. It may be safely said that the workers from top to bottom of society pay a fine of one-half the wealth they produce to a parasitic class before providing for the maintenance of themselves and their proper dependents.

  30. This theory of taxation goes very far, and its full application involves the complete destruction of parasitic classes.

  31. Several kinds of parasitic jungle ticks cause much annoyance to men and to beasts.

  32. One is the well-known Halteridium of Labbe, parasitic in various birds; the type-species is H.

  33. The name is also used of an eel-like parasitic fish, Myxine glutinosa, allied to the lamprey.

  34. For instance, there is that uncanny creature that inserts its parasitic fry as a tiny egg inside the unsuspecting shells of mussels and cockles.

  35. That is to say, no true plantlike plants, for some parasitic plants are practically, to all intents and purposes, animals.

  36. Among the Edentata a very remarkable and highly specialised genus of fleas is parasitic on armadilloes in South America.

  37. Unlike many parasitic insects, fleas do not constantly pass their time upon the bodies of their victims.

  38. In connection with the spread of plague these three small rodents are of prime importance; and not less important are the fleas which are parasitic on them.

  39. By reason of the parasitic habits of the females, more is known about their appearance and life than in the case of the more active males.

  40. The parasitic habits of the chigoes and other allied fleas lead one to expect peculiar modifications of form such as are usually to be observed when an animal passes from an active to a stationary life.

  41. Analagous combs are found in several other parasitic insects and on the abdominal segments of certain fleas.

  42. They are the most completely parasitic of any fleas; and the South American chigoe (Dermatophilus penetrans) enjoys the distinction of being the first foreign flea ever described.

  43. To this group belong the chigoes and their allies, the most truly parasitic fleas.

  44. It is fairly plain that this family of fleas is a development from the less specialised and less parasitic family Pulicidæ.

  45. It is probable that the ancestors of the fleas were winged insects, and that the organs of flight were gradually lost, as they became useless, when a partially parasitic life was adopted.

  46. So, speaking generally, it may be said that no fleas have been found truly parasitic on monkeys.

  47. The flow'r grew wild and rankly as the weed, Roses with thistles struggled for espial, And vagrant plants of parasitic breed Had overgrown the Dial.

  48. She knew that Dorothy's position had improved, and, if the world chose to regard its art as a parasitic thing, the artist could hardly be blamed if he spoiled the Philistine whenever he had the opportunity.

  49. A sketch of Ctenochiton enclosing a parasitic pupa, and of the perfect fly, will be found in Plate xxiii.

  50. Of the injurious species above named none, apparently, are troubled in this country by parasitic insects up to the present time, at least to any appreciable extent.

  51. Icerya purchasi, the worst species of all, has not yet furnished a single parasitic fly.

  52. The effects of the two parasitic flies are felt nearly throughout the year.

  53. Certain kinds of behavior exhibited by the Caribou in attempting to fend off the parasitic flies are discussed in the section on Shaking off moisture and insects.

  54. The various biting and parasitic flies have already been discussed to some extent in the section on Influence of insects on distribution.

  55. By the parasitic and town-ridden condition we are in now, and in which without great and immediate effort we are likely to remain, we degrade our patriotism.

  56. Consider the town-ridden, parasitic condition of Great Britain--the country which cannot feed itself.

  57. Is there any serious shame felt at our parasitic condition?

  58. We have become more parasitic by far than any other nation.

  59. We have known instances where as many as three of these parasitic eggs had been left in the nest alongside of one of the rightful occupant's eggs.

  60. A case is mentioned where three of these parasitic eggs had been deposited in the nest of the Vireo before any of her own.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "parasitic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    abject; accompanying; agreeing; associated; beggarly; coincident; collective; combined; combining; commensal; concerted; concomitant; concordant; concurrent; conjoint; cooperative; coordinate; crawling; dilatory; easy; extortionate; fawning; flattering; grasping; groveling; hangdog; harmonious; indolent; ingratiating; joint; laggard; lax; lazy; lupine; meeting; obsequious; parasitic; predacious; predatory; prostrate; rapacious; raptorial; ravenous; remiss; saprophytic; shiftless; slack; slothful; slow; sniveling; sponging; sycophant; sycophantic; symbiotic; synchronous; synergistic; truckling; unenterprising; united; uniting; wolfish