Tharfor, no more dilly-dallying but on to't quick as our critters can take us.
Had Charles Clancy or Sime Woodley but suspected this at the time, they would not have waited for Heywood, or stood dallying about the duplicity of Harkness.
I could interpret betweene you and your loue: if I could see the Puppets dallying Ophe.
He could go away after the cowardly caution of the moonshiners should have expended itself in dallying and delay, with his negotiation for the "wild-cat" ended, and his accomplished young relative in charge.
The genuine artist follows the stream of conversation as an angler follows the windings of a brook, not dallying where he fails to "kill.
The sun is tinting all things with its yellow haze, and is burning to brightest gold the reddish tinge in the girl's hair as she moves with dallying steps through the green fields.
More than this, he established them in a fine house near his palace gates; and when he was not dallying there with Dyveke, he was to be found by her side at the Castle of Hvideur, of which he had made her chatelaine.
But through all her dallying Catherine's smiles masked an iron will.
And while his Duchesse was thus dallying with her multitude of lovers and stupefying herself with her brandy bottle, her husband was driven to his wits' end by her exhibitions of temper, as by her infidelities.
The Duc's career, however, was not one unbroken dallying with love.
You will find him betwixt Calais and Paris town, dallying in evil places without a doubt.
Henry was dressed all in black, and his son too; the boy's callow head shone in the sunshine, and they came dallying down the little path, many faces and shoulders peering over the terrace wall at them.
One day King Charles was informed that if he would take the trouble to go to Lady Castlemaine's rooms he would be rewarded by a singular spectacle--that of young Churchill dallying with his mistress and the mother of his children.
While Dudley was dallyingwith his Queen amid the splendours of the Court, his devoted wife was found, with her neck broken, lying at the foot of a staircase in the house of a Norfolk neighbour, whose guest she was.
My mind enamoured, which is dallying At all times with my Lady, to bring back To her mine eyes was more than ever ardent.
The sixth day of September, and we a month dallying along the shore because of the Speedwell's leaking!
Added to this was the sudden coming of winter upon Plymouth, not well prepared to resist it, and it set in with violence, as if to atone for dallying on its way, for allowing summer to overlap its domain.
Think quickly, man, it is no dallying in this matter.
It cannot have been vastly entertaining to a list of subscribers who devoted most of their time to ale and coffee-houses, or in dallying with Amaryllis in the shade of Merton Wall.
The upper rim of the sun was dallying with a crimson cloud, whilst the greater part of his disc was still below the well-defined deep-blue horizon.
The great warrior stood awhile, gazing in silence at his unworthy brother; then smiling bitterly he said: "I perceive that thou art wroth with thy poor countrymen seeing that thou leavest them to perish, while thou art dallying here.
Think quickly, man; have no dallyingin this matter.
But the anarchy in the provinces did not compel the King to stop his dallying with philosophy, or his love for mad-cap pranks.
Not only does it encourage the tempter on the one hand, and weaken our powers of resistance on the other, but deliberate dallying with evil is a sin in itself.
They say she hath a white pit in her chin, That makes her look like to the Queen of Love,[292] When she wasdallying with Endymion.
He had a habit of dallying with an evil passion till it boiled over and possessed him.
But the time was at hand, rhymeless and reasonless so far as I can see, when I was to begin to pay for my score of years of dallying with John Barleycorn.
At last, after a score and more of years of dallying and of not wanting, now I wanted it.
Now she could read ironically the courtship of man and maid, dallying by river-paths, beside running water, overarched by boughs that had protected a thousand such courtships.
He had stood aside, promising the result, but himself dallying with time.
As soon as they were seated Mr. Sandys launched into the talk, like an eagle dallying with the wind.
It was his idiotic deliberation, his love of dallying gently with his emotions, getting the best he could out of them.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dallying" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.