But when she can give them genuine pleasure by accepting a trifling thing like this, now and then, she ought to be loath to deprive them.
It is impossible to accept Him as our supreme Teacher without accepting His statements concerning His great antagonist, to undo whose work brought the Son of God to earth.
I cannot understand any human being accepting your security;” the elder brother’s tone was sceptical to a degree of provocation.
Next year we find him at Darmstadt, accepting by the invitation of the Grand Duke Louis I.
Accepting many challenges, he was always victorious, and sent the vanquished knights to tell his deeds of valour to the King of France.
A noble, dignified way of acceptingdefeat in love!
Accepting provisionally the conclusion that the dancers cannot tell green from blue except by brightness differences, we may proceed to inquire whether they can discriminate other colors.
Accepting for the present this conclusion with reference to the place of origin of the dancer, we may now inquire, how and when did this curious freak, as Professor Mitsukuri has called it, come into existence?
But on the last day appointed for the purpose, however, our Government failed to receive an answer accepting their advice.
Accepting the principle of the increased power of the defensive of modern armies, they fell back to the defensive line of the Aisne, and now the initiative must be with the French.
In August of that year, 1912, Great Britain joined with France and Germany in accepting Austria-Hungary's invitation to confer on the Balkan situation, which was rapidly assuming grave importance.
In the event of your being invited to dinner under the above circumstances, nothing but necessity should prevent you from accepting the invitation.
But he did not ask himself where was the difference between accepting the word of man and accepting man's explanation of the word of God!
After this, Mr. Job Orton was invited; but he declined acceptingthe invitation.
Mr. Blower, their pastor, give their unanimous call to Thomas Shepherd to succeed him in the pastoral office, who thereupon accepting the call, did actually succeed him in the office aforesaid.
Let me beseech you to remember, that by accepting your call I have entrusted the happiness of my life into your hands.
Theodosia urged him to marry again, and from the tone of a letter he wrote to her about this time there seems to have been some probability of his accepting her suggestion.
It may be vacated only by death, expulsion, legal disqualifications, or by acceptingan office from the crown.
His accepting the nomination from so radical a party had meant the breaking up of many friendships for her, which in itself was a genuine grief to a woman of her temperament.
She seemed all right; rather distinguished in her way; but the hours are atrocious, and I made that my excuse for thinking twice about accepting such a salary.
I would not count on his accepting it," the lady ventured to observe.
Nothing save his own too-scrupulous sense of honour had prevented him from acceptingsome higher ecclesiastical preferment--which he would have used, alas!
The man has too much self-respect to consider himself lowered by accepting a favour.
Why had she delayed in accepting Mrs. Condor's offer?
Mrs. Finnegan found her next morning fresh from an attempt to rouse her mother into accepting a few swallows of milk, which had ended in pathetic and miserable failure.
She did not want to strike the wrong note; she wanted to let him have a feeling that she was accepting everything in a normal, matter-of-fact way, as if she saw nothing extraordinary in the situation.
Marguerite's own action in accepting him after she had looked into the pages of his earlier life gave ample assurance that she would be content with his faith and devotion.
He could not help accepting Power's statement; yet every lesson of life combated its credibility.
The fact that the gospel was preached to the dead necessarily implies the possibility of the dead accepting the same and availing themselves of the saving opportunities thereof.
The purpose of Christ in thus yielding Himself for the day to the desires of the people and accepting their homage with kingly grace may not be fully comprehended by us of finite mind.
Seemingly they were still of unsettled mind, in doubt as to accepting Him because of the miracle or denouncing Him because He had done it on the Sabbath.
Their scruples, however, did not deter them from accepting coins bearing the effigies of kings, even though these monarchs were pagans.
We have good reason for accepting Luke's record as that of an early incident, and the accounts given by Matthew and Mark as those of a later visit.
Unlike most natives of the Asiatic continent, the Persian shows no reluctance in accepting foreign ways and inventions.
Consequently, the peasants could not sell their produce in the open market and had to sell it, accepting what they could get from speculators at about half the actual value.
Every one knows of your majesty's difficulty with Holland, and I might well guess that you would be glad to end this strife by accepting the ten millions, and so save your subjects from the horrors of war.
First, madame, let me ask your forgiveness for accepting a hand which was not freely bestowed by yourself, but was placed in mine by the inexorable policy of the destiny that rules kings.
If after refusing all other invitations he had paid me the compliment ofaccepting mine--but, no!
Count von Mercy wrote that so far from accepting the role of mediator, the French king expostulated with him upon the injustice of the claims of Austria, and earnestly recommended their total relinquishment as the only road to peace.
He wrote also of the Mormon camps that were then working westward, describing the high spirit and even cheerfulness in which the people were accepting exile from a grade of civilization that had made them prefer the wilds.