Regardless of this fact, it is usually true that the victorious team leaves the field less jaded than the conquered team.
They do not forgive; they are most careful not to forget; they simply stand ready at any moment to do whatever it is to their interest to do, regardless of friendships or animosities.
Is it the tendency of the story to make men lawless, recklessly self-indulgent, regardless of God and duty; or is it the tendency of the story to make men fear God and work righteousness?
How strange that Christian writers should be so ignorant of the Bible, or so regardless of its teachings.
They are neat to perfection, and got upregardless of expense in all their details; but take the fellow as a whole, and you find him mighty unsavoury.
Our pulpits have ever been open to the servants of every Christian communion, and we invite to our communion tables the followers of Jesus regardless of what particular denomination they may belong to.
Life has its own theories and is regardless of our patented plans.
Those who have talent and are not permitted to use it for the good of all, use it for their own temporal good, regardless of the consequences.
We need to forgive and ask God to help us to love everyone regardless of what they do to us.
He told me I should not let others influence me to disobey him, regardless of what they presented.
She was, however, greatly offended, and was far more inclined to her uncle, who wrote her an affectionate letter, than to her regardless husband.
Still the fair fame that is naturally reflected by good actions, when the man is only employed to direct his steps aright, regardlessof the lookers-on, is in general, not only more true but more sure.
Clear and strong rose the childish voices in different keys and regardlessof time, but with a genuine enthusiasm that was in itself a blessing.
She did not fully appreciate until afterward that it was her own brain which did the translating; the surgeon's subconscious mind had merely furnished a thought-image which would have been exactly the same, regardless of language.
Mill and a few other critics wrote with good judgement and praised the book, it met with a cold reception in most places, and the Quarterly Review, regardless of its blunder over Keats, spoke of it in most contemptuous terms.
The new conditions too often meant nothing but liberty to starve, liberty to be idle, liberty to slip back into the worst indulgences, while those who might have governed stood by regardless and lent no help.
Regardless of the time that may have elapsed from the period of infection, regardless of treatment, regardless of Wassermann tests, the danger to the child is too great if both parents have the syphilitic taint in them.
If she is a woman of a proud, independent temper, particularly if she belongs to the militant type, she will leave her husband in a huff, regardless of consequences.
If it does contain a normal number of lively, rapidly moving spermatozoa, the man is fertile, regardless of whether he ever had epididymitis or not.
Two or three of these vandals chose to excavate immediately behind the great panel, and cut out their windows in the middle of it, quite regardless of the "idols" outside.
But Stott instantly realized that she was about to take the blame upon herself, regardless of the consequences to the success of their cause.
He resolved, therefore, to have a final interview with his father and declare boldly his intention of making Miss Rossmore his wife, regardless of the consequences.
The colonial authorities were not regardless of his interests.
The French forces attacked during a drenching rain, pushing up the rising ground to the north with their heavy guns, regardless of the soft ground which rapidly turned to deep mud and slush.
A stubborn fight excites the admiration of all observers, regardless of the moral qualities of the combatants.
Over the whole vast structure swarmed an army of human ants, feeble pygmy figures that crept slowly here and there, regardless of their dizzy height.
They'd follow me to the Philippines or Timbuctoo, regardless of their homes and their families.
The poor woman sat down in her chair, and wept into her apron regardless for once of the soap-suds that rolled down her red, wet arms.
Neither of the two had time to consider which station was the easier to make; and, as the machine was headed toward West Philadelphia, on they went, regardless of laws or vainly shouting policemen.
Some grammarians, regardless of the general usage of authors, prefer was to were in the singular number of this tense of the subjunctive mood.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "regardless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.