Edison had been promised employment in the Boston office.
Andie's" father was thus thrown out of employment and, hardly knowing which way to turn, decided to come to America.
A little later he secured employment in a real-estate office.
Nothing indeed could be more dull than the life spent by the courtiers, their sole employment appearing to be backbiting each other.
It resembled music, which requires regular time and rhythm; but, by the employment of phrase, induces a higher kind of melody to rise above the common and despotic beat of time.
It would not be a useless employment to apply this principle to the consideration of metre, and to show that metre is hence enabled to afford much pleasure, and to point out in what manner that pleasure is produced.
Mr. Gosse speaks of Parnell's employment of the octosyllabic couplet in this poem as "wonderfully subtle and harmonious.
Madame de la Roche-Jugan, who had finally convinced herself that the General had an aneurism, flattered herself that the cares of matrimony would hasten the doom of her old friend.
Next morning at breakfast all the General's guests assembled, except Mademoiselle d'Estrelles, whose headache apparently was no better.
But unfortunately it happens that a young woman, who believes in little, like Madame Lescande, and a young man who believes in nothing, like M.
A sense of uneasiness was beginning to creep over all, when suddenly the door opened and the General appeared leading Mademoiselle d'Estrelles by the hand.
I do not know but that my destiny may be ordinary; but I am sure my heart can never be.
But Charlotte was young, and so also was Sigismund.
The next apartment was the dining-room, dimly lighted by a hanging lamp.
When Camors, who was not quite so innocent, asked himself what was the secret of his aunt's politic conduct, but little effort was necessary to understand it.
He was astonished at the depths he had discovered in her character; he was displeased with himself without well knowing why; and, above all, he was much struck by his cousin.
With renewed health his illusions had ceased, and he longed for the bustle and stir of the capital, and the chances of employment in the field.
I concealed my offense, and was given employment as corporal segundo over a squad of vaqueros.
But not even this exciting employment could keep the coming tournament from our minds.
On ranch work, in the absence of our employer, June was recognized as the segundo of Los Palomas, owing to his age and his long employment on the ranch.
Within a month after his employment I noticed the new vaquero casting shy glances at Juana, but until the cow hunt on the Frio I did not recognize the fine handwriting of the old matchmaker.
Notwithstanding the employment of electricity, breathing became slower, the beating of the heart ceased to be audible, and death occurred in nine hours from the time at which the poison was taken.
Emile L’Angelier, who was in theemployment of Huggins & Co.
The population of this town amounts to about 8000, their sole employment being navigation and commerce, and their principal connection is with the continental harbours and the islands.
The principal employment of the Indians of these towns is fishing and catching the aquatic birds which frequent the lake.
One afternoon all the pensioned Government House servants who had been in Lord Lansdowne's employment arrived in a body to offer their "salaams" to my sister.
Neither my father nor my mother ever dined out on a Sunday, nor did they invite people to dinner on that day, for they wished as far as possible to give those in their employment a day of rest.
All honour to the seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, the philanthropist, who as Lord Ashley never rested in the House of Commons until he got a measure placed on the Statute Book making the employment of climbing-boys illegal.
He was always surrounded by ten thousand ichoglans, who wore girdles and crowns of solid gold, and were most magnificently clad: they had no other employment but that of being always ready to receive his orders.
The practice oremployment of spies; the practice of watching the words and conduct of others, to make discoveries, as spies or secret emissaries; secret watching.
He resisted the opium habit, increased in physical and mental health, gained congenial employment as a reviewer for the best of the London weeklies.
The writer once asked the eldest son of the family if Masefield had written anything during the days of his employment there.
It is therefore the quintessence of domesticity, being domestic with an intensity which no village which is remote from the centers of civilization, which furnishes employment and supplies to its own citizens can hope to approach.
There is no poetical charm attaching to that pack, although Pan never played his reeds in a more poetical country; and its existence and employment are solemnly sober truths.
Both my sister and myself continued our labors at the factory, though we discovered evidences that even at machine-sewing there was likely to be some uncertainty as to continued employment at the usual remunerative prices.
Denis was kindly received by his uncle, who, thanking Hendricks for having brought him back, promised to give him employment until his father should come or send for him.
When they would work, and he had employment to give them, he justly paid them the wages he promised, which were equal to any they could obtain by going farther in search of them.
Employment or help from the government was almost a sine qua non for the production of works which required time and research.
During the brilliant era of literary activity, known by the name of Queen Anne, men of letters were encouraged by the government by means of employment or rewards.
Caleb Williams enters his employmentas a secretary, discovers the secret with the greatest ease, and promises never to betray his patron.
Violent riots, aggravated by the plunder of gin-shops, attended the preaching of the Methodists, the Gin Act, and even the employment by Garrick of a few French dancers at Drury Lane Theatre.
Having received employment as under-cook, he soon finds means to throw his master into a cauldron of boiling water, and pretending that the cook's death resulted from an accident, he obtains the chief position in the kitchen himself.
Another reason why I started those factories," continued Kostanzhoglo, "is that they might give employment to many peasants who would otherwise have starved.
It may have had some backward reference, in part, for anything I know, to my employment at the window.
The character and employment of a poet were formerly my pleasure, but are now my pride.
A second application at Erie procured himemployment for a few months in the office of the Erie Gazette, and he won his way, not only to the respect, but to the affection of his companions and his employer.
Then old Mr. Frazier came and had a talk with him down at the Falls: told him he must get away to save himself, gave him fifty dollars, and promised him employment and immunity from arrest if he would go at once.
J] Lord Weymouth had distinguished himself in his first employment by a spirited, if not judicious conduct.
But his employment did not suit the turn of his mind, and near the close of 1763 he entered the employ of government as exciseman.
This art made them talented in a certain direction, and in the employment of it they became renowned and rich.
But it seems the sale of a civil employment was not sufficient, and military governments, which were intended for the support of worn-out veterans, must be thrown into the scale to defray the extensive bribery of a contested election.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "employment" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.