The New Municipals have come and gone; with Three Flags, Liberte, Egalite, Patrie, and the clang of vivats.
Think what a volley: reverberating doomful to the four corners of Paris, and through all hearts; like the clang of Bellona's thongs!
Scarcely is this done, at nine, when Louis and his three Advocates, escorted by the clang of arms and Santerre's National force, enter the Hall.
The outer courts of the Palais de Justice roll with unusual crowds, coming and going; their huge outer hum mingles with the clang of patriotic eloquence within, and gives vigour to it.
To welcome the addition to the throng, the shouts of the populace and the clang of the cymbals burst forth with redoubled vehemence.
Down at its bottom men shoveling coal to the clang of its gong.
With a loud clang a door was thrown open, and a friar, in the black vestments usual in masses for the dead, came out to receive the Countess.
It was twelve o'clock when there came a clang at the gate, and a sound of horses' feet on the gravel.
Methought that still with trump and clang The gateway's broken arches rang; Methought grim features, seamed with scars, Glanced through the window's rusty bars.
The whole prison seemed as if hewed out of solid stone; and everywhere were gates of iron, closing with a clang and a twank of the lock behind you, which must sound any thing but cheering to a prisoner just conducted in.
The vent valves indicated their opening with a snort and a roar of air, and the rush and gurgle of flooding tanks cut off the chatter of the passengers, as the clang of a closing breech-block brings silence to a gun's crew.
There came a bubbling roar from the vent of A, well forward, and then the clang of a heavy "water-hammer" in the pipe as the tank filled.
When it returned with the dead bodies, the clang of voices, the pent-up emotion, burst forth in so mighty a shout, that the discharge of artillery would hardly have been heard in the throng.
Bagpipes, horns, timbrels, drums, all the instruments of the populace raised their discordant voices at once, but the confusion and the clang lasted but a few seconds.
With a sharp clash of metal the ardent pale glare of the fire opened upon his bullet head, showing his spluttering lips, his insolent face, and with anotherclang closed like the white-hot wink of an iron eye.
The clang of the telegraph gong soothed them instantly.
Sitting at the table of the Archduke, Conrade was at once stunned and amused with the clang of Teutonic sounds assaulting his ears on all sides, notwithstanding the solemnity of a princely banquet.
The delinquent was conducted with solemn pomp to the place of execution, a blood-red flag was displayed before him, the universal clang of all the bells accompanied the procession.
A dead silence reigned in Brussels, broken only at times by the unwonted clangof arms.
Where late the mountain maiden sang, The battle-trumpet's brazen clang Vibrates along the air; And wild dragoons wheel o'er the plain.
After a moment's pause they were repeated aloft in the dome, but with a sound of divine sweetness--as clear and pure as the clang of a crystal bell.
The sound then changes for the roar of battle--the clang of trumpets, drums and cymbals.
The engine-room gongs clang again, more revolutions are demanded and are forthcoming, and our four big battle-cruisers rush in pursuit with renewed energy.
Hearest thou not the groans of the dying citizens amidst the loud clang of arms?
The sounds of the clang of arms of the assailants would at that moment have been the sweetest sound she ever heard; and she drew deep sighs, as she contemplated the chances of their triumph.
And now the flourish of loud trumpets and the clang of cymbals announce the king's approach, and the full quire is pealing forth its melody of mingled voices and high minstrelsy.
When one leaped at him from behind to sink a knife between his shoulders Frank suddenly whirled like lightning and smote the fellow across the wrist, sending the steel flying from his fingers to clang upon the stones.
The clank and clang of the horses' feet upon the flagstones echoed in the inclosure.
Hear them as they clang and roar along the streets!
When they yelled they dropped their cutlasses and knives from their teeth, and the clang of steel upon the deck was almost deafening.
Its clangclang startled him out of a sound sleep; and he was on his feet on the floor almost before his eyes were open.
The hum of the surrounding city was faint, the clang of an occasional bell was as music.
They were rushing into a more crowded yard, alive with the clatter and clang of life.
And he chuckled--but cut the chuckle short when a heavy and metallic clang followed the disappearance of the gambler.
Clang of the gate: whine of the descending car: silence.
The clatter of horses' hoofs, and the clang of sabers were now heard.
Between his strokes he could hear the clang of the bell, the parting cheers of the crowd.
Clang of cell door again, and soul returns in a hurry to take heed of another soul, belonging to a belated drunk on the plank by my side.
Then his theme was changed to the mirth and laughter of the banquet hall, the clang of meeting drinking-horns and songs of battle.
Then his theme was changed to the mirth and laughter of the banquet-hall, the clang of meeting drinking-horns, and songs of battle.
Before another word could be spoken a great noise and the clang of arms were heard outside the palace.
Terrible was the clang of the strong sword Ecke-sax on the helmets of the Nibelungs.