Now expedients in this matter are of four kinds, and are enumerated as conciliation, gifts, division and force.
When the Rakshasa had said this, he summoned all the subjects, and the ministers and the king's retinue presented themselves there; and that city was filled with an army of four kinds of troops.
And there danced there for a long time three nymphs of celestial beauty, in four kinds of measures, accompanied with music and singing.
Of corals, the variety was very great, as may be judged from the circumstance of our having collected twenty-four kinds within so short a space of time.
Vrihanta, however, quickly coming out of his city followed by his army consisting of four kinds of troops, gave battle to Falguna (Arjuna).
For Arjuna, having arrived at Devaprastha, the city of Senavindu, took up his quarters there with his army consisting of four kinds of forces.
Are thy army consisting of four kinds of forces, viz.
The main drinks are of four kinds: Cabo negro toddy, sugarcane brew, bahi toddy, and mead.
Flutes are made from the internodes of a variety of bamboo and are of four kinds, depending on the number and position of the fingerholes.
Four kinds of type are used in the following pages to indicate the portions that are considered more or less elementary.
Verbs have modifications of four kinds; namely, Moods, Tenses, Persons and Numbers.
Accompanied by an army composed of four kinds of force, and also by aged councillors and Brahmanas and great Rishis, he went to the capital of the king of Madra.
And the Panchalas setting out to invade the whole earth with their four kinds of troops soon brought the whole earth under their sway.
Four kinds of courses of conduct have been laid down for observance in the Vanaprastha mode of life.
When foes are unseen, divine chastisement should be invoked upon them; when seen, the army, consisting of four kinds of forces, should be moved.
As regards the domestic mode of life, four kinds of conduct have been laid down by the learned.
The sage Vrihaspati hath spoken of four kinds of means for the acquisition of wealth, viz.
Indeed, O king, thus creating a perfect confusion in thy host consisting of four kinds of forces, the son of Kunti proceeded towards Jayadratha, And he pierced the son of Drona.
The clash of the two armies both consisting of four kinds of forces, became terrible.
Four kinds of religion are found in the world, Jewish, Pagan, Mohammedan, Christian, and but one of them is good.
It is of four kinds as produced by perception, inference, analogy, or testimony.
Four Kinds of Gametes in Each Sex Means Sixteen Possible Combinations.
But these four latter kinds of Nayikas do not differ much from the first four kinds of them, as there is no separate object in resorting to them.
Now the embrace which indicates the mutual love of a man and woman who have come together is of four kinds, viz.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "four kinds" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.