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Example sentences for "four kinds"

  • Now expedients in this matter are of four kinds, and are enumerated as conciliation, gifts, division and force.

  • When the Rakshasa had said this, he summoned all the subjects, and the ministers and the king's retinue presented themselves there; and that city was filled with an army of four kinds of troops.

  • And there danced there for a long time three nymphs of celestial beauty, in four kinds of measures, accompanied with music and singing.

  • Of corals, the variety was very great, as may be judged from the circumstance of our having collected twenty-four kinds within so short a space of time.

  • Vrihanta, however, quickly coming out of his city followed by his army consisting of four kinds of troops, gave battle to Falguna (Arjuna).

  • For Arjuna, having arrived at Devaprastha, the city of Senavindu, took up his quarters there with his army consisting of four kinds of forces.

  • Are thy army consisting of four kinds of forces, viz.

  • The main drinks are of four kinds: Cabo negro toddy, sugarcane brew, bahi toddy, and mead.

  • Flutes are made from the internodes of a variety of bamboo and are of four kinds, depending on the number and position of the fingerholes.

  • Four kinds of type are used in the following pages to indicate the portions that are considered more or less elementary.

  • Verbs have modifications of four kinds; namely, Moods, Tenses, Persons and Numbers.

  • Accompanied by an army composed of four kinds of force, and also by aged councillors and Brahmanas and great Rishis, he went to the capital of the king of Madra.

  • And the Panchalas setting out to invade the whole earth with their four kinds of troops soon brought the whole earth under their sway.

  • Four kinds of courses of conduct have been laid down for observance in the Vanaprastha mode of life.

  • When foes are unseen, divine chastisement should be invoked upon them; when seen, the army, consisting of four kinds of forces, should be moved.

  • As regards the domestic mode of life, four kinds of conduct have been laid down by the learned.

  • The sage Vrihaspati hath spoken of four kinds of means for the acquisition of wealth, viz.

  • Indeed, O king, thus creating a perfect confusion in thy host consisting of four kinds of forces, the son of Kunti proceeded towards Jayadratha, And he pierced the son of Drona.

  • The clash of the two armies both consisting of four kinds of forces, became terrible.

  • Four kinds of religion are found in the world, Jewish, Pagan, Mohammedan, Christian, and but one of them is good.

  • It is of four kinds as produced by perception, inference, analogy, or testimony.

  • Four Kinds of Gametes in Each Sex Means Sixteen Possible Combinations.

  • But these four latter kinds of Nayikas do not differ much from the first four kinds of them, as there is no separate object in resorting to them.

  • Men learned in the humanities are of opinion that love is of four kinds, viz.

  • Now the embrace which indicates the mutual love of a man and woman who have come together is of four kinds, viz.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "four kinds" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    four battalions; four bays; four feet; four hundred; four kinds; four large; four more; four onions; four ounces; four pages; four persons; four pounders; four pounds; four spoonfuls; four states; four syllables; four times; fourteen feet; fourteen inches; fourteen years; fourth dimension; fourth inch; fourth inches; quite hardy; sweet lard; when writing