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Example sentences for "inflame"

Lexicographically close words:
infirmitie; infirmities; infirmity; infix; infixed; inflamed; inflames; inflaming; inflammability; inflammable
  1. Sire In sullen tone exclaimed, while ire With crimson flushed his pale and wrinkled cheek: 'Wouldst Thou again with amorous rage Inflame my bosom?

  2. Apes is very popular with the Indians, and this persecution of him, which at least was unnecessary, will inflame them the more.

  3. Page 37 cold; let not the Lion rage with his gaping maw nor pitiless summer inflame the claws of Cancer.

  4. To secure its execution, the leaders of the anti-Christian party sought to inflame the minds of the rabble with stories of plots and treason, perpetrated by the priests against the safety of the nation.

  5. The magnetic touch which is required to inflame the imagination of the North, is derived from Italy.

  6. I think they may go very well without beer in hot weather -- it serves only to inflame the blood, and set them a-gog after the men.

  7. The Lowlanders are generally cool and circumspect, the Highlanders fiery and ferocious:' but this violence of their passions serves only to inflame the zeal of their devotion to strangers, which is truly enthusiastic.

  8. He seeks to inflame the Czar's wrath against the English maritime code.

  9. At the first signs of his overthrow, the national spirit of Germany was certain to inflame the Franconians and Westphalians in his rear, and imperil his communications.

  10. Aunt Rebecca tried before the general went away, to inflame and stir him up upon the subject.

  11. Had it been at once his desire and his duty to inflame his hearers against himself and the Government which he represented he could hardly have chosen words more admirably adapted for the purpose.

  12. Committees were appointed to inflame faction and serve as the rallying points of bigotry.

  13. It was a most deplorable assertion of a most alarming design, calculated to mislead and inflame the ignorant, and make them fly to disunion as the refuge against such an appalling catastrophe.

  14. Nor were such means alone resorted to to inflame the multitude against the administration.

  15. Break that regulation, and the Union is broken; and the broken parts converted into antagonist nations, with causes enough of dissension to engender perpetual wars, and inflame incessant animosities.

  16. Gouly harangues the convention to inflame it against England, which has usurped, as he said, a tyrannic dominion over the sea.

  17. Take care that the same mistake is not made this year; and that by giving you strong and hot medicines to throw out the gout, they do not inflame the rheumatism, if it be one.

  18. They alone can inflame or quiet the House; they alone are so attended to, in that numerous and noisy assembly, that you might hear a pin fall while either of them is speaking.

  19. The 'learned ignorance' for which many men are remarkable, 269 Imagination, special tendency of fear to inflame the, i.

  20. Fear, special tendency of, to inflame the imagination, i.

  21. Earthquakes, tendency of the fear of, to inflame the imagination, i.

  22. It is, that the sight of your beauty might inflame his love.

  23. Town meetings and resolutions to inflame one part of the nation against another can never benefit the people, though they may gratify an individual.

  24. It can serve no purpose but to gratify the revengeful feelings of one class of people and to inflame the hidden animosities of the other.

  25. Abolition lecturers were sent over and money furnished to establish papers and circulate pamphlets to inflame the minds of the citizens of the Northern States.

  26. No town meeting was necessary to inform or inflame the public mind against the law giving members of Congress a salary instead of a daily allowance.

  27. Sometimes, however, they become very extensive, and so engorged that they inflame and are extremely painful.

  28. In general there is no danger from it, unless it be very bad or continues too long; it may then inflame and discharge, or become permanently hardened.

  29. The British soldiery often followed their example, and the plunderings of both were at times attended by those brutal outrages on the weaker sex which inflame the dullest spirits to revenge.

  30. For the first time in English history a Scot took his seat in the House of Lords, and a Scot, moreover, who had done his best to inflame the King against the Commons.

  31. Othello's race has a reputation for low sensuality, therefore Roderigo can inflame the rage of Desdemona's father by such expressions as "gross clasps of a lascivious Moor.

  32. A circumstance arose about the time of the removal of the family, which, though simple in itself, tended very greatly to inflame that disquietude in Margaret's breast, which only wanted to be stirred up to burn most fiercely.

  33. Thou couldst inflame their hot young blood to mischief; but what dost thou come here for?

  34. Such were the inventions of this hollow-hearted villain, to inflame the irritable mind of Laud.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inflame" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    afflict; aggravate; agitate; agonize; anger; animate; annoy; arouse; awake; awaken; bank; bite; bristle; burn; chafe; convulse; crimson; crucify; cut; distress; electrify; embitter; energize; enliven; enrage; exasperate; excite; exhilarate; fan; feed; ferment; fester; fire; flush; foment; frenzy; fret; fuel; gall; galvanize; gnaw; grate; grind; gripe; harrow; hearten; heat; huff; hurt; ignite; impassion; incense; incite; inflame; infuriate; instigate; invigorate; irritate; kindle; lacerate; light; lipstick; liven; madden; martyr; move; nettle; nip; pain; pierce; pinch; pique; prick; provoke; quicken; rack; rally; rankle; rasp; redden; rekindle; rile; rise; rouge; rouse; rub; ruffle; rust; stab; stimulate; sting; stir; tickle; torch; torment; torture; transport; tweak; twist; vermilion; vex; vitalize; wake; warm; whet; wound; wring