The afternoon air was full of martial noise, the clank of metal, the brazen notes of horns, the stir and murmur of a great company.
Then the muskets clank through each serried rank, And all is still again.
No sound does she utter; all voiceless her pains; The wounds of her spirit with pride she conceals; She is dumb to her shearers; the clank of her chains And the throbs of her heart only tell what she feels.
He could hear their armsclank against the rocky walls and he knew that they came at a rapid pace; but just before they reached the entrance to his prison they paused and advanced more slowly.
At the same instant the clank of harness to his rear caused him to cast a glance behind where, along the corridor he had just traversed, he saw three warriors approaching on foot at a run.
Before they had gone many yards Dick heard the heavy clank of metal, the cracking of whips, the swearing of men, and the sound of horses' feet splashing in the mud.
In the meanwhile, he listened to the measured clank of the engine, which quickened when the top blade of the screw swung out.
The clank of the windlass stopped, and Jake, dropping the match when the flame touched his fingers, looked up.
The noise of the stones being crushed to fill the puddles and the merry clank of the heavy fetters on the swollen ankles seemed to remain with Ibarra.
Presently Decoud felt a light tremor of the floor and a distant clank of iron.
As a desperate measure he had the capstan turned--a bluff for it was free of the cable--but as the dismal clank of the pawls carried to shore, half a dozen figures scuttled down to the creek and tumbled into the official boat.
The air was very still, and she could hear the clank of the chain as Sidney unmoored the old punt, rarely used except by the gardener to clean the moat when the weeds died down in autumn.
Then came the clatter of cavalry--the rattle of horses' feet, and the ominous clank of empty scabbards against spur and buckle.
Down the wide stairs from the Rittersaal came the clank of armour and rude shouts of laughter.
Christian soil than I am met by false smiles and lying tongues, and my welcome to a neighbour's house is the clank of the inthrust bolt.
The age of free cities is past; in some lands the mere high-handed robbery of the stranger has wiped them out, as where the fetters of the meanest of oppressors still clank over enslaved Ragusa.
Nothing was heard but the hoarse call of the trumpet, the clank of mail, and the prancing of horses, pawing and eager for the battle.
The front of the Town Hall resounded with the ring of horse-hoofs, the crack of whips, the bawling of coachmen, the clank of carriage steps and clang of coach doors.
As she sat here she heard the clankof a step approaching measuredly from the Brandon side.
She darted away at the clankof his horse's hoofs, half-savage, divinely shy.
And in the sudden ceasing of the Pathetic Sonata the three sisters heard the sound of wheels and the clank of horseshoes striking together.
She had gathered her robes about her, and drawn her veil over her head preparatory to emerging from her hiding-place, when she was driven back by the sound of footsteps, and the clank of weapons, coming up the street.
Thus pacing to and fro, running over in her mind every possible and impossible scheme for the discovery and release of the slave, whose very prison she had yet to search out, her quick ear caught the dull and distant clank of a chain.
This kind of Algiers appeared to him as ugly and unbearable as a barracks at home, with its Zouaves in revelry, its music-halls crammed with officers, and its everlasting clank of metal sabre-sheaths under the arcades.
From time to time in the boot arose a dreadful clank of iron: that was the war material.
The steady clank of the engines and the vibration of the tail shaft beneath him still continued.
The clank of chain coming through the hawse was followed by the slow turning of the screw.
The clank of the engines and the whirling shaft drowned out further steps in the cabin.
A shout echoed backward from the engine room, and the clank of steam-driven rods rose to a crescendo of effort.
And then from beyond the blank wall beside which I lay I heard the shuffling of feet, the snarling of grim beasts, the clank of metal accoutrements, and the heavy breathing of a man.
I listened intently, but the naked feet of the green men sent back no guiding echoes, though presently I thought I detected the clank of side arms in the far distance of the middle corridor.
The clank of echoing steel was heard As off the rider bounded; And slowly on the winding stair A heavy footstep sounded.
He heard the loud roar of the invisible fires, and now and then the clank of iron.
A dog, whose chain allowed him to come within a yard of the door of this workshop, woke up at the clank of the tools and barked.
Twice more the clatter came with the clank of bayonets and guttural cries; but both died out in the infernal roar of the grenades exploding inside that stony spiral.
A tale of freedom is being told above, but their chains of deathclank in solemn music as the midnight revelry sports with the very agony of their sorrows.
The hoarse rattle of a drum in front mingled with the noise of the cavalcade, and I now could hear the clank of a guard turning out.
And lastly, there came the dull noise of feet moving step by step down the stair, the muttered words, the shuffling sound of feet as they descended, and the clank of the coffin as it struck against the wall.
I could mark, by the clank of their firelocks and their regular step, that they were soldiers.
A wild cheer from the mob proclaimed the victory; but at the same instant a rattling of ramrods and a clank of firelocks was heard in front, and from the rear of the soldiers a company marched out in echelon, and drew up as if on parade.
It was in one of these reveries I sat one evening, when I heard the sounds of feet approaching along the corridor that led to my room; the clank of a sabre and the jingle of spurs sounded not like my gruff visitor.
I drew my rein to deliberate what course I should take, when directly in front of me I thought I could detect the clank of a sabre flapping against the flank of a horse.