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Example sentences for "many years"

  • Moreover, he had practised gardening in his own plot for so many years that, on an emergency, he might have made a living by that calling.

  • To think YOU, the London visitor, the town man, should have been born here, and have known this village so many years before I did.

  • Ah, sure, and how he came as a stranger and pilgrim to Parson Swancourt's that time, not a soul knowing en after so many years!

  • For obvious reasons it does not pretend to be more than a `Memoire pour servir': in the nature of things, the definitive biography cannot appear for many years to come.

  • Many years after, when articles upon Robert Browning were as numerous as they once had been scarce, never a word betrayed that their authors knew of the existence of "Pauline".

  • John Jarndyce" I had perhaps less reason to be surprised than either of my companions, having never yet enjoyed an opportunity of thanking one who had been my benefactor and sole earthly dependence through so many years.

  • It is the hottest long vacation known for many years.

  • I hope everybody here will lead them to believe that I died defying them, consistently and perseveringly, as I did through so many years.

  • Whatever you do on this side the grave, never give one lingering glance towards the horrible phantom that has haunted us so many years.

  • In the case of an execution of many years ago, not one of those present could tell me the color of the gloves of the executioner, although everyone had noticed the gloves.

  • Since I was a child there had been in my bed-room a clock, the loud ticking of which habit of many years prevented my hearing.

  • The French were doubtless about to enter upon a despotic system of government, but it could not be so intolerable as that which had been endured for so many years.

  • But how explain the fact that a Government so tyrannical and so dishonoured was able to survive for so many years?

  • Many years of experience have shown the depth of this illusion.

  • After many years of warfare, Many years of strife and bloodshed, There is peace between the Ojibways And the tribe of the Dacotahs.

  • There lived we many years; Time dried the maiden's tears She had forgot her fears, She was a mother.

  • Between them they contain all we can expect to learn for, it may be, many years.

  • That we shall ever meet a third time I may wish but can scarcely hope, owing to certain ailments under which I suffer, brought on, sir, by a residence of many years in the Occidental Indies.

  • Gadog was a British saint of the fifth century, who after labouring amongst his own countrymen for their spiritual good for many years, crossed the sea to Brittany, where he died.

  • Well, it was kind of you to jin mande after so many years.

  • Many years after my graduation I attended a meeting of the Yale alumni at Washington, where a Western senator, on taking the chair, gave an offhand statement of the difference between the two universities.

  • Be assured that I always shall remember the excellent relations which have joined us during so many years, and accept the assurance of the highest esteem and respect of your most affectionate BULOW.

  • The full and steady influx of prosperity that had been the result of many years of interesting toil and cheerful exertion, had caused the place to assume the aspect of a smoothly working self-acting machine.

  • It was no doubt a great sorrow for me and my dear wife to leave the Home in which we had been so happy and prosperous for so many years.

  • Indeed, many years after, a friend at court desired to submit it to the highest Lady in the land, and, being herself an artist, she expressed herself as highly gratified with the performance.

  • Gabriel, ‘it was in Suffolk that a rather singular circumstance happened to me many years ago.

  • Many years ago, when I was a young man, I was taken very ill--I never could see myself that much was the matter with me, except that I had a beastly cold.

  • I When the lighthouse was built, many years ago, the island had another name.

  • She was no longer able to accompany me on the long and interesting tramps which we had now taken together for so many years.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "many years" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    bury them; many banks; many battles; many birds; many cells; many colours; many different; many districts; many fishes; many hands; many important; many islands; many knights; many libraries; many men; many parts; many passages; many persons; many points; many ships; many sorts; many talents; many voices; many years; mere trifle; nearly equivalent