Lebanon has rebuilt much of its war-torn physical and financial infrastructure.
A still unsettled domestic security situation has slowed the process of rebuilding the social and economic structure of this war-torn country.
That which was chaotic, disjointed, and founded upon no uniformity of purpose or policy to begin with was riddled and torn by a body which had no power for positive action.
When I returned after mess I found our hut with two great gaping rents torn in the outer walls and the inner lining all ripped loose and hanging down from the ceiling, so that one felt exactly as if one were inside a punctured zeppelin.
It is all torn to pieces, they have begun to build that addition which I started begging for a month ago; I slipped one of my canteen tea-cups into my bag just for old times sake.
A little farther and the road crosses an impromptu bridge thrown hastily over the great gaping crater torn by an exploding mine.
The camp, for the present at least, is to be abandoned; the hut, for the army wishes to use the barracks elsewhere, torn down.
The Empire was torn in pieces by endless civil wars, wars of brother against brother, and the fleets of the Northmen, barely heard of in the days of Charles the Great, were making their way up the months of all its rivers.
The description of the battle of Gravelotte reads like a page torn out of Tacitus, and for awful vividness might stand by the side of Thucydides' narrative of the plague.
Oh, Lord, yes; everybody in the shebang except Arthur Wye was alltorn to pieces.
Your body will soon be torn and rent apart, for they will show you no mercy.
It is poverty that has compelled her to wear this white linen garment until both sleeves are torn at the side.
When the four had been torn asunder and their limbs lay strewn upon the field, then the assault begins.
But such was their poverty, that many of them wore no girdle, and looked slovenly, because so poor; and their garments were torn about their breasts and at the elbows, and their shifts were soiled about their necks.
Their hauberks are so torn and their shields so hacked, that there is actually not enough of them left to serve as a protection.
Lances break and shields are riddled, the hauberks receive bumps and are torn asunder, saddles go empty and horsemen ramble, while the horses sweat and foam.
And the King, for his part, maintains that traitors ought to be torn asunder.
But I guess, before that wall gives away without being torn down, that all the water in the sea will dry up without leaving a drop and the world will come to an end.
I would rather betorn limb from limb than that men should speak of us as they speak of the loves of Iseut and Tristan, of so many unseemly stories are told that I should be ashamed to mention them.
When they are brought, he orders them to be bound, and says that they shall not be torn asunder until they are taken beneath the town, so that those within may see the sight.
And whatever Cliges reaches cannot stand against his blow, but must needs be split and torn apart; for he turns faster than a top driven and lashed by the whip.
But before the truce was sworn, the white hauberks were badlytorn and rent apart, the shields were cracked and hewed to bits, and the helmets crushed.
Nevertheless, he drags the lion back, and sees that he had torn his shoulder from its place.
Waller, the court poet, has a poem on a card torn at Ombre by the queen.
Lord Dice had torn off his cravat, and his hair flung down over his callous, bloodless checks, straight as silk.
The wheat Pit, tornand tossed and rent asunder, stood dismayed, so great had been his power.
At this instant a curtain was rudely torn aside, and Glaucus and Apsecides appeared.
A column of water leapt 200 feet in the air; by the time it subsided the hostile craft was no longer in existence, save as a shattered and torn hull plunging through nineteen fathoms of water to her ocean bed.
But the face was drawn now with that wordless and tearless anguish which makes all utterance seem futile,--the anguish of a mother whose child has been torn from her arms and carried she knows not whither.
The bulk of the charge, however, had torn a great hole in the bark, close to the water-line.
Equalled only by the delight of the rescued victims, was the chagrin and vexation of the slave-traders, when they saw their preytorn from their grasp.
I believe he would have torn a poor free-shot like me to pieces if he could.
The coat was torn inside, above the pocket, so that something that had been meant for the pocket had slipped down inside.
Before she had finished speaking, her desperate fingers had torn the paper to tiniest scraps and the light shreds were floating fast before the summer breeze, like snow-flakes in the sun, to the deep abyss below the castle wall.
But there was gone with that evidence something precious to Greif, something which it had hurt him desperately to see torn to scraps and flung away.
It was torn and patched and faded, for it was the old flag that used to wave upon the dilapidated keep of the castle.
He might even have torn up the letter after writing it, and burned the shreds in the library fire.
Well, do you see that the lining is torn just above it?
I have tried on three different sheets of paper to describe the effect which this discovery produced on me--and I have torn them up one after another.
I had already torn up two letters, when Uncle David presented himself with a message from his niece.
Fragments oftorn paper and heaps of flowers littered the floor; and three unopen jewel-cases appeared to have been thrown into the empty fireplace.
For twelve delightful hours they were fed by the male people, and fondled by the female people, and then they were mercilessly tornfrom the flesh-pots and the arms of their new friends, and set to work on the sandal-wood in good earnest.
With the sound of that falling body he had already reached the doorway and torn aside the heavy portière.
There was a thing of iron flesh and thews which had locked itself about an enemy and clung there madly with but one purpose, one single thought--to grip and grip, and never loosen until flesh should be torn from bones.
They had even maltreated the king’s body; for they had torn off the lid of the coffin and cast out the corpse.
This he did know--for he had long agotorn from his demon the draperies of disguise--that women were his great temptation.
The very honesty of his words seemed, for an instant, to disconcert her; and she produced a torn lace handkerchief, which she thrust in her eyes.
But I actually thought that he would have torn my hands to pieces with his claws.
The thunder pealed and crashed and rolled along the heavens, as if the universe were about to be torn asunder, and the mighty fragments hurled out into infinity.
How strong the flood was he could tell from the forest-trees which it had torn up by the roots and was carrying away headlong.
Her fair hair was carelessly twisted into a large knot, which showed behind the old felt hat which she wore: a shabby kirtle was secured with a belt around her waist above a torn and faded gray tweed riding-skirt.
Sava said he had been standing in a doorway and a bomb had exploded quite close, a piece had whizzed by his nose and had torn down the name board over his head.
The pavement had beentorn up, and people were grubbing in the mud; pieces of charred wood were passed from hand to hand.
How would the history of Spain look if the leaves were torn out, on which are written the names of Cervantes, Lope de Vega, and Calderon!
A Turkish boy hath torn it; Hungarian boy will heal it, With fiddle, fife, and drum.
Friends must be torn asunder, and swept along in the current of events, to see each other seldom, and perchance no more.
A near-despotism, without morals or principles, such as Pandolfo Petrucci exercised from after 1490 in Siena, then torn by faction, is hardly worth a closer consideration.
When once the veil of illusion was torn asunder, when once the dread of nature and the slavery to books and tradition were overcome, countless problems lay before them for solution.
For how can Christianity, that is to say, eternal truth itself, be for ever torn by divisions?
On the beach this morning I witnessed a most distressing scene: wives separated by force from their husbands, and children torn from the fond embraces of parents whose parting sighs were all they could yield them on this side the grave.