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Example sentences for "knife"

Lexicographically close words:
knewn; knicht; knickerbockers; knickers; knickknacks; knifed; knifing; knight; knighte; knighted
  1. Sue laid down her knife and fork to laugh at him, though the doing so had very near made her cry again.

  2. Sue ran for another knife and fork, and then began upon her piece of chicken; and Roswald helped himself out of his dish and eat, glancing over now and then at her.

  3. Sue jumped up, wiping away her tears, and run for the knife and fork; and from that time, throughout the rest of the meal, her face was a constant region of smiles.

  4. There will be no necessity for this reckless generosity," said John, wondering why he did not writhe, as a man might who watches a knife cut into his benumbed limb.

  5. I think I can promise I shall not raise a dust," said John, dispassionately, watching the knife turn in his flesh.

  6. What you just said about having a knife stuck into you comes the nearest to my own notion.

  7. Uncertain as to the exact location of the object of his hatred, he raised his knife and struck at random; but the blow spent itself in air.

  8. I am not sitting for my picture to this great, grim artist friend of yours, who first sticks a knife into me, and then tells me to look pleasant that he may photograph me for his gallery of fools!

  9. All intersecting or crossing boughs are removed by knife or scissors, and branches which are too luxuriant in growth are cut or pinched back.

  10. The sharp knife and the pruning-shears have other uses in the June orchard.

  11. The sharp knife enlarges the hole, which is the trail of the serpent, and the sharp-pointed, flexible wire follows the route until it has reached and transfixed the borer.

  12. Out of each bunch I selected three or four to form the head; the rest were rubbed off or cut out with a sharp knife or pruning shears.

  13. A knife had been drawn once around each, just to give it a chance to expand and show mealy white between the gaping circles that covered its bulk.

  14. An Anglo-Saxon knife found in excavations in the city of London, and engraved (fig.

  15. A curious variety of the war-knife is in the collection of Mr. Roach Smith, of which the single edge is straight, or nearly so, and the point formed by a diagonal cut at the back of the blade.

  16. Elmer always made it a point to keep his knife in the best condition possible at all times, and this was one of the occasions where he felt amply repaid for his foresight.

  17. Fortunately that knife blade was as keen as a razor.

  18. So Lil Artha, grumbling somewhat, though obliging, proceeded forthwith to climb farther aloft until he could use his knife on the cord that seemed to be helping to retard the downward progress of the parachute.

  19. And if he hadn't happened to have that sharp knife along, you might be hanging up there yet and for some time to come; get that?

  20. If the knife fell, it would go straight through my baby's head, and Elizabeth was reaching her little hands and laughing.

  21. She took that knife loosely between her thumb and second finger and holding it directly above my baby's face, she swung it lightly back and forth and demanded: 'Brod!

  22. When she borrowed Laddie's knife and cut the stem as long as my arm, I knew exactly how great and solemn the occasion was; for always before about six inches had been her limit.

  23. Of course we knew better than to use a knife at the table, but there was no other way in the field.

  24. I counted until I was too sick to see, then I took the baby in my arms and climbed to the loft, with our big steel knife in one hand.

  25. I write to the Fairies every day that way, only I use an old knife handle.

  26. He unbuttoned his neckband until I could see his throat where it was white like a woman's, took out his knife and ate that pie.

  27. Father ran his knife across the top of each, and cut all the envelopes, and Shelley took out the first and read it; that was the train one.

  28. Old Gabe's knife stopped short in the heart of the stick he was whittling; the boy looked sharply up from the running meal into Crump's face and sat still.

  29. Drawing a long knife from his pocket, he climbed upon them, and began to cut carefully away the spreading top of a bush that grew on the other side.

  30. But it was four years before the Tenas Tyee found the centre of the great salt-chuck oluk and plunged his hunting-knife into its evil heart.

  31. Put your blinkers on, Mazie, put 'em on, and don't take a shy at Height over my knife and fork!

  32. You taught her to eat with the knife and the fork," growled Mr. Meyers from behind his violet barricade as he ripped over another page.

  33. Before my Knife and the Naked Chalk I speak.

  34. I sold all that when I bought the Magic Knife for my people.

  35. He straddles his legs; hunches his knife behind him, and whistles like a storm-cock through a sleet-shower.

  36. The man bowed his head, drove the knife into the turf, and while it still quivered said: 'This is witness between us that I speak the thing that has been.

  37. He knew the Knife had come to the Naked Chalk at last--at last!

  38. He begged a Magic Knife of their make for our sake.

  39. Benedetto 'ud sharpen his knife on his sole while he waited for his plaster to dry--wheet, wheet, wheet.

  40. The Knife and the Naked Chalk The children went to the seaside for a month, and lived in a flint village on the bare windy chalk Downs, quite thirty miles away from home.

  41. With her knife heated in the flame she put out my right eye.

  42. So I come for a Magic Knife to kill The Beast.

  43. He wrenched his knife from the turf, thrust it into his belt and stood up.

  44. I said this because the Magic Knife does not balance like the flint.

  45. The boy held his knife and fork with a grace her husband had not acquired, taking his food as slowly and daintily as a girl.

  46. There was no chair opposite Joe, no plate, and knife and fork and napkin.

  47. With the blood spurting from your wound, you run from the room and fall in the hall; and the villain escapes, carrying the knife with him!

  48. There is no doubt about its being firmly imbedded in the gravel, for the delay I made in extricating it with my pocket-knife nearly caused me the unpleasant position of being covered by several tons of gravel.

  49. Scott, in Kansas, of a broken knife or lance-head, measuring in its present condition two inches and one eighth in length.

  50. Not infrequently, peons have emerged from this room minus an ear or a nose, but, as a general thing, this method of settlement was to be preferred to knife or pistol.

  51. The knife slips because I cannot close my hand tightly.

  52. With his pocket knife he cut the spur strap, eased the majordomo to the ground, carried him to the bench and stretched him out thereon.

  53. The king hurried off to find a gold plate and knife and fork for her also.

  54. A man with a knife in his hand hid behind the door, and stabbed him in the leg.

  55. On it were laid a plate, knife and fork, and silver spoon.

  56. In front of each fairy at the table was set a heavy gold plate, and by each plate a gold knife and fork.

  57. With that she took a knife and killed the goat.

  58. I killed him with my knife and quickly rose over his body, brandishing his saber, seeking for other troopers to kill.

  59. Tearing madly down toward the kitchen, she stumbled over the dead body of her lord, who lay pinned by his own hunting-knife to the floor.

  60. He cut with his knife upon his bare shoulder the pilgrim's sign of the cross, and then the afflicted family set forth on their travels.

  61. The giant ceased to frown as he devoured it, and smiled when he laid down his knife and fork.

  62. The shark, wounded mortally and mad with rage, darted forward in a final effort, but John planted his knife in its open jaws.

  63. Like the stab of a knife the thought of her pursued him.

  64. Would have been a pocket-knife, but crossed out, because the Head says any fellow who gets a pocket-knife will have it confiscated.

  65. With a carving-knife and fork this ideal is not too easy of attainment, but with these small blunt tools it requires a first-rate workman to approach it.

  66. It has a good butcher's-knife edge upon it; so the corporal said, who ground it for me.

  67. And if ye get a new knife ye want to cut something with it, or a new gun ye must be after shooting with it; and so on with anything at all.

  68. It was usual, in bygone times, for men to wear swords, but when any one took sanctuary he had to give up his weapons, and only use a knife at meal times to cut his meat.

  69. Afterwards, he put the knife in her hand, making it appear as if she had committed suicide, and then quietly stole away from the place.

  70. I can buy a can of good beef extract and dip the point of my knife in the can and get more nourishment on the point of that knife than in 800 gallons of the best beer.

  71. He asserted that he could get more nourishment from a little bit of beef extract, placed on the edge of a knife blade, than can be obtained from 800 gallons of the best beer brewed.

  72. The extract on the point of the knife represents one and three-quarter pounds of good beefsteak.

  73. A man who was about to be baptized took out his watch and laid it aside; then he took out his knife and bankbook and laid them aside.

  74. Like a jack knife he fairly doubles up in emphasis.

  75. Watkins owned to a crack from the stock of a gun on his right shoulder; Hogvardt to a graze of a knife on the arm.

  76. The fat innkeeper had got rid of his gun, and had a knife much like the one I carried myself.

  77. I had two at me, but by great good luck I drove my big knife into one fellow's arm at the first hazard, and I think that was enough for him.

  78. A small knife with a carved handle had left traces of an iron blade.

  79. But we do find a knife of bronze, that of Agamemnon, used in sacrificing victims; at least so I infer from Iliad, III.

  80. Patroclus uses the knife to cut the arrow-head out of the flesh of a wounded friend.

  81. There is to be sure the "iron," the knife with which Antilochus fears Achilles will cut his own throat.

  82. But no knife is ever used as a weapon of war: knives are employed in cutting the throats of victims (see Iliad, III.

  83. With his table-knife saw he cut a hole about two feet square in the floor near the northeast corner of the upper room.

  84. Titus of the Corps D'Afrique, using a notched table-knife for a saw.

  85. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "knife" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.