The cloths that she had put over it to soak off the filthy rag which bound his head had served their purpose.
But the other, whose thatch of reddish hair stood up strangely from the filthyrag that bound his forehead, raised his arm and took a step forward, the glare of madness in his eyes.
Thrice sixty days of corporal decay And mental anguish, slowly wore away; Thrice sixty nights of filthy durance passed, Each day and night more hopeless than the last.
The lower town is very narrow, and has a filthy appearance.
With the exception of some miserable, filthy lodgings in Canada, I do not recollect in any part of the United States, even among the Creek Indians, to have found myself so wretchedly situated in every respect, as here.
I saw nothing particularly new, except the machine which picks the cotton, and thus saves a great deal of filthy manual labour.
We took lodgings in the Royal Hotel, a large, tastefully-arranged building, though in a very filthy street.
I only returned a word, the woman whom they set up would have poured filthyabuse on me.
We hardly need his authority for the belief that a filthy tongue pollutes a man's whole being, and owes its inspiration to the evil one.
In the mucous membrane of these external organs of sex are thousands of little glands that secrete a foul, filthy substance called smegma.
He does not see the filthy side of it, because nicely dressed men use it.
But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthycommunication out of your mouth.
It was some time before he could extricate himself from this disagreeable mass, and still longer before he could cleanse off the filthy fragments from his garments.
He will set Burrell on the trail, if he can get no other informer; for he has never been too great not to make use of filthy tools to effect his purpose.
Jeromio understands all manner of lingoes, and would be likely to consort with any foreigners for filthy lucre: he has ever ventures of his own, and this is one.
But mark how the filthy liquor stands beside the pure book!
Why should the filthy vulture make his nest with the eagles?
Instructions to them on that sin might have been almost as superfluous, as would be lectures on the sin of luxury, addressed to the poor Greenland disciples, whose poverty compels them to subsist on filthy oil.
They live on a coarse, crude and unwholesome diet, and are imperfectly clothed, both summer and winter; sleeping upon filthy and frequently damp beds.
Veeve lah Republeekh," he shouted, tossing hisfilthy hat, "and God save Oirland.
These ate and drank to their heart's content, but from their wallowing and disgusting habits the residence soon resembled a filthy lair where pigs lie down.
Is it the filthy dress of the lame fellow, Bellerophon?
But it was the populace filled the bulk of the benches, and the populace loved coarse laughter and filthy words.
And if your pupil gets impaled, his hairs plucked out, and he is seared with a hot ember,[562] how are you going to prove to him that he is not a filthy debauchee?
Therefore, my friends, stand to it one and all; refuse this filthy trash.
A filthy disease to conquer so great a human force!
Out of their filthyhuts made of scraps of tin, boards, old rags, nipa, more tatterdemalion creatures appeared.
Some one, in saturnine mercy, had flung a filthy rag over her, which automatically she clutched about her.
And all this for a beggar to fulfill A filthy proverb: Good still yields to ill.
Tis a filthy use, To be in vain and idle speech profuse.
As the heat unbound them the clothes also returned to their filthy condition.
The Boche has had his filthy fist on the throat of Switzerland for fifty years.
The filthy scum," he growled; "this morning's lesson was not enough.
We'll sweep the filthy devils clean off the Earth.
Take your filthy manuscript and begone where the pepper grows.
The School Tyrants are plotting to inject filthy vaccine into their innocent veins.
And we had a breakfast brought out, so filthy in all respects that nobody could eat it.
The long strips of it were hung out on poles to dry in the streets, and to get a rich color from the dirt and dust, to say nothing of its contact with the filthy people who were making it.
On what principle cures are effected in these filthy vats, I could not learn.