Just then he heard Perk give vent to a hurried exclamation: "Get aboard, partner; I guess the measly critters are acomin' down on us like hot cakes right now.
I don't aim to take no measly money fer givin' up the only friend I got!
Our Jack got his finger cut with a steal trap catchin’ of a koon for a Clay Club, and the boys is down on a tar raft, and ole Miss Collis and mammy is powerful rumatic, and the measly complaint is amazin!
Lord, how fine we are, just becaze one o' us happens to be a measly little Corporal.
And here we are turned out in the cold world again, our fun all over, and now must go back to those measly cattle.
You're both purty good talkers, but neither one of you can show me where the rainbow comes in in rotting along with these measly cattle.
S'pose I'm going to use brute force on a measly fish that I could swallow alive if I could only get him out of his house?
Don't care a measlynickel with a hole in it," protested Mr. Spoopendyke, thoroughly impatient.
Come out, ye measly coward, before ye make an enemy of me for life!
Say, Farmer, ain't there any way to sick the measly old bull on him?
Don't appear to be any of that measly crowd Pet Peters trains with.
He took some jerky and canned stuff--but only one measly beer bottle of water.
I stole just one measly horse and every one's called me a horse-thief ever since.
They've got plenty of that, I tell you, and to spah, those little bad measly Mexican hawgs.
You see, Texas is full of those measly little peccaries.
He needs a new catcher for his measly team that we're going to wallop to-morrow.
I'm holding on by the skin of my teeth, and you want me to wait till you get your measly old camera adjusted, and snap me off in this ignoble position.
It would give me the nightmare every time I looked at the measly thing.
He even confessed that he had been up to old Rabig's place to get him to join the crowd in playing some more measly tricks on us here.
Besides, thar's a pack o' measlywild dogs loose in that stretch o' timber.
I wouldn't give one bandanner handkercher for the wholemeasly lot!
It's mine; and if I was measly and cantankerous I'd prob'ly order you to take your schooner outer my harbour at once.
Knowing that the jack-leg lawyers of that measly town would clog the wheels of justice for their puny fees, and hold those fiends over for other hellishness, some of you rose and took the law into your own hands.
You are letting that measly little candidate for the legislature make a cat's-paw of you.
You know so much about your measly part, why don't you play it?
I'll throw the measly things out of the window so that I won't waste any time playing with you again.
You make more fuss over a measlyking than most women over a mouse.
I think McFee's step-father engineered that job and Hinkel confessed to me, when he thought he was agoin' to die, that he got paid for doing it through your measly uncle.
That measly squarehead of a Hinkel is trying to do for you!
Buy clothes when you've money to blow--not when you've a measly twenty dollars in your jeans between you and destitution.
It was mean of them, for he was old and lame and sick; and one day I just lit out a couple of measly little chaps and ducked them overboard for their sass.
You ain't worth a buffalo nickel, Dud Fielding; and I wouldn't ask one for saving your measly little life.
An angler from below came up for a chat and told you that he had taken a grilse, and you envied him the possession of that measly little kipper.
That's about all I can do for my little measly ante," he remarked.
That measly little tap of yours in the last round was certainly a soporific wallop.
All he gets for his five dollars or his twenty-five dollars is an off chance at a measly scrap of colored silk worth maybe four cents.
To let a measlydog drag you out of the shade on a red-hot day like this just to look at some dead chipmunk he's found!
Lad has more right here than any measly imported sheep.
Couldn't give me a measly twenty thousand dollars because of income tax and high cost of living and all that sort of bunk, while she had a hundred thousand dollars in diamonds on her fat neck.
These will be worth ten times his measly thirty-eight hundred," he said softly.
They must have had their wings singed, then, or else they'd have flown down and scooped our grub instead of using a measly old string.
What could you have done with one of your old measly two-shot guns, eh?
Two cents a pound for all baggage in excess of a measly fifty-six pounds.
He knew that some day or other an inquisitive foreigner would be prowling around here trying to uncover ancient treasures, and he put this measly little antechamber here to throw Mr. Archaeologist off the scent.
But I can't go back to Homeport with a measlyfour hundred barrel of ile.
Dave Keeney what boasts he's the best whalin' skipper out o' Homeport comin' back with a measly four hundred barrel of ile?
Mr. Slocum, did you ever hear o' me pointin' s'uth for home with only a measly four hundred barrel of ile in the hold?
Against his iron determination his wife's piteous pleading and evident suffering are more potent than the mutinying hands; whether she can avail to turn him home "with a measly four hundred barrel of ile" is the problem of the play.
I forced that much from the Chilcat when I had the measly wretch upon his back.