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Example sentences for "scabby"

Lexicographically close words:
sbirro; scab; scabbard; scabbards; scabbed; scabies; scabious; scabrous; scabs; scads
  1. Removal of too much of the inferior turbinal is apt to induce a scabby condition.

  2. I am confident that an ointment of it is one of the best remedies for scabby head that is.

  3. It is related that a shepherd observed how a stag, whose hind-quarters were covered with a scabby eruption brought about through the bite of a wolf, cured itself by rolling on plants of the Speedwell, and by eating its leaves.

  4. Il ne faut qu’une brebis galeuse pour infecter tout le troupeau = One scabby sheep will taint the whole flock; One ill weed mars a whole pot of pottage.

  5. Galeux *Il ne faut qu’une brebis galeuse pour infecter tout un troupeau = One scabby sheep will taint a whole flock.

  6. If the rash has been irritated into running, scabby scores by scratching, it may be cleaned with weak vinegar.

  7. Though Varlamov is a Russian, he is at heart a scabby Jew; money and gain are all he lives for, but I threw my money in the stove!

  8. Why, because there isn't a gentleman or millionaire who isn't ready to lick the hand of a scabby Jew for the sake of making a kopeck.

  9. There wasn’t a scabby sheep in our bunch.

  10. In a few years he acquires a herd of his own, a fine herd, not a scabby sheep in the bunch.

  11. The eruption may last only a few hours or a few days, or, because of the animal's scratching or rubbing the part, the skin may become scabby and small pustules form.

  12. I would advise any gentleman having a dog he values never to let it touch one of these old scabby Rats, as it may prove injurious to the health of the dog.

  13. It is that scabby baby on the third floor, fallen out of bed again, with nobody home to pick him up.

  14. The farmer whom I have quoted does not dip his sheep to prevent or cure scab, but mops the sore place, when he discovers a scabby sheep, with a sponge dipped into the scab-mixture.

  15. Then I was invited in: "Come in, you scabby devil.

  16. My one and two-year-old fowls are getting scabby combs.

  17. Planting gladioli after potato or tomato crops is said to incur risk of scabby stock.

  18. By taking scrapings from the edges of scabby patches and placing them on a piece of black paper in a warm place the mites may be seen as tiny white objects crawling over the paper, more distinctly if a magnifying glass is used.

  19. Scabby teats may be smeared with vaseline containing carbolic acid enough to give it an odor.

  20. To the soreness or scabby eruption, which extends higher up the ear, olive oil or spermaceti ointment may be applied.

  21. The Scabby Mange' is a frequent form which this disease assumes.

  22. The scabby mange is the common form under which it generally appears.

  23. It assumes a pustular and scabby form in the red mange, particularly in white-haired dogs, when there is much and painful inflammation.

  24. By this misplaced charity, hundreds of stout fellows are taught the management of a crutch instead of a musket, and the art of manufacturing sores, ulcers, and scabby pates, in the most loathsome perfection.

  25. A few miserable curs sniffing at offals alone remained in the deserted streets, and I saw no human being at any of the windows, except half-a-dozen scabby children blubbering at being kept at home.

  26. Still the shepherd ought not to keep aloof from a scabby sheep; but then what a sheep it was!

  27. From a scabby potato, like the one in Fig.

  28. A dog's ears may become sore and scabby from being torn, or otherwise injured.

  29. When the disease becomes obstinate, and large, scabby eruptions appear on various parts of the body, take Pyroligneous acid, 2 ounces.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scabby" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abject; abominable; arrant; atrocious; base; beggarly; blemished; cheesy; contemptible; cracked; crummy; debased; defective; deformed; depraved; despicable; dirty; disfigured; disgusting; distorted; execrable; faulty; fecal; fetid; filthy; flagrant; flaky; flawed; flocculent; foul; fulsome; grave; gross; heinous; kinked; little; low; maggoty; malodorous; marred; mean; measly; miserable; monstrous; mucky; nasty; nauseating; nefarious; obnoxious; odious; paltry; petty; pimply; poky; poor; putrid; rank; reptilian; repulsive; rotten; scabby; scabrous; scaly; scarred; scrubby; scurfy; scurvy; shabby; shoddy; slimy; sloppy; sludgy; slushy; small; split; squalid; twisted; unmentionable; vile; warped; wormy; wretched