Though he rejected dogmatic Catholicism, and indeed assailed it with Voltairian mockery, yet his vision of the Eternal as the embodiment of that mercy and goodness which is greater than justice is in its essence a Christian conception.
Nimrod is again the embodiment of the spirit of war.
L'Aide offerte à Majorien can hardly be regarded as a sufficient picture of the wanderings of the nations, nor Le Régiment du Baron Madruce as an adequate embodiment of the spirit of the eighteenth century.
Mourad is to him the typical Turk, the embodimentof Oriental cruelty and lust.
The visibility of the true Church is only the historical embodiment of the element of the supernatural.
To him it was like an embodiment of the whole filthy /cloaca/, in which the poor of Paris suffer unto death.
But his only desire had been to act as his father's faithful servant, the arm that forges, the embodiment of the manual toil by which conceptions are realised.
And let that embodiment be simple and direct--the simpler and more direct it is, the more will it appear; and the more beautiful it is the more will it soften the kleptomaniacal tendencies of the ghoulish book-hunter.
On the artistic side the most conspicuous thing in his poetry is the ecstatic aspiration for Beauty and the magnificent embodiment of it.
There is almost no action, and the significance lies first in the lyrical beauty of the profuse choruses and second in the complete embodiment of Shelley's passionate hatred of tyranny.
For, the very laws and administrations on which the social order and welfare are dependent, and through which they are in a measure secured, are the embodiment of the ethical ideas and judgments of the people.
With regard to her so-called depravities nobody entertains a doubt, but one princely admirer, of broader mind than the rest, declares that in spite of these she is really the embodiment of everything that is divine in woman.
From her glossy hair to the tips of her little feet, she was the embodiment of race, of high-breeding and high spirit; it was as marked in her girlish beauty as in any thoroughbred.
The Trovatore music is an excellent embodiment of Verdi's Second period style.
That settled it; for Jimmy was so fond of eating that he would have accompanied the sweep—his idea of the embodiment of evil—to search for biscuits with pink sugar on them.
It all seemed the very embodiment of age-long prosperity and pleasant ease.
For this reason the stethoscope is a more efficient embodiment of the original conception than is that very inefficient product--the steam engine.
It is clear, however, that it was the direct issue of several inventions, and that it was the first embodiment in a concrete form of the successful and practical application of steam power to transportation on the water.
One man carries weight because he is himself the embodiment of power, he is himself convinced of what he says.
If so, you will be greatly helped by assuring yourself in your daily self-talks that you are not timid; that, on the contrary, you are the embodiment of courage and bravery.
The thought haunted him and found its final embodimentin "The Last of the Buffaloes" in 1890.
And like unto a precious gem or the very embodiment of prosperity of Indra, of exceeding beauty and large eyes, that charming and adored and celebrated damsel saluted Arjuna.
The Christ, or mediator, of the Christian Gospel was an embodiment of the joint qualities of the sign and ruling planet.
They not merely preserve order, the first essential of both liberty and civilisation, but to a large portion of our population they stand as the embodiment as well as the representative of the law of the land.
No dream of revolt ever crosses the mind of the poor wretches in the city slums to whom the policeman is the incarnate embodiment of the whole American Constitution.
His art had a peculiarly wide appeal because it was fine and sweet; he won sympathy and inspired affection; and seemed the very embodiment of the tender, artless and lovable characters it was his joy to represent.
Energetic, resolute, faithful, impatient of any achievement but the highest, she seemed the very embodiment of many of Shakespeare's greatest creations.
Nathan Hale" stands in City Hall Park, New York City, the veryembodiment of that devoted young patriot.
It is a sincere, honest and dignified embodimentof the First American.
That which is stated; a formal embodiment in language of facts or opinions; a narrative; a recital.
Anything supremely excellent; the embodimentor perfection of something.
Form of embodiment, as in words; form, as of thought or conception; concrete embodiment or example, as of some quality.
To be the embodiment or personification of; to impersonate; as, he personifies the law.
Indeed, he had been wont to regard the "Coursing Hound" as the very embodiment of what an English inn should be--but now!
The monarch was also looked upon as an embodiment of divinity.
The ruling monarch, who was official servitor of the national gods, interpreting their will and adding to the endowments of the temples, was the embodiment of secular and of religious authority.
It is not merely an embodimentof the ideas of the satirists who suggested it and the artist who drew it, but also of many a traditional and stereotyped symbol, bequeathed from generation to generation by artists dead and gone.
Moreover, he had the model he wanted, possessing without dominating it; and without losing sight of his ideal, it was to this model that he applied himself for the embodiment of his idea.
Certainly Lady Lisa might stand as the embodiment of the old fancy, the symbol of the modern idea.
Certainly Lady Lisa might stand as the embodiment of the old fancy, the symbol of the modern idea.
He who alone remained firm when all about the king were wavering, was regarded as the embodiment of military rule, against which a violent opposition was rising.
She saw in him, above all else, the embodiment of love, and loved him because her loving heart understood his.
Madame Gallait, a Parisian by birth, was the veryembodiment of the French woman in the most charming sense of the word, and the bond which united her to her husband seemed enduring and as if woven by the cheeriest gods of love.
Cromwell's Ironsides were the embodiment of this insight of his; men fearing God; and without any other fear.
Then I heard a quick step in the shrubbery, as of some one sent to summon us, and reluctantly released from my hold the embodiment at that instant of all I esteemed noblest and loveliest in woman.
In claiming thus for our children's books this embodiment of wholesome truth in beautiful forms, we are not favoring any feeble dilettanteism, or sacrificing practical strength to pleasant fancy.