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Example sentences for "playing"

Lexicographically close words:
playground; playgrounds; playhouse; playhouses; playin; playlet; playmate; playmates; playn; playne
  1. In this field of playing there is no sex.

  2. Tending one's imitation baby is not team-work; nor is playing house.

  3. The amount of card playing among men--and the amount of money lost and won, does not produce an equivalent comment.

  4. Of late years more women than ever before have taken to playing cards; and some, unfortunately, play for money.

  5. Two or three only of the group said, "That lad is playing with us; it is not possible.

  6. But a Priemkof, playing both branches of the police, had a good chance of living a long time, and a Gounsovski would die tranquilly in his bed with all the solaces of religion.

  7. Monsieur and Madame Gounsovski were playing a game of draughts under the lamp.

  8. The entire company followed, then all the diners playing little whistles, and all the servants besides, single file.

  9. We should only be beaten hollow, and it's no use playing if we have no chance to win.

  10. The girls were, of course, most excited, except the performers, who nearly had hysterics at the prospect of playing before so great a musical star.

  11. I saw Doreen and Elsbeth playing cricket with Joyce to-day in a way that absolutely made me shudder.

  12. She made her headquarters at Kirkton, so Mrs. Ramsay explained, but travelled much about the country playing at concerts.

  13. Morland, who was at home for Christmas, gave two piano solos, and though his beautiful artistic playing was much above the heads of most of the audience, there were some who were musical enough to enjoy it.

  14. I could slay that wretched boat for playing us such a trick!

  15. When they were not sparring or playing jokes upon one another, the two were firm allies.

  16. I was playing for time, time to think, time to get away.

  17. At the door I came upon a great throng of loungers playing at dice, some throwing and others laying their wagers upon those who threw.

  18. When I run my neck into a halter, I want to know whose hands are playing with the cord.

  19. There was that in her manner, I could not say exactly what, which led me to follow her at a respectful distance, seeing which she turned her head, and I fancied I could observe a thankful little smile playing about her lips.

  20. There were also playing about the room three or four children of such dazzling beauty and such ineffable grace that no pen can picture their seraphic glances or gestures of airy frolic.

  21. There was such a peal of bells you could scarcely hear your neighbour's voice; then came discharges of artillery, and then bursts of music from various bands, all playing different tunes.

  22. It was more fun than any kind of work, she imagined--playing round with successful, fashionable, wealthy people.

  23. It had been kind of Mrs. Carey to invite her to spend the evening, but it had been a little too much like playing Destiny.

  24. We've found out the company that the woman who gave the card of introduction is playing in.

  25. It's a wonder that you didn't let me lie where I fell, after my playing such a silly joke.

  26. Didn't know we were playing for keeps, eh, Lal?

  27. Miss Deane can easily prove that she is playing fair," said Zenda.

  28. It was still an open question whether I should go downstairs; I half inclined to playing invalid a little longer, and taking this one more meal in my room.

  29. Cold and cunning, plausible and imperturbable, he met a man with whose keenest feelings he had been playing for years, and who was even then lacerated to madness by insults and indignities that would have roused a tamer nature.

  30. There are strangers in this land playing your game, and playing it better than ye can.

  31. I said that I would seek out my friend, and here I have tarried playing for seven years, and he is a slave.

  32. But in such case," urged farmer Colan, "playing often turns to fighting.

  33. Almost the whole village turned out to welcome him, with a band playing and flags flying.

  34. The fish playing on the surface are called skimmers.

  35. The story goes that John Carter, as a boy, playing at soldiers with other boys, received the nickname of "The King of Prussia.

  36. Were her eyes, like her heart, playing her false?

  37. Then she vividly remembered a moving picture she had seen--cowboys playing a monstrous joke on a lone school-teacher.

  38. And here, playing about her like her hair played about Stewart's face, was adventure, perhaps death, and surely life.

  39. And when she shut her eyes she felt those loosened strands playing against his cheeks.

  40. In the meantime the young apes have been playing with a large ball, which they now roll forward.

  41. But the next thought brought a new suspicion, and I cautiously opened my eyes to test it, and see if my senses were really playing false.

  42. They were prevented by our guard, probably on the principle that a mouse is protected by a kitten--that it may have the pleasure of first playing with it, and afterwards killing it itself.

  43. I think, sir, that we are playing at cross-purposes.

  44. A moment later he heard her playing the old piano.

  45. Some one in the parlor overhead was playing the piano.

  46. He is evidently playing a part of some sort.

  47. A lame Italian was playing a wheezy hand-organ at the end of the walk, and a group of ill-clad children were dancing near by.

  48. She was playing old plantation melodies, some of which he had heard before, and a wonderful sense of peace and restfulness crept over him.

  49. I am playing in a burlesque," explained the Babe.

  50. A nervous excitability had taken possession of her that was playing strange freaks not only with her body, but with her mind.

  51. Really," said Mr. Jowett, "this is hardly playing the game.

  52. Then the clouds broke away and the sunshine and shadows began playing tag over the scarps and buttresses of the encompassing amphitheatre of mountains.

  53. She was sitting beside her tent, and playing at her knee was the identical youngster who had been saved by Crusoe.

  54. Their respective pipes delivered forth, at stated intervals, three richly yellow puffs of smoke, as if a three-gun battery were playing upon the sky from that particular spot of earth.

  55. Never having seen his master in such a state before he seemed to think at first that he was playing some trick, for he bounded round him, and barked, and wagged his tail.

  56. He carried in his bosom a little handbook in which he noted things as they struck him--now a bit of family genealogy, now a prayer, now such a story as that of Ealdhelm playing minstrel on the bridge.

  57. To the excited partizans of the house of Anjou it seemed as if the nobles were simply playing their own game in the proposed settlement and striving to preserve their power by a balance of masters.

  58. While Gregory was thus playing with Ælla's name the old king passed away, and with his death in 588 the resistance of his kingdom seems to have ceased.

  59. I was remarking, my Lord, that I have no confidence in his sincerity; that he strikes me as capable of playing a double part.

  60. We are so intent upon our game here, that one actually forgets what is occurring in the greater game that is playing without.

  61. He's playing chess with Lady Kilgoff in the boudoir," said Jennings.

  62. Out there under the pergola the moonbeams are playing amongst the vines, the air is soft and caressing, and the summer evening recites to you its enchanting sonnet as a compensation for the prose within.

  63. It seemed to me as though I were playing my old friend from the Cafe de l'Empereur false, and I felt how he would despise me had he seen me, and I made up my mind not to tell him anything about it.

  64. The ape is playing in the menagerie the same role as Don Quixote in literature--the superficial observer looks upon them as exclusively comical, and only laughs at them.

  65. She'll be barging into the banks and playing the deuce with everything.

  66. If the Hun were playing 'possum, the sub meant to take no unnecessary risks.

  67. They've been playing hide-and-seek about long enough since they slipped through our fingers after their battle down yonder on the frontier.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "playing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acting; bickering; blinking; buffoonery; business; characterization; coquetry; dalliance; dallying; dancing; embodiment; enactment; flashing; flickering; flirtation; fluttering; fluttery; fooling; gag; gambling; ham; imitation; impersonation; incarnation; lambent; loitering; masquerade; mimicry; miming; monkeying; mummery; pantomime; patter; performance; performing; personation; personification; play; playing; portrayal; posing; projection; puttering; quivering; representation; smattering; speculation; sporting; stunt; tinkering; trifling; wavering