This plan of unification would allow us, without heavy expenses, to answer efficiently the local needs of each diocese and each Province.
The difference between the unification under Julius Cæsar and Augustus, and the unification under Victor Emmanuel, is very simple.
Moreover, since the unification was accomplished, the vanquished Popes have acted with a fairness and openness which might well be imitated in other countries.
Life, for example, involves the habit of eating, which in turn involves a unification of organism and nature.
The fashionable unification of today goes by the name of the will to power.
It is made by implication in the current view of purposes or ends-in-view as objects in themselves, instead of means to unification and liberation of present conflicting, confused habits and impulses.
The "object" which then presents itself in thought as the goal of desire is the object of the environment which, if it were present, would secure a re-unification of activity and the restoration of its ongoing unity.
The unification which ends thought in act may be only a superficial compromise, not a real decision but a postponement of the issue.
It was not, however, till after the final unification of the country under Khammurabi that a fixed and uniform calendar was imposed upon all the sanctuaries of Babylonia.
Illumination by unification is here the note, as clearly as in the mathematical-physical sciences.
The German wars of Unification also belong to the category of wars which, in spite of a thousand sacrifices, bring forth a rich harvest.
And yet one of the pretexts of unificationwas that it would save the expense of so many courts, which bore hard on the people!
Besides the general integration or unification of industry implied by the common dependency of the specific trades upon these great industries, there are other forces engaged in integrating groups of trades.
To admire is to recede the ego-feeling, is to feel oneself in an ecstasy that becomes mystical, and in that sense the contradiction arises that we feel ourselves larger in a unification with the admired one.
Character development is the story of the unification of the traits or characters.
Or there is over-unification and fanaticism, with narrow aim and little sympathy for other aims.
The able speaker and writer has always been powerful, and he has always found a high social value in promulgating the ideas of those too busy or unfitted for this task, and he has been the chief agent in the unification of groups.
It is a unification of individuals that has been glorified as the perfect relationship, since it has no classifiable instinct behind it and is in a sense democracy at its noblest.
The amalgamation of the North and South Protectorates took effect on January 1, but sufficient time has not yet passed for the full benefits of the unification to be appraised.
It will reverse the whole system of specialization and the segregation and unification of industries and the division of labour.
The all-important Latinization of western Europe began with theunification of Italy under Rome.
Every system, short of theunification of the human race, has been tried, repeatedly tried, and been found wanting.
How confident were the assertions made in the days preceding the unification of the states of the North American continent regarding the insuperable barriers that stood in the way of their ultimate federation!
World Unity the Goal Unification of the whole of mankind is the hall-mark of the stage which human society is now approaching.
Storytelling is regarded by her as a valuable aid in theunification of the work with children in a system of libraries.
With the unification of the Italian peninsula Rome entered upon a new era in her foreign relations.
Yet the Apennine chain, running parallel to the length of the peninsula, offered no such serious barriers to that unification as did the network of mountains and the long inlets that intersect the peninsula of Greece.
When I saw what a big proposition the Unification of Italy was, I knew that there was room for the development of some mighty interesting characters before they got through with the business.
His project, as I have just told you, was the unification of Italy.
The conviction became general that the unification of all the German countries in one constitutional, strongly democratic State was at hand.
He only knew that in spite of all the persecution of the German student unions (Burschenschaften), they were still alive, and that the object to be attained was the unification of Germany.
But the results of these marriages could not be foreseen, and the unification of France proved of more value than the possession of so widespread an empire.
The unification of Italy in a state protected by a national army was the cherished dream of his life; and the peroration of the Principe shows that he meant this treatise to have a direct bearing on the problem.
His insight into the causes of Italian decadence was complete; and the remedies which he suggested, in the perorations of the Principe and the Arte della guerra, have since been applied in the unification of Italy.
Machiavelli therefore was justified in feeling that here was an opportunity for putting his cherished schemes in practice, and that a prince with such alliances might even advance to the grand end of the unification of Italy.
I recognize that it is impracticable to secure unification or any very extensive or far-reaching combinations of railways under our system of private ownership.
In Scotland the question of the extension of the area of educational control and of the unification of the various agencies directing education still awaits solution.
In England, by the Act of 1902, a great step was taken towards the unification of all the agencies of education.
We are citizens of one great country, and I do not believe there is a nation in the world where there is a more perfect unification of heart and purpose than in the United States of America.
This we shall do, and with all this mechanical and commercial development we shall realize largely that condition of unification of heart and interest to which those who have spoken for you have so eloquently alluded.
Every Ecumenical Conference is a distinct step in the direction, not only of the unification of the Church, but of the unification of the human race.
I have been greatly rejoiced to notice many evidences of the increasedunification of our people and of a revived national spirit.
We are starting upon a new era of development, and I hope this development is to keep pace and to be the promoting cause of a very perfectunification of our people.