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Example sentences for "revelation"

Lexicographically close words:
revealings; revealment; reveals; reveille; revel; revelations; revelatory; reveled; revelers; reveling
  1. It is her own story, the years of dreary penance, followed by the revelation of Christ to the soul.

  2. And because it passeth knowledge, and all that it is possible for the heart of man to conceive, we recognise it as His revelation to the soul.

  3. It consoles doubly-- by the revelation of unsuspected loveliness, and by the proof that our lot is the common lot.

  4. The more real they seem, the more touching is the revelation of the fact that they do not exist, and never have existed.

  5. At first he thought it was his father, but a sudden revelation showed him that it was George Malpas.

  6. The true basis of belief is the intuition of God that comes from the direct revelation of feeling in the human heart, which has been at once the motive force of the search for God and the basis of a conception of the nature of God.

  7. This story bears upon the poet's philosophy as it reflects his attitude toward human love, which he considers so clearly a revelation that any treatment of it not absolutely noble and true to the highest ideals is a sin against heaven itself.

  8. The difficulty to this order of mind of the direct personal revelation lies in the fact that it is convincing only to those who experience it, having no basis in authority, and may even for them lose its force.

  9. She was rudely awakened by suffering; he by the sudden revelation of a possible ideal.

  10. Thus Browning explains the sudden awakening of David, not as a divine revelation from without, but as a natural growth of the human spirit Godward.

  11. Though absolutely skeptical, the Arab cannot but be impressed with the beliefs of Lazarus, because of their revelation of God as a God of Love.

  12. This revelation is nevertheless rendered null by the man's conviction that the vision was merely such "stuff as dreams are made on.

  13. He was aware that Harriet Santoine was looking alternately from him to her father, herself startled by the revelation thus passionlessly recited.

  14. The contemptuous smile died away from the trainer's lips as Steeve Hargraves made this revelation of his sentiments, and gave place to a darkly thoughtful expression, which overshadowed the whole of his face.

  15. He was quite prepared for some revelation of strong feeling against himself, but none ever came.

  16. The meeting between him and Elizabeth in the garden, which had been such a revelation to Hugo's mind, was purely accidental and led to no great result.

  17. He was interested in the revelation of a nature so different from his own; interested, but contemptuous of it, too.

  18. The name of André Chénier was soon known throughout the land, and the youth of the provinces as well as the youth of Paris received the new poetic revelation with enthusiasm.

  19. It is true that some of the ancients outside of Hebrew Revelation had a better conception of God than others.

  20. The discovery and the capture of this man made a startling revelation of several most important yet utterly incomprehensible facts.

  21. He had an idea that the long looked for revelation was about to be given, but he did not attempt to hasten it in any way.

  22. Hilda had copied out the characters with painful minuteness and beautiful accuracy; but nothing in it suggested to him any revelation of its dark meaning, and he put it down with a strange, bewildered air.

  23. She herself had begun this conversation; she herself had sought for a revelation of this mystery.

  24. At this strange revelation of the General's daughter Guy stood perplexed and wondering.

  25. In his mind this revelation of the doctor only gave a new claim upon his gratitude toward the woman who had rescued him.

  26. Hilda's work of vengeance would begin with a revelation of the whole case to the supposed husband, and after this they could be guided by circumstances.

  27. It was the first time in her life that she had seen in him any revelation of manhood; and that view opened up to her very unpleasant possibilities.

  28. As to his assumed name and the revelation of his true one, that did not trouble him at all, for he could give his explanation very readily.

  29. And so it was that while Hilda unconsciously revealed the whole of those frightful secrets which she carried shut up within her breast, that revelation was not intelligible to any of those who were in contact with her.

  30. That marriage scene was too memorable to be soon forgotten, and the revelation of your character, which I then had, was the first thing which showed me the full weight of the obligation which I had so thoughtlessly accepted.

  31. Overcome by the horror of that revelation and the anguish of that discovery, she flung her arms around him and clung to him passionately.

  32. The time had now come for the revelation of that purpose.

  33. But this revelation was not made, and Windham took his departure from his friend.

  34. The externality of phenomena is removed in the beautiful; it is raised into the circle of ideal existence; for it is recognized as the revelation of the ideal, and thus transfigured it gives to the latter additional splendor.

  35. The beautiful is thus, according to these later thinkers, the revelation of God to the mind through the senses; it is the appearance of the idea.

  36. All this was a revelation to her of his inner self, his nature and impulses.

  37. Then one evening came another, and more serious, revelation to him.

  38. All this was a revelation to Mona, and unaccountable.

  39. Do you wonder that I could not sympathize with your story of wrongs and sorrows, the very nature of which was a new revelation to me?

  40. We know much of God's character, but are not acquainted with its full depths, and whenever we see or experience anything mysterious in his providences we are content to wait for a fuller revelation of truth in the future.

  41. No," broke in Thorwald, "faith might rather be called the product of reason and of the conscience, enlightened by every revelation which God has made.

  42. Is not his so-called sermon at Athens a direct statement of Stoic views against the Epicureans, taking nothing away, but adding to their account of the moral world the revelation of Jesus Christ and of the Resurrection?

  43. There have been men who so hideously misunderstood the true lessons of revelation as to applaud such deeds, and hold them up for modern imitation.

  44. So on the colony of fugitives the curtain of revelation rushes down in storm.

  45. If then the genuineness and authenticity of the sacred books can be proved as historical facts, we have nothing to do with the revelation which they contain, but to receive it with adoring gratitude and submission.

  46. He is blind among his microscopes, unless he sees in the humblest human soul a revelation that dwarfs all the world beside.

  47. Since "Pet Marjorie" I have seen no such actual self-revelation on the part of a child.

  48. To define either what Nature or Revelation was, would involve metaphysical argument and abstract considerations that would take up the entire day.

  49. I will not enter into an inquiry as to what he meant by these terms, but I will show him the revelation from which we derive our authority, and the nature in which it is written in living characters.

  50. Again, the claim was not based on revelation, which he would prove in this way: Revelation is never inconsistent with itself.

  51. It is quite true that his widow declared that no such revelation was ever made, but that was because she had lost the spirit.

  52. By Revelation I suppose the gentleman means Scripture.

  53. I am unable to realize how they obtained the revelation that for a woman to thus officiate would take her out of her appropriate sphere.

  54. That revelation is no less than the living, breathing, thinking, feeling, acting revelation manifested in the nature of woman.

  55. It entirely omitted the Book of Revelation from the list of sacred works.

  56. Mrs. Mott was to me an entire new revelation of womanhood.

  57. What a revelation of the soul of a red warrior!

  58. Every fact in nature was a revelation to her.

  59. The learned and orthodox would treat it soberly as a revelation of the divine will.

  60. The outstanding characteristic of Revelation is its adaptation of literary material dealing with, and applicable to, one historical and geographical situation, to another situation almost completely different.

  61. His cancellation, in the story of Peter's revelation and the Apostle's subsequent defence of it before the church in Jerusalem, of one of its essential factors, viz.

  62. If so we have in James, Clement and Hermas a series illustrative of the decline at Rome of the Pauline gospel of conscious revelation and inspiration toward the hum-drum levels of mere 'catholic' catechetics.

  63. In truth if we distinguish one of Luke's sources from Luke himself we shall find exactly this doctrine taught to Peter himself by special divine revelation in Acts x.

  64. Revelation has received conclusion after conclusion, so that the relation of personalities has become almost unintelligible.

  65. With that exception past revelation is for Paul subordinate to present.

  66. That shows how little you know about it, and what a revelation this visit will be to you.

  67. It is through this Humanity in the mind of God, if I may dare so to speak of Deity, that a revelation became possible to man.

  68. Brethren, revelation opens to us a scene beyond the grave, when this shall be exhibited in full operation.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "revelation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    admission; afflatus; apparition; appearance; avatar; betrayal; blow; bolt; bomb; bombshell; catch; coming; declaration; detection; determination; disclosure; discovery; display; embodiment; emergence; espial; evidence; excavation; expose; exposition; exposure; expression; find; finding; forthcoming; illumination; incarnation; indication; inspiration; invention; joker; kicker; leak; locating; location; manifestation; materialization; mysticism; narration; narrative; occurrence; opening; outcrop; presentation; proof; prophecy; publication; realization; recognition; revealing; revelation; rise; rising; scoop; shock; shocker; showing; solution; strike; surprise; switch; theophany; thunderbolt; trove; uncovering; unfolding; unmasking; unveiling

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    revelation from; revelation given