Considered as an isolated unit, however, this process of integration may be said to have reached its highest and final consummation.
It makes for that integration without which no social group could hold together and escape elimination.
The history of English and French literature shows that the golden age of their literature followed a period of social integration along national lines.
The integration can be effected without much difficulty.
The integrationof this gives x, and thence y can be found.
By the principle of superposition the whole effect may be found by integration of the partial effects due to each element of the surface, the other elements remaining at rest.
Cauchy, without the use of Gilbert's integrals, by direct integration by parts.
For a point Q outside the shadow the integration extends over more than half the primary wave.
The integrations may also be effected by means of polar co-ordinates, taking first the integrationwith respect to [phi] so as to obtain the result for an infinitely thin annular aperture.
The Internet supports the integration of creative effort and ideas, beyond borders and beyond national fixations, often expressed as military priorities rather than as cooperation and integration.
Integration through the intermediary of modern image-producing technology, especially television and computer-aided visual communication, means access to and sharing of information.
When the sequence of mediations expands, the complexity of integration can easily exceed the degree of complexity of the initial task.
With the sense of globality-of resources, actions, plans- comes the pressure of integration of everybody into the global market, and the expectations of consumption attached to it.
Design experiences of integration will make the slogan of convergence, applied to the integration of telecommunication, media, and computing, a reality that extends beyond these components.
Integration through the intermediary of literacy required shared knowledge, and in particular, knowledge of writing and reading.
The forms of integration in the guise of new science and technology are probably less troublesome than integration through language.
The very high degree of integration leads to conditions in which high efficiency-the most possible at the lowest price-becomes a criterion for survival.
Integration is probably best exemplified by the metaphor of the global village of teleconnections and tele-viewing, of Internet and World Wide Web interactions.
As war efficiency increased, so did the possibility of a breakdown of the effort due to lack of integration and coordination.
The expectation is a minimum of competence, supposed to meet integration requirements at the workplace, the understanding of religion, politics, literature, and the ability to communicate and comprehend communication.
Tolerance requires a new way to manifest it, such as the integration of what is different and complementary.
The various groups of people are integrated as humans in the first place (not as tribes, nations, or religions), and consequently a pragmatic framework of increasing integration is progressively put in place.
With a view to the establishment of the notion of integration through a domain, we must define the "extent" of the domain.
We may extend the idea of integration to cases of functions which are not defined at some point, or which tend to become infinite in the neighbourhood of some point, and to cases where the domain of the argument extends to infinite values.
A forest is a mutual co-operation of the individuals who do not destroy each other; an aggregate: its parts can also pass into a closer relationship, and by differentiation and integration it may become an organism.
Paraguay's continued integration into Mercosur also offers potential for growth; it is closely linked with the success of foreign investment promotion.
The government has also been active in promoting regional integration initiatives.
Although the pace of economic and financial integration within the European Union has slowed down, integration will remain a major force in France, shaping the fortunes of the various economic sectors over the next few years.
The conditions under which European economic integration - especially movement toward a single European currency - will proceed will be another key issue facing Germany in the next few years.
Increasing integrationwith Western Europe will dominate the economic picture over the next few years.
It is well known that the Japanese integration of house and environment influenced Frank Lloyd Wright and that a purging of ornamentation was the credo of the Bauhaus.
Whereas the overwhelming strength of the argument from Order has hitherto consisted in the supposition of Intelligence as the one and only conceivable cause of the integration of things, my exposition in Chapter IV.
Hence the liberating light which integration and the concepts of growth and time throw on the time-honored problem of absolute and relative determinism and on the relation of an ultra-strict "science" with common sense.
All the facts of experience prompt us to see in mentation a biological function, and we are no longer surprised to find this product of integrationso different from the nature and functions of all the component parts.
In order to integrate this the right-hand side is expanded into a trigonometrical series, the values of the coefficients are computed, and the integration is effected term by term.
The Vertebrata exhibit this transverseintegration in the development of the generative system.
Bearing in mind which qualification, we may say, that as differentiation of parts is connected with difference of function, so there appears to be a connexion between integration of parts and sameness of function.
Now it seems to us that the various kinds of integration here exemplified, which are commonly set down as so many independent phenomena, ought to be generalized, and included in the formula describing the process of development.
Here we see longitudinal and transverse integration going on simultaneously; and in the highest crustaceans they are both carried still further.
It has reached the last stage of integration and definition, beyond which the way lies downward from the high, quasi-spiritual ground of animism to the tamer levels of normality and causal uniformities.
The numbers given by the integration of some of these curves are stated in Table III.
In addition, he wrote a number of scientific memoirs and papers, including two on the integration of partial differential equations (Jour.
The integration of the scattered tribes of Arabia in the 7th century by the stirring religious propaganda of Mahomet was accompanied by a meteoric rise in the intellectual powers of a hitherto obscure race.
The peace accord provided for the integration of former UNITA insurgents into the Angolan armed forces and the government.
Attempts to cut the unacceptably high rate of unemployment and increasing integration with Western Europe will dominate the economic picture over the next few years.
As a member of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA), Senegal is working toward greater regional integration with a unified external tariff.
Paraguay's ongoing integration into Mercosur (the Southern Cone Common Market) offers potential for investment and growth.
A major economic policy question for the UK in the late 1990s is the terms on which it participates in the financial and economic integration of Europe.
Brunei's leaders are concerned that steadily increased integration in the world economy will undermine internal social cohesion.
After the film there was discussion about the Civil Liberties and about the film in general and about the movement in the South and the integration movement and the talk concerning General Walker.
He objected to the way the integration question was handled, in this way.
The political and economic integration of Europe over the past half century, as well as Switzerland's role in many UN and international organizations, has strengthened Switzerland's ties with its neighbors.
However, the envisaged integration of the two countries was never carried out, and the union was dissolved in 1989.
The modernization and integration of the eastern German economy continues to be a costly long-term process, with annual transfers from west to east amounting to roughly $70 billion.
Rapidly increasing integration with Western Europe - Finland was one of the 12 countries joining the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) - will dominate the economic picture over the next several years.
As a member of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), Senegal is working toward greater regional integration with a unified external tariff and a more stable monetary policy.
However, the leadership's commitment to economic reform, free trade, and regional integration was undermined by the ethnic Albanian insurgency of 2001.
But the aim is much the same; it is the integration of a people under a single scheme which shall be consistent with a large measure of political autonomy.
I agree that the laws of thought are only the integration of relations between facts.
But such an integration can be no more than dreamed of; we do not pretend that the dream will ever be realized.
The differential equations are always true; they can always be integrated by the same procedures and the results of this integration always retain their value.
To sum up, the aim of mathematical physics is not only to facilitate for the physicist the numerical calculation of certain constants or the integration of certain differential equations.
The progress in language has not been by multiplication, which would be but a progress in degradation under the now well-recognized laws of evolution; but it has been in integration from a vast multiplicity toward a unity.