A point of practical importance, which the criminal anthropologist has to consider is the relation of moral to penal responsibility.
In the absence of better material, it seizes upon the most prosaic and practical improvements in modern household life and clothes them with poetry and legend.
The Dutch naval power, which carried on an equal rivalry with the British during the seventeenth century, established a practical monopoly for Dutch trade in all the waters east of the Straits of Malacca.
It was always spoken of as a charm," though its ancient maker may have intended it for some prosaic practical use.
Munro has said that any one with "some practical artistic skill" could whittle the Clyde objects.
Robert Munro with "some practical artistic skill," and some acquaintance with the very old and mysterious designs on great rocks among the neighbouring hills.
We see "the metamorphosis of a practicalobject into an unpractical one.
To take the inexperienced Jesus as our guide in practical living would be like a traveller who was planning a trip over perilous mountains and engaged as a guide a man who had never crossed the mountains.
Belief in Prayer Modern religious people may still consistently believe in prayer as a form of inward aspiration, but it is difficult to take literally the assurance given by Jesus of practical accomplishments by means of prayer in his name.
Jesus gave little practical information, and his spiritual advice was not clearly enough expressed to enable man to apply it to modern conditions.
It is not safe to rely upon a person who had no knowledge of America's practical needs and whose acts and advice regarding worldly affairs in Jerusalem fell short of the best ethical values.
Possibly he did not intend to advise all that he seemed to approve; but if Jesus was a practical and prophetic guide he should have made it clear that he did not sanction the actions he apparently commended.
Jesus, apprenticed to his father in his youth, never did any practical work so far as we know.
The consensus of scholarship is in practical agreement that the theory of the virgin birth as a link between Jesus and God is a mistake; but whose mistake was it?
He began to look at the problem, of winning Japan into the comity of nations, with a practical eye, from a naval and personal view-point.
Thenceforth, Secretary Graham took little or no practical interest in Japan or Perry.
He was not inclined to allow nonsense and cruel practical jokes among the midshipmen, and could easily see when a verdant newcomer was being imposed upon, or an old officer’s personal feelings hurt by thoughtless youth.
The same gentleman relates that once, upon going on board the flag-ship, the midshipmen, with the intent of playing a practical joke, told him to go to Commodore Perry and talk with him.
Many of the leading engineers and practical mechanics were on board.
The practicalnature of the programme was recognized at once.
The confidence of this eminent man of science andpractical skill in the naval officer was fully justified.
The practical application of his researches to the apparatus of lighthouses struck a death-blow to the old system of coast illumination.
To assist the colony, a part of the crew of the Cyane, most of them practical mechanics, with tools and four months provisions, under Lieutenant John S.
The union of all that is wetness, the change is underweight and yet the practical use of length is the same as width.
See here," said the practical Jean; "let's all bring our stockings to darn.
Gathered around the parlor fire, they had an animated discussion, and, with many a practical suggestion from Alan, their plan of work was agreed upon.
He has always been a scholar at heart; but has never known how to turn his learning to practical account, so there was nothing left him but to turn 'bear-leader.
No," the practical Cleo assured her embarrassed companion.
When Captain Clark finished her practical talk, the ceremony of bestowing the substitute badge on Margaret was the nest feature of the evening's exercises.
As the practical proof, accordingly, would naturally be proportionate to the cluster of his attributes, one arrived at a scale that he was not, honestly, the man to calculate.
One word more about this very practical thing of expense in living.
But the poor animal did not enjoy the frolic as much as the wild youngsters, for he died in consequence; and this unfortunate termination of the exploit put a stop to any practical jokes for the enormous period of several months.
Bible Dictionary; and when the whole lesson was finished, the young people gave a summary of the religious truth, and practical inferences to be deduced from it.
Perhaps she has heard of the two spoons crossed, and doesn't know that that was a stupid vulgar practical joke.
Lady Chiltern was useful at such work, having a practical turn of mind, and understanding well the condition of life for which it was necessary that her friend should prepare herself.
Frankfort is bothpractical and picturesque, but it is dirty, and apparently averse to mirth.
The Duke was essential, and now, though the Duke's character was essentially that of a practical man who never raised unnecessary trouble, men said that the Duke was at the bottom of it all.
Others, who were more practical and less dignified, suggested that the Prime Minister "ought to have his head punched.
He had the gratification of knowing that he had been so far practical as to have then foreseen the necessity of a measure which had since been passed.
While we are in the world we have a duty to it, and those who neglect or think lightly of the practical and commonplace requirements of daily life are in the wrong.
Of human preaching, teaching, and writing we have enough and to spare--it does not appear to go home, or to bear any practical fruit.
I again insist that it is every woman's duty to know, or to acquire some practical knowledge of housekeeping, so that she may be ready for any emergency.
The precise age at which the interest of a young mind can be turned towards this practical branch of natural history is an open question, and not worth disputing about.
Eros, on the other hand, tookpractical views of life, and prided himself upon his solid common sense.
It was wild, fantastic, unconventional; but it had important practical merits nevertheless.
That only was valuable which had a practical bearing on life--and Christianity had that.
In the judgment of all people our divines have carried practical preaching and writing to the greatest perfection it ever arrived to; which shews, that we may affirm in general, our clergy is excellent, although this or that man be faulty.
Is its practical influence bounded within a few external plausibilities?
Observe next the frequency with which our Saviour's death and sufferings are introduced, and how often they are urged as practical motives.
How little then does Christianity deserve that title to novelty and superiority which has been almost universally admitted; that pre-eminence, as a practical code, over all other systems of ethics!
They who hold the fundamental doctrines of Scripture in their due force, hold also in its due degree of purity the practical system which Scripture inculcates.
It is even to forget your own principles; and to refuse its just place to solid practical virtue, while you assign too high a value to speculative opinions.
Usually the declaration took place in more practicalfashion by the surprise and slaughter of an unarmed party of the enemy--women fishing on the reef, or a messenger returning home in his canoe.
They were in fact a kind of permanent cabinet, with practical irresponsibility.
An innovating citizen had been ordered by the authorities to remove a lightning-conductor from his house within three days, as being a mischievous practical paradox, as well as a danger and an annoyance to his neighbours.
He was a man of peering and obscured vision in face of practical affairs.
He had neither strength of practical character, nor firm breadth of political judgment, nor a sound social doctrine.
All goes to show that Robespierre was really moved by nothing more than his invariable dread of being left behind, of finding himself on the weaker side, of not seeming practical and political enough.
It was acquired not by marked practical gifts, for in truth Robespierre did not possess them, but by his good character, by his rhetoric, and by the skill with which he kept himself prominently before the public eye.
The insurrection of the Fourteenth of July 1789 taught Robespierre a lesson of practical politics, which exactly fitted in with his previous theories.
Rousseau, in a passage in the Confessions, not only divines a speedy convulsion, but with striking practical sagacity enumerates the political and social causes that were unavoidably drawing France to the edge of the abyss.
Pedant as he was, he was yet enough of a politician to see the practical urgency of restoring material order, whatever spiritual belief or disbelief might accompany it.
First, there were the scientific or practical administrators, of whom the most eminent was Carnot.
Mr. Montagu Brown, in his “Practical Taxidermy,†thus describes the making of it.
First and foremost, however, if you would be successful, take this practical counsel to yourself.
He'll continue like that for days now, like an animal walking in a happy dream, quite useless for all practical purposes.
The practical Toad cared very much indeed, and he could have kicked the road for its helpless silence when every minute was of importance to him.
He has practical experience of it every day in his own family, and he doubts not that there are many others who entertain the same opinions as himself.
He is the true artist of fairyland, because he recognises its practical possibilities, and yet does not lose the glamour which was never on sea or land.
His mind could recall the map of Virginia which he had studied in school, but the picture was too faint to be of much practical benefit to him.
Nor does the new bride, indeed, show more concern than her people, there being not room for many emotions in her narrow, barbarous, practical brain.
And though a few mistakes may be found therein, a few incomplete truths; though since his time considerable additions have been made to the micrography and practical culture of bees, the handling of queens, etc.
In the Duchess Amelia and her son he found that practical sagacity, large knowledge of things as they are, active force, and genial feeling, which he had never before seen combined.
It must be admitted that this subject is beset with practical difficulties, which are not likely to be removed speedily, or without some great and improbable revolution in our religious affairs.
We should think it was so; that he was by nature intended for a practical man, rather than a writer.
Had Goethe entered upon practical life from the dictate of his spirit, which bade him not be a mere author, but a living, loving man, that had all been well.
In him should be sought the best genius of the Chinese, with that perfect practical good sense whose uses are universal.
He paints all his characters from the practical point of view.
The continuation of Faust in the practicalsense of the education of a man is to be found in Wilhelm Meister.
It is wonderful with how little practical insight travellers in China look on what they see.
While the apparition of the celestial Macaria seems to announce the ultimate destiny of the soul of man, the practical application of all Wilhelm has thus painfully acquired is not of pure Delphian strain.
He had lost the protection of the laws, and any one of his many enemies meeting him might have killed him with practical impunity.
I ask you once more, and reiterate my request, that he may find that to be the case by practical experience.
Only be sure you tell me everything with the greatest minuteness, although I ought now to be looking out for some practical step rather than a letter.
And I would not have you believe that I ask you these questions "with any view to action,"[207] because my heart is yearning to take part in practical politics.